Hyperspace Transmigration

Chapter 149 Attack 2

More than a hundred years, in comparison, is simply too short.

Even more than a hundred years in the outside world, only a few days have passed in the Chunyang Great World, and the flow of time is completely unequal.

The world of Chunyang, east, west, north, four directions, each race, each force, each place, still live their own lives, or live and work in peace and contentment, or are in war, but they are all small troubles, in general, Everything in this world is still developing steadily.

No one knows what the world is about to face, and no one can guess.

As for the number of celestial secrets, in Li Yue's view, it is just a joke. If it is really so powerful that it can be counted that the main god universe is about to invade, then the Tianji palace has already dominated the world of pure yang.

Outside the crystal wall of the world, Li Yue looked at the crystal clear white crystal below, his eyes were as calm as water, "There is still a month to go, and the main god universe is about to arrive!"

"People below, enjoy your life!"

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to float in this chaotic void.


In the main god's space, there is a special battlefield, which is a specially opened up boundless space, and everything in the space can be transformed at will.

At this moment, the scene in this space manifests as a huge hilly ravine, and in this hilly area, there is a group of 100 reincarnators running at high speed.

"Hurry up, pay attention to the surrounding area!"

A group of people ran quickly, each wearing uniform black light armor, carrying an anti-matter gun, and a special alloy long knife.

These uniform outfits are standard equipment. Every piece of equipment looks ordinary, but in fact, whether it is the black light armor or the alloy long knife, they are all manufactured with exquisite craftsmanship. There are nano-level formations engraved inside. In the light armor, there are tens of thousands of complex formations. In terms of pure defense, it can withstand the blow of ordinary four-dimensional beings.

Very powerful.

Needless to say, the root of the alloy long knife, under the infusion of energy, cutting diamonds is like cutting tofu. Ordinary four-dimensional beings can be slashed with a single stroke. Of course, the premise is that you can hit it.

As for the anti-matter gun, it sounds awesome, but it is actually the most common of the three pieces of standard equipment.



A ray of light flashed across in the distance, and before one of the reincarnations had time to react, his body flew upside down, and his breath disappeared instantly.

"Be careful, there are enemies!"

The team leader's complexion changed, he roared hastily, raised his right hand high and gestured a few times, the whole team quickly dispersed and hid under various covers.

"Look how the 17th is doing?"


A reincarnated person nodded, then slowly groped through the cover, and came to the fallen reincarnated person.

It's just that the reincarnated person who flew upside down was out of breath at the moment, with a wooden arrow stuck in the center of his throat, and the arrow pierced his entire neck, obviously he couldn't die anymore.

"Report to the captain, number 17 is dead, it's the archer!"

"Damn it!" the captain cursed angrily, "One of us died before entering the opponent's territory!"

"Besides, this hill is mostly rubble and jagged with strange rocks. Who knows how many archers the opponent has arranged in front to snipe us, rushing up rashly is just to die!"

The captain's face is ugly. They are now hiding under the stone bunker by taking advantage of the terrain, not even daring to pop their heads out. Who the hell knows how many such archers are aiming at this place?

"No. 3, what about No. 3? You are the scout of the team. In this situation, can we detect the opponent's intelligence? As long as we know where the opponent has archers, everything is easy to talk about!"

"Captain, I can try!" A reincarnated soldier walked over and said calmly.


The captain nodded, and after the soldier got the order, he carefully walked along the bunker to one side. After climbing for a while, he shook his hand and took out a few tiny strange instruments from the watch in his hand. Holding a remote control device in the other hand, he carefully threw the instruments out.


Several instruments, just exposed, were shot by bows and arrows, nailed to the stone, and completely scrapped.

"Damn, such a small mechanical ant can be shot from such a distance, the opponent's archer is too perverted!"

The captain also saw this scene and cursed inwardly.

Their goal this time seems to be more difficult than imagined, and if they are not careful, they will even be wiped out here.

"Where's the sniper, where's the sniper?"

"Captain!" Several people came to him.

"How about it, did you find the position of the opponent's archer?"

"No, our sniper rifle is at the top, but the distance is too far away. The opponent seems to have some kind of cover. We can't see the opponent through the scope. We can only judge the direction, but we can't judge the specific distance!"

Damn it!

Could it be that he could only hide here and become a living target?

When he thought that the other party was hiding somewhere, watching from a distance, and with amazing sniping ability, he was so angry that he was dying.

an hour later.

All people were wiped out.

Among the hills, there were corpses all over the place, and the captain also died.

On the other side, only a few people died.

The gap is unbelievably large.

But this is not the end. After all the members of the team were wiped out, a stream of light flashed across, and the surrounding scene suddenly changed. The hills and rocks all disappeared, and the scene suddenly turned into an empty white space.

The corpse in the original place also opened its eyes again following the passing of the light.

"Your simulation battle this time can almost be said to be a complete failure!"

A silver-white robot stood in front of them, staring at these reincarnations with a cold face and a cold voice.

"Instructor, the target of the attack this time is really too difficult. We don't know who the target is? We were killed on the way forward, and the other party obviously knew that we were coming. They laid an ambush early and took advantage of the terrain to kill us." If we die, this is unequal intelligence, it's too unfair!"

A reincarnated soldier said unwillingly, he still clearly remembered the feeling of being shot through the head before, the feeling of death was too uncomfortable.

"Fair? What is fair? In war, who is fair to you?"

"You have carried out so many missions in the main god's space. When you killed the enemy, did you say it was fair to the enemy?"

"If you don't have information, you don't know how to get it by yourself. After accepting the offensive mission, one by one became more anxious than a monkey, and they didn't investigate. A group of people rushed up. Who do you think you are? Do you think this is Are you kidding me?"

The silver-white robot sneered, staring at these reincarnated soldiers with an unfriendly expression, and his tone was full of cold sarcasm.

(To be continued.)

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