"Hey, heaven is not in my boat, that's all, that's all... It's just a pity that this world-famous genius, alas..."

The old artist shook his head slightly and looked at the dark street with a lonely face, a pity he couldn't tell.

However, the old artist is also very happy that they are so young and that the child can sing opera and like opera at such a young age.

The biggest difficulty in opera is that it is not liked by contemporary young people, but now it is slowly being accepted by young people. Old artists are not only happy for themselves, but also for opera.

It really makes people's whole heart warm, looking at the moonlight from afar, the quintessence of the nation will never die.

The night is sultry, and the stars play secretly.

The full moon exudes a gentle moonlight in the sky, and the evening wind rises, blowing the heartstrings of passers-by.

Ye Xuan was sitting in the car, looking at the clear view on the sky through the car window. The weather was good tonight, and there were no extra clouds blocking it, which made the night sky near the Mid-Autumn Festival show its true colors.

The sisters chattered and discussed how wonderful tonight's play was, admiring the old artist's heart and his breathtaking voice.

After a while, at the door of Villa No. 1, the eldest sister Ye Wan drove the car into the garage, stopped and turned off the car, then got out of the car and walked into the villa with her sisters.

As soon as she entered the villa, the fifth sister Ye Fei couldn't wait to say:

"Little brother, how did they teach you? Quickly teach sister, I also want to sing a few words."

The fifth sister, Concubine Ye, was originally a singer. She was very talented in singing, and had a unique voice, and her control over the sense of sound was also very good, but the only thing she didn't know was the opera.

Opera doesn’t just need a sharp voice. It requires a good voice and the use of qi and tone to sing. Of course, no matter how bad the voice is, as long as you master the method, you can still sing it. Just talking about how it feels.

"Yes, little brother, I also want to learn."

The fourth sister, Ye Chan, also looked at Ye Xuan expectantly, and the other sisters were all looking forward to coming over after hearing what the two said. It seemed that they all wanted to learn a few words.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then nodded and said:

"It's very simple. For the fifth and fourth sisters, you should learn it right away. He didn't teach me anything. Seeing as I'm young, I can't learn if I teach too much, so I told me to raise my voice and relax. The throat is fine, but I can sing this myself."

Having said this, Ye Xuan cleared his throat, then lifted his breath and sang:

"People walking by the stage~~No old colors, people on stage singing~~Heartbroken farewell song~~"

After two sentences, the sisters were all amazed, especially the fifth sister Ye Fei covered her mouth, feeling very terrified by Ye Xuan's singing talent.

"If it's playful, it's similar to singing. It's still in the Dantian, and it's just singing with qi. If you sing, you sing with qi. You know, this fifth sister and fourth sister, tighten your lower abdomen and relax your throat, and you can feel it when you cough. If you feel your lower belly is being stretched, then when you sing, you will also stretch your lower belly, then sing with your breath and relax your throat, ladies, try coughing and find the feeling of your lower belly being stretched."

Ye Xuan said this, except for the fourth sister Ye Chan and the fifth sister Ye Fei, who sang better, the other sisters coughed twice and felt the feeling of their lower abdomen being stretched.

Then he looked at Ye Xuan and nodded, indicating that he felt it.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan also nodded, and then continued:

"Okay, then next, the core support point of singing opera is the position between the eyebrows, the fulcrum of using qi, that is, when singing after tightening the lower abdomen, you should put your voice forward, that is to say, relax your throat and let The qi reaches between the eyebrows, and then use the eyebrows to release the sound. To put it simply, when you sing, you can feel the throat is very relaxed, the lower abdomen is stretched and the qi is used, and the eyebrows and the whole brain are resonated by the sound. In this way, You can sing drama."

What Ye Xuan said is actually a way to sing, but the fulcrum jumps between the eyebrows. If you really want to sing opera well, you still need a lot of practice, and there are many different places.

Among them, such as moving the sound forward and backward, this is a technique. Using the lower abdomen as a fulcrum to pull the air, using the head cavity, the nasal cavity, the chest cavity, and using different breaths, there are many techniques in it.

But here is to satisfy the excitement of the sisters who want to have two voices, so Ye Xuan taught the easiest way, so that everyone can get their wish.

Many people habitually use their throats to sing, so the sound of singing is not very good, giving people a very dead feeling, and after singing a few songs, they will feel very uncomfortable in the throat, very tired, and have chronic pharyngitis. Those who wait will vomit.

There are also many beginners who think they are using their breath, but when they sing, they actually use their throat.

If you want to sing well, you must not sing with your throat, and your qi sinks into your dantian. Many people don't quite understand what it means, and they can't feel the so-called qi and the so-called dantian.

In fact, you don't need to think too much, just take a breath, and when you sing, you just need to find your lower abdomen as a fulcrum, tighten your lower abdomen, relax your throat, don't use your throat to make sounds, and vibrate your head and between your eyebrows, so you can sing very easily. , will also sound good.

When the eyebrows are vibrated, you will feel a little itchy feeling, which is used as a punctuation for success.

In fact, not only singing, singing, but also speaking, those who speak with breath will have a much nicer voice and a certain volume, while those who speak with their voices are fine for those with a good voice, but not so good. people, that sound is like something, and the volume

very low.

As long as you use your breath well, you will become the most beautiful boy on KTV, become the pillar of the party, the spotlight will shine on you, and everyone will sink in your singing.

After listening to Ye Xuan's explanation, the sisters immediately showed an expression of "so it is", and then took a deep breath and began to learn according to the method that Ye Xuan said.

The fifth elder sister Ye Fei and the fourth elder sister Ye Chan, these two basic people, were even more skilled at singing. I saw the two of them pondering for a while, then took a breath and started to sing.

"I'm walking in the long street, listening to the actors singing about the capital~~ People are messy like clowns, Ye Huang retreats into Changqiu~~"

"In order to save Li Lang from his homeland, who would have guessed that he would be the champion in the imperial list~~"

At the beginning, the singing was not very stable. Occasionally, I could sing some opera tunes, and occasionally changed back. After singing for a while, the fifth sister Ye Fei and the fourth sister Ye Chan had already mastered the opera singing method. Although it is not very stable, at least I can sing a few sentences completely.

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