I, a Hundred Billion Boss, Signed in the City for Eight Years!

Five hundred and twentieth chapters stalemate

The two sides were at a stalemate in the argument, let alone the fourth sister Ye Chan. It was completely impossible to tell whether the eldest sister was a loyal minister or a traitor. In addition, Ye Xuan's arrogant words made people feel more confusing. Can't tell.

The eldest sister was also a little surprised. I didn't expect the younger brother to say such a thing to directly disrupt her plan and make her identity become illusory and ethereal, which is not a good thing.

But this is the end of the matter, there is no other way, only to bite the bullet.

Ye Xuan also has a purpose now, and then played a killing card against the eldest sister Ye Wan. The eldest sister Ye Wan only has one blood, but fortunately she still has a flash card.

But it can't stop her for a while, but it makes her head a little big. She is really a good protagonist, and she can't tell friends from enemies for a long time. This is really a pit!

After the kill card was played, Ye Xuan ended the round and handed over the right to play the card to the fourth sister, Ye Chan.

Although I still have cards, I'm not in a hurry. The first thing I need to do now is to save the cards. I'm not in a hurry to deal with the eldest sister. There are two sharp blades, the fourth sister Ye Chan and the second sister Ye Ying, so you don't need to do it yourself.

At the beginning of the round, all the cards were drawn, and the fourth sister Ye Chan drew a kill card and a thousand arrows, and then because she couldn't tell whether the eldest sister was a traitor or a loyal one, she didn't play any cards. She was smart and kept the cards. Then the eldest sister's life and death rights were handed over to the second sister Ye Ying.

The second sister, Ye Ying, was rude. After getting the right to play, she directly played a kill card to the eldest sister Ye Wan. The eldest sister Ye Wan still had a flash, so she blocked it.

Then, the second sister Ye Ying played a Nanban invasion again, forcing the eldest sister to play the kill card. The eldest sister still has the kill card, so she has no choice but to play it. If she can't draw the kill card in the next round, she can't take the initiative. It's really troublesome.

Then, Ye Ying, the second sister, used a knife to kill the elder sister, and the weapon of the younger brother Ye Xuan to kill the eldest sister.

Ye Xuan happened to have a kill card. After all, he saved some, so he smiled at the elder sister and said:

"Eldest sister, accept your fate, evil is invincible."

After speaking, he played the killing card and joined forces with his second sister, Ye Ying, to behead the eldest sister!

The eldest sister Ye Wan was instantly discouraged and grabbed the table with her head, lying on the table with no energy at all. She knew very well that the fourth sister Ye Chan had no medicine bottle, and even if she had, she would not save herself.

The monarch is unknown, and he listens to the words of treacherous officials. This has happened many times in ancient times. There is no way, the trend has passed, and now only the country is waiting for the change of owner.

"Oh, it's said that I'm a loyal minister and I don't believe it..."

The eldest sister Ye Wan sighed and opened her identity card, where two big characters were engraved: loyal minister.

Seeing this, the fourth elder sister Ye Chan was immediately stunned, and the second elder sister Ye Ying was also stunned. Only Ye Xuan smiled wildly.

"Hahahaha, no matter how good the layout is, it can't resist people's fear. Big sister, the wind is not on your side, you have the right time and the right place, it's just one person missing. Oh, I happened to have it just now."

The eldest sister Ye Wan has completely given up now, lying on the table and waving her hand, indicating that she can't control it anymore.

The second sister Ye Ying also reacted at this time, looking at Ye Xuan and said speechlessly:

"Little brother, you really hid deep enough. Everyone was deceived by you and thought you were really a loyal minister."

"Yeah, I was stunned. Just now I thought that my younger brother was a bit like a traitor, but I hesitated, oh, it's true."

Fourth elder sister Ye Chan said regretfully, now that the only loyal minister of the eldest sister is gone, so now she is the only one left on the battlefield facing a traitor and a traitor.

It is unfortunate that both the traitor and the traitor want her life, but luckily, the traitor can win by killing the lord, and the traitor must kill both the traitor and the lord to win.

The lord also has to kill two people to win, so that a three-way confrontation will be formed.

The second sister, Ye Ying, understands her current position very well. If she wants to deal with the traitorous little brother first, then she will give the lord a chance to attack her. She has only one level of blood now, which is very bad, and it is easy to lose. .

If you attack the lord, then the traitor can attack yourself, but the traitor cannot cooperate with yourself, the traitor, to attack the lord, because once the lord dies, the traitor wins and the traitor loses.

In some respects, the traitor and the traitor are considered to be on the same path. After all, they both have to kill the lord, but the traitor has a precondition that he needs to kill everyone, but the traitor does not.

So this has formed a very troublesome thing. Right now, the best way for me is to attack the lord, and when you get the right to play, attack the lord. There is only one way.

Only by killing the lord quickly, can you win, otherwise, there is only a dead end.

The second sister, Ye Ying, knew it well.

As for Ye Xuan, she knew the second sister's thoughts in her heart. Right now, the second sister had no other way to win than attacking the lord. If she wanted to attack herself first, she would not be able to fight herself with her three bloods full of blood. Yes, and without the right to play, it is easy to kill her, so this behavior is meaningless, just a waste of time.

So the only way for the second sister Ye Ying, the only way to survive is to attack the lord and attack quickly to win.

As for myself, of course, it is impossible for the second sister to kill the lord first. In that case, the rebel will win, and he will lose.

So the only way for me is to take the second sister away first, and then leave me and the fourth sister Ye Chan in a 1v1 situation. In this way, there is a chance of life and a chance to win.

As for the fourth sister Ye Chan, it is the same for her to kill anyone first. She will carry the traitor Ye Xuan first.

If she leaves, then she will still face the rebel thief, presenting a 1v1 situation. Conversely, if the second sister, the rebel thief, is taken away first, then she will also be 1v1 with the younger brother.

It's the same no matter what, but there is one difference, that is, the second sister, the rebel, has only one blood, while the younger brother has three blood, so she can carry the second sister Ye Ying away first, and then 1v1 with the younger brother, but in that case, the In terms of the younger brother's hand, she would definitely lose.

But is there any other way?

Fourth elder sister Ye Chan fell into contemplation, thinking of a better way, just like on the battlefield, she had to think of the best way to win herself.

The second sister Ye Ying did the same, but she soon had a good idea.

"Fourth sister."

She raised her head and looked directly at Ye Chan and said:

"Listen to me, no matter who you are attacking now, you will end up in a 1v1 situation. I know you definitely want to carry me away first, but after you kill me, you finally fight against my younger brother, my younger brother is now Full of blood, you will definitely lose."

"Yes, I know."

Fourth Sister Ye Chan nodded and replied.

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