Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 295 Brother Xinchun gets eternal life

"LANCER!" Arturia said with some joy as she looked at the handsome man holding two guns. Although it is a headache as an opponent, he is very reliable as a teammate.

"Berserker, I won't let you kill SABER who can only use one hand!" Ignoring Diarmuid's handsome appearance, he answered with an oncoming sword.

The giant sword and the red spear met, causing sparks to fly, and Diarmuid was knocked away by the sword. If Arturia only slid a few meters, then Diarmuid flew a long distance.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Diarmuid's power is indeed much smaller than Arturia's.

And the maddening Berserker is even better than the two.

After losing the ability to summon evil gods, Bluebeard's personal combat ability at this time was simply incredible.

"LANCER! Don't confront him head-on. He is much stronger than us. However, he has a fatal weakness, and that is speed!" Arturia is indeed a battle-experienced King Arthur, with a vicious look in his eyes. When Diarmuid and Berserker fought, they quickly discovered each other's weaknesses.

That's right, it's speed! Although the opponent's power has reached an incredible level. But the opponent's speed is not as terrifying as the enhanced strength.

As long as you don't fight head-on, there is still hope of victory!

Yuto! This is the battle plan adopted by Arturia and Diarmuid. Both Arturia and Diarmuid simply beat Berserker in terms of agility! Not only was he not hit again by the opponent, but the stiffness after swinging the opponent's weapon added a lot of scars to the opponent's body.

"Roar!!!" Following Berserker's roar, Diarmuid's Demon-Breaking Red Rose pierced Berserker's body.

"What a great opportunity!" Arturia seized the opportunity and swung his sword with the potential to cut the opponent in two.

However, Berserker's reaction was not slow either. Even though he was stabbed again by Diarmuid, he still waved his giant sword to force Arturia back.

"Whoosh" Fighting two agile heroic spirits at the same time, even as a berserker, Bluebeard was already panting from exhaustion. Going berserk does not mean that he does not consume physical strength. On the contrary, the physical consumption is even greater than in ordinary battles.

The balance of the battle keeps tilting towards Arturia.

"Roar!" Berserker once again roared like a beast at the two of them, but the two of them were not affected by this. However, Berserker's purpose was not here. Berserker was seen stretching towards his body covered in black energy, and when Berserker stretched out his hand again, a huge flag appeared in Berserker's hand.

Berserker took the flag and thrust it hard at his feet, three feet into the ground.

A strange light emanated from the flag at Berserker's feet, covering Berserker's body! Berserker roared once again! When Berserker appeared in front of Arturia and the two of them again, his physical strength was completely restored as if he had knocked on fairy beans.

B-level anti-personnel Noble Phantasm: "The Roar of the Rally Under the Holy Flag"!

Has your physical condition been fully restored? Will Brother Xinchun get eternal life? It's almost like cheating. No way, Arturia and Diarmuid deserve to fight Berserker again.

At the same time, a fierce battle was taking place in Einzbern's castle. Director Kenneth came back this time to retrieve the place where Kiritsugu almost killed him by detonating the building.

Although Kiritsugu is known as the magician killer, dozens if not hundreds of magicians have died at his hands. But Kenneth was completely different from the guys he had dealt with before. Whether it was detection methods, magic or even a head-on confrontation with Kiritsugu, he was at an absolute disadvantage.

Kenneth easily broke through all the traps arranged by Kiritsugu with just a piece of Moon Spirit Liquid. And easily found Kiritsugu's location. As a last resort, Kiritsugu could only use his strongest magic "Inherent Time Control" to escape from Kenneth's attack at twice the speed.

And at this time, after seeing that his magic gift "Moon Spirit Liquid" can perfectly defend against all the opponent's attacks.

Kenneth, who thought he was sure of victory, actually started to play cat-and-mouse. Instead of finding Kiritsugu immediately and giving him a fatal blow, he continued to exert pressure on Kiritsugu in an attempt to torture Kiritsugu with fear.

"It's useless, you can't even break through my defense." Kenneth said proudly while standing in the defense circle of "Moon Spirit Liquid". I've almost had enough fun, so I'll break his limbs first.

"This is the opportunity I've been waiting for!" Kiritsugu calmly took out a weird-looking old-fashioned pistol from the inside of his clothes and pointed it in Kenneth's direction.

However, at this time, Kenneth only thought that the other party was dying.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be Kiritsugu's unique magic gift - the Origin Bullet.

The origin bomb is Kiritsugu's final trump card to be called the Magician Killer. Everything he had done before was just to induce Kenneth, even using himself as bait. However, he succeeded, and Kenneth was completely exposed to Kiritsugu.

A shot was launched, easily breaking through the defense of "Moon Spirit Liquid" and hitting Kenneth's right shoulder.

"We got it!" A smile appeared on Kiritsugu's lips, and then he ran away without waiting for Kenneth to react.

"Humph, I was careless. But it won't be that easy next time. I will definitely tear you into pieces." Kenneth said with a ferocious expression, as if he didn't care at all about the constant surge of blood on his right shoulder. Blood.

Also, as a magician, especially an elite among magicians, if you make a fuss over even the slightest injury, then this so-called elite is too unbearable.

But what Kenneth didn't know was that the bullet he was hit was not an ordinary bullet, but an origin bullet. The damage of the origin bomb is not just at the physical level, or in other words, the physical level is only the smallest effect.

The scariest thing about it is that it can "short-circuit" the magic circuit of the magician, causing his magic to run wild and completely destroy the circuit. Not only can it cause damage, but it can also make it impossible to use magic again.

In other words, for a magician who regards magic circuits as life, this thing has the strongest lethality.

Kiritsugu now does not need to confront Kenneth head-on, he only needs to wait for the origin bomb to play its due role.

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