After all the dishes were served, Liu Yun and Ye Xuan also took their seats.

Everyone was shocked to see the dishes on this table, but they were surprised that they didn't have chopsticks.

In such a short period of time, I haven't caught a few mermaids yet. How can I make so many good dishes?

Everyone present glanced at each other and secretly said: No matter what, the appearance is in place... The taste will not be bad!

Liu Yun looked at the crowd and nodded faintly with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Liu Yun means: You read that right, this is what Brother Ye did.

The young and old looked at Liu Yun in a daze. At this time, their eyes were full of horror and looked around, seeing that there was nowhere to hide people around, and then looked back at Liu Yun in confusion.

Liu Yun knew that the thoughts of these young, young, and young ladies were the same as his own. Then, he shook his head with an expression of absolute certainty, and nodded again.

Shaking his head means: there is no outsider, nodding means: it was really done by Brother Ye.

Ye Xuan was happy to see it by the side, did this group of people communicate with brain waves? There was no sound in the air, looking at their expressions, there was a rush to watch a silent comedy movie.

Then, after accepting that the delicious-looking dishes on this table were all made by Brother Ye, many people swallowed a mouthful of saliva and felt their stomachs ringing.

It's too late to say it!

Liu Yun was the first to stand up and slap the table!

I saw Liu Yun rushed to the kitchen where the chopsticks were placed at a sprint speed of 100 meters, rushing to get the chopsticks.

Then the others immediately stood up and followed behind him.

Then, a young man saw that they were all rushing to get the bowls and chopsticks, ready to pinch the sashimi directly and grab a bite in front of them.

A young lady next to him glared at the young man and said in a cold voice, "If you dare to do it, we will chop your pig's trotters!"

The murderous eyes of a few girls present shot him at him, and the young man got scared and stood up obediently, ready to line up to get chopsticks.

The eldest lady stopped him and said, "Hold on!"

The eldest young man turned his head, his eyes glowing, and he thought to himself that she wanted to promise me to get started again?

I saw the eldest lady say: "Get me a pair too!"

Then several girls present also said: "Get me a pair too!" "And me!"

Young Master: "..."

Co-author not only did not take the lead in eating food, but also became a tool for these young ladies!

It's really clever but being mistaken by cleverness!

Then everyone finally took the bowls and chopsticks and began to feast.

Liu Yun came back first and picked up a piece of lobster meat with chopsticks.

The lobster meat is fresh and tender, topped with Ye Xuan's special sauce, and it explodes in the taste buds in one bite, making people feel like immortals.

Looking at Liu Yun's very enjoyable expression, the young, young and young ladies who got the bowls and chopsticks quickly picked up a piece of lobster meat.

That plate of lobster meat was soon gone.

The expressions of everyone on the table also turned into a look of endless aftertaste.

"It's a pity that I only caught one lobster, it's too few." Liu Yun said with emotion: "This Thermidor lobster made by Brother Ye is actually better than the one in the store! No, Brother Ye, I remember going to France before. In the restaurant, the chef told me that they used tarragon to prepare the sauce, which is the essence of this dish. However, I remember that there was no tarragon in the seasoning I brought?"

Ye Xuan explained with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be eating, you're pretty good at it? This is indeed the way of Thermidor lobster, but there is no tarragon, so I improved it. I used an appropriate amount of fennel seeds. Substitute with licorice."

Liu Yun was surprised that fennel and licorice are commonly used seasonings in Chinese cuisine, so he brought it over this time. I didn't expect this to be used in French cuisine.

Everyone was shocked when they heard it. They really didn't expect Brother Ye to be such a chef. Not only could he cook, but he could even use existing ingredients to make dishes that surpassed the original taste according to local conditions.

Then everyone also ate other dishes. Although there were no lobsters, the other dishes were also made by god-level cooking skills, and the natural taste was not bad.

In particular, a few crabs can actually make a table of dishes, which is also shocking.

"Um... Brother Ye, this crab is amazing. One crab can taste several flavors. And each one is so delicious." An eldest lady looked at Ye Xuan admiringly.

Ye Xuan smiled and said modestly: "This is what I did in a special crab restaurant before, just try to learn it. The main thing is that our crabs are fresher than the store today. So I dare to say that it is definitely better than the store. food."

Liu Yun continued: "Wow! I seem to have been to the shop you mentioned, Brother Ye! Jinling Internet celebrity crab shop Crab Island Le, right? The crabs used in that shop are not fresh, and the seasoning is also very casual. Brother Ye is delicious! You say yes, right?"

The surrounding eldest and eldest ladies also nodded.

Everyone was curious about how Ye Xuan learned to cook such dishes, but Ye Xuan just said casually: "Look at my sister's cooking."

"Brother Ye is awesome! You can learn it just by looking at it! When I grow up, I can only make scrambled eggs with tomatoes..."

"That's for sure, don't look at Brother Ye's IQ, and what's your IQ."

"Yeah, yeah, genius is learning everything fast."

After eating, everyone was full

After resting for a while, I started to return.

Until they got back to the shore, everyone was sighing with emotion: "Brother Ye, this is so awesome, you can even cook with so much strength!"

"Yeah, Brother Ye can do everything now, and it will be even more amazing in the future. I don't know which little girl is so lucky to marry Brother Ye in the future." A young man said with emotion, this is not the favorite of girls Is the perfect president character in the domineering president's article?

Another eldest lady also smiled and said, "Is there any chance for a little girl, when Brother Ye grows up, I will be the first in line to marry him!"

"And me!" "No no, I'm here first!"

At this time, many eldest ladies are also clamoring to wait for Ye Xuan to marry him when he grows up.

There was talk and laughter along the way, everyone packed up, and they were all ready to go back to their respective homes.

Then Liu Yun asked: "Thanks to Brother Ye's guidance today, we all ate fish, not only that, but a lot of leftovers. What can we do about this? And this big grouper, who only ate a fish head, and everything else. I haven't finished it yet. Brother Ye, why don't you take it back?"

Ye Xuan said: "No, I will also handle the fish left over from the big grouper and put it in your refrigerator. You can keep it for yourself. Or take it back if anyone wants it."

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