Hyperspace Transmigration

Chapter 28 Reincarnation 2

Gray mist has shrouded this area all year round. It has accumulated and deposited between this canyon for an unknown number of years, and it has long been so thick that it cannot be dissolved.

After entering it, the visibility of the field of vision is greatly compressed, and there is a gray area everywhere in the eyes. After more than ten meters, you can't see anything clearly.

And exactly the same as in the abyss battlefield, in this place, divine sense cannot be used.

"Fortunately, the connection with the main god universe is still there!"

Li Yue thought to himself, now with the invasion of the Lord God Legion, most of this world has been occupied by him, and he has put his label on it. The most direct benefit is the assimilation and integration of the Lord God Universe to the Pure Yang Universe. The analysis is greatly enhanced, and the intrusion is more thorough.

In the past, it was difficult for Li Yue to communicate with the universe of the main god when he entered the world of Chunyang, but now, he can basically go anywhere.

When he dealt with the Lord of the South Sea before, he used the origin of the Lord God's universe to add to his body, and slapped the Lord of the South Sea who wanted to plot against him to death.

But now, after entering this bottomless abyss, the connection between him and the universe of the main god still exists. Once he encounters any crisis, as long as he moves his mind, the source will bless his body and burst out half-six-dimensional strength in an instant.

Thick gray mist shrouded the depths of the canyon, and the canyon was unknown how deep it was. Li Yue flew very fast, but he still hadn't reached the bottom of the canyon after flying for nearly a minute.

"Bottomless Abyss is worthy of the name!"

Time passed by little by little, and another minute passed.

Gradually, Li Yue felt a faint breath of death around him, and as he landed, this breath became more intense.


Below, there was a howling sound.

And, more and more.

That sound was very harsh, like the harsh sound of a knife blade scratching on frosted glass, it hurt the eardrums.


Li Yue's body accelerated suddenly, and soon his body pierced through a thin layer of fog, and his vision became clear.

Looking down, one can see a desolate world, a desolate land, and on the land, there are some skeletons standing dotted with each other, each and every one of them is like a living creature, slowly wandering in this desolate world.

These skeletons come in a variety of shapes, including human, animal, human and animal, crawling on the ground, and flying in the sky.

The howling sound before came from the mouths of some large skeletons.

It's very strange how these skeletons make sounds, but there are too many weird things in the world, and this thought is just passing by.

"The world of death?"

Li Yue murmured to himself, and as he looked around, he could see more and more skeletons like this wandering in this place, among the boundless canyons, I don't know how many skeletons like this are there.

In addition to these skeletons, there are also plants in this dim world, most of which grow among the rocks and emit faint fluorescence, which is also one of the main light sources here.

"The gray mist in the sky is like a blockade, isolating this dead world from the outside world, forming two completely different worlds!"

"The breath of these skeletons is not weak. It can be seen that there are strong people in front of them. After death, they fell to this place. After years of evolution, this kind of dead creature was born!"

Li Yue could even feel that the breath of a few skeletons had reached the peak of immortality, which was extremely powerful. Of course, their howls were also the most ear-piercing.

"This is just the edge of the bottomless abyss, and the abyss battlefield is the real center, but even if there are so many terrifying skeletons in this edge area, what will happen to the center?"

In the historical records, there are many sacred people who have broken into the bottomless abyss, but they have never returned. The various dangers in this can be seen.

"However, there is no isolation of spiritual thoughts here. After passing through the fog belt, my primordial spirit can be used again, and the connection with the main god universe still exists!"

"in this way,

It is also convenient for my search! "

Thinking about it, Li Yue's primordial spirit was extremely let go, ready to thoroughly scan all the corners of this canyon, looking for the location of the lord of reincarnation, to see if he is here.

But before he could take any action, he felt a strange divine thought coming from a distance, and a voice came into his mind:

"You don't need to be so troublesome. There is a small valley twenty miles to the right. I will wait for your presence here!"

After the voice finished speaking, it disappeared.

Li Yue looked at that direction calmly, and flew directly towards it.

Soon he saw that direction, there was a small mountain peak raised on three sides, surrounded by each other, forming a small valley.

The scenery inside the valley is completely different from that outside the valley. What Li Yue sees is a green world with lush flowers and plants and a strong breath of life.

There, the breath of death has completely turned into an opposing breath of life. The continuous death energy from the outside world disappeared instantly when it touched the valley, and was swallowed and transformed, forming a strong vitality.

And this method does not have any artificial traces, it is a miracle born of nature.

"Does the extreme of death create vitality?"

After a few glances, Li Yue saw the mystery of this place.

This valley is the center of this death zone. It is not the geographical location at the center, but the energy intensity.

The death energy here is the strongest, and the thick death energy in all directions can almost bury everything, but it miraculously forms this kind of opposite life miracle, which is very mysterious.

In this small valley full of life, there is a simple small wooden building with a nursery fence outside the wooden building and a vegetable field where some fruits and vegetables are grown.

Li Yue came here, stepped down, and walked slowly towards the wooden building.

The small wooden building is elegant in shape and has an antique flavor. At this moment, the main door is opened, and a young man in white clothes is sitting outside the door. He is sitting on the aisle outside the wooden building, and there is a small tea table in front of him, pouring tea.

"Sit down! The timing is just right. This pot of tea has just been boiled. Try it. This is the Enlightenment tea that I planted myself. Although it is useless to you and me, it is good to quench your thirst."

The young man turned his head, and with a slight smile on his face, he cupped his hands at Li Yue, signaling him to sit down.

"You are the Lord of Reincarnation?"

Li Yue was not polite, walked straight to the small table, sat opposite the young man, looked at him quietly, and asked.

"Well, that's what outsiders call it, but I don't like this name. Why do you have a good name for a good person?"

"Actually, I prefer them to call me by my name. Unfortunately, those people's hearts are too heavy, and they can't pretend anymore!"

"My name is Gu Tianyue, a man of idle clouds and wild cranes. Before enlightenment, he was called Tianyue Layman. After enlightenment, he was called Lord of Reincarnation. How about you?"

"Li Yue!"

"Well, it's a good name!"

The young man smiled, and after filling the teacup in front of Li Yue with the teapot, he put the teapot down carefully, then waved to Li Yue, and said, "Okay, Your Excellency Li Yue, please use it!"


ps: I had a high fever today, I was on an IV in the hospital, I didn’t go to work, and I didn’t wake up until now. The update in these two days may be a little later, but it will not be less. There will be a basic guarantee of 4D for one day, and there are still some drafts. After these few days, it should be almost the same. Hope you guys understand, sorry!

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