Hyperspace Transmigration

Chapter 127 Arrival 1

In the center of the abyssal battlefield covered by dark clouds, a huge basin emerges. At this moment, there are already many figures haunting it. These people are dressed in secret, all in dark gray, and their faces are also painted with gray oil paint-like substances. Their aura is extremely reserved. Like a dead thing, crawling forward.

Their identities are not surprising, they are all spies, they are scouts, complexly detect the intelligence on the battlefield, and find out the opponent's force layout.

In this place, divine sense is useless, and one can only rely on the naked eye to get information about the opponent. Many instruments and treasures other than the first time have become waste products, all of which are useless.

This team of scouts, a total of more than 20 people, is distributed around the huge basin, each of which is the key position of the central battlefield, and they have secret connections with each other. .

They moved forward cautiously, hiding their bodies as much as possible in this barren battlefield, because they knew that the opponent must also have a scout army here, and there must be someone from the opponent at every important position. After all, the opponent is not a fool. If it is accidentally exposed, it will be dead.

Death is still good, the worst case is being captured and soul searched.

"Hope everything goes well today!"

Li Xiaolu crawled under a diamond-shaped gravel, motionless, his eyes fixed on the front, talking to himself.

He is a disciple of Xinghai Temple. Twenty years ago, the head of the temple killed the holy son of the Golden Crow tribe and launched a war. Regarding this, the people of Xinghai Temple were very confused at first, and many people were even very frightened. to leave.

And at that moment, Lord Hall Master appeared.

That was the first time that Li Xiaolu saw the figure of the majestic Lord of the Palace, it was so great, so immortal, like a majestic mountain, projected in the sky.

He still remembered that after the Lord Hall Master projected it, everything became different, and everyone seemed to be filled with a kind of calmness, a kind of unprecedented confidence.

Later, Lord Hall Master said a lot, some people left, but more people stood up, joined the army, and came to the abyss battlefield to fight to the death.

"I am afraid of death, but if I really have to die, I will choose to die beautifully!"

He didn't know who said this sentence, but he always remembered it in his heart.

For this reason, he chose to join the scout team and became a member of the scout army of Xinghai Temple.

"Hey, that rock in front... is the opponent's scout?"

Li Xiaolu's eyes suddenly lit up, and at the moment just now, he saw a gray stone several kilometers away suddenly move a little towards the direction of his left hand.

Although the range was very small, he was sure that he read it correctly and indeed moved.

How do stones move?

It must be that the opponent's scout thought that there was no one around, and was going to move on and expand the scope of the search.

It's just that he didn't expect that he was still here among a stone a thousand meters away.

"It's been half an hour. Fortunately, I didn't move. Otherwise, I would be the one who was discovered!" Li Xiaolu sighed in his heart. If he was discovered, the consequence would be to be surrounded, then caught, tortured, and searched for souls.

There is no doubt that he must die.

In the distance, the stone moved again, moved slightly, and seemed to be impatient, and the time frequency of the movement also increased.

"Sure enough, it's the opponent's scout!"

Confirmed, Li Xiaolu sneered in his heart, but he still didn't move, but opened and closed his mouth, silently spit out a few ancient characters, and a faint connection was born suddenly.

In his mind, a silver starlight rune turned slightly as the character was spit out, and somehow, it had a connection with other runes around it.

This is the secret communication method of Xinghai Temple, a way for scouts to communicate with each other. It is difficult to be discovered, but it should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary. After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of accidents.

"Number two, what do you need?" A cold voice came from the rune in his mind.

Li Xiaolu knows,

This is their captain.

"Captain, I found the opponent's scout figure!"

Li Xiaolu said in his heart, and the voice was transmitted to the other party's mind.

"What direction?"

"One thousand six hundred meters in front of me, the approximate coordinate position is xxx, xxx!"


"Sure!" Li Xiaolu said.

The basin in the center of the entire battlefield has already been drawn into a huge plan by both sides, and each location has been divided into a detailed coordinate range. It is no secret how big the battlefield is. According to the distance and orientation of your sneak, make a little estimate , the coordinates can be obtained.

"But captain, the target is moving to the left at this moment, and the frequency is getting faster and faster!"

"I see, No. 2, keep an eye on the other party, and if something happens, report it immediately, and report the other party's location every minute!" The captain's voice came, paused, and he continued:

"No. 4, No. 11, and No. 16 are relatively close to your position. I have notified them to rush towards the enemy's position. They are expected to arrive in half an hour and try to capture the opponent alive!"


Li Xiaolu nodded and waited quietly.

At the same time, gray figures in several places in the distance slowly shifted their directions, and crawled cautiously towards Li Xiaolu's reporting position.

Their speed is very slow, and they are always paying attention to their surroundings to avoid being discovered.

After all, who knows if there are scouts hidden by the other party nearby, and then an anti-siege, it would be miserable.

Five minutes later, Li Xiaolu kept staring at the enemy. At this moment, his position was hundreds of meters lower than when it started. During this time, he reported his position every minute, very cautiously.

In my mind, a voice came, "Number two, they have arrived, pay attention, surround immediately!"


Li Xiaolu nodded, and the next moment, his body moved a little bit, his eyes fixed on the front, and he crawled towards the enemy little by little.

He is very cautious and cautious. During this period of time, many teammates have been captured by the enemy. He has seen several of them with his own eyes, so he is even more careful.

"The target has been locked, now, catch him, don't give him a chance to release the signal!"


Li Xiaolu stood up abruptly, and rushed towards the enemy's position at high speed. At the same time, a few hundred meters away, several gray figures also stood up, surrounded, and rushed towards the target.

But at this moment, for some unknown reason, Li Xiaolu's heart tightened, because the target remained motionless, as if resigned to his fate, he didn't even run.

"not good……"

His heart turned cold, and he immediately yelled, "Don't go, it's a trap!"

But, it was too late.

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