Seeing that the younger brother had already eaten, the sisters were also very happy. They got up and went to the entrance to change their shoes, then picked up the bag and pulled Ye Xuan out the door.

After a while, we arrived at the most prosperous and oldest antique street in Jinling.

This street is a kind of pedestrian street. There are many businesses. In the center of the street is a retro-style ancient cyan arch. After entering, it is an antique street.

After the sisters parked the car on the side of the road, they got off the car and walked into the pedestrian street. After strolling around, they came to a shop selling desserts and milk tea. They were going to buy something to go in and eat while shopping.

The storefront of this store is not very big, but there are a lot of people queuing in front of the door, which is in stark contrast with other stores. It must be better.

When they got to the back of the queue, the fourth sister, Ye Chan, spontaneously went up to the queue. The other sisters and Ye Xuan were standing at the side. After all, one person in the queue was enough.

The speed of the store is still quite fast. After a while, it will be the fourth sister Ye Chan's turn. There is a middle-aged man in front of him. He has already paid and waited for the things he bought to be ready.

The other sisters also chose what they wanted at this time, and when they were ready to talk later, after a while, the waiter packed the things the middle-aged man wanted and handed them to the middle-aged man. The man said, "Thank you for coming, please walk slowly!"

The middle-aged man also thanked him, then picked up his belongings and prepared to leave. When he was just leaving, a woman in her thirties suddenly cut in the queue and stood in front of the fourth sister, Ye Chan.

As soon as the woman came over, she immediately shouted to the waiter:

"I want a cup of bubble tea and a Xue Mei Niang, hurry up, I still have something to do."

The sisters were a little confused by this woman. I didn't expect that there would be people jumping in the queue when it came to me soon?

The waiter was also a little stunned, and she could naturally see that this person was jumping in the queue, and his tone was not very good, as if he was clearly telling someone, so he stood still the whole time.

Looking at the woman and the sisters, I didn't know what to do for a while. After all, if I did it to the woman first, it would be the default behavior of cutting the queue.

But if I don't do it for women, I don't know what to say.

When she was struggling, the sisters spoke first, looking at the woman and saying:

"No, eldest sister, how did you cut the queue? It should be our turn now, why did you cut the queue?"

"That's right, you have to buy it and wait in line at the back. Everyone is queuing up. How do you cut the line?"

"Let's go out quickly, it should be our order time now, and there is no quality in jumping in line."

That woman may have been used to jumping in line and always thought that no one would say anything, so she was particularly unscrupulous. This time, when she heard her sisters accusing her, she suddenly couldn't fix it for herself. She looked at her sisters in astonishment, saying Can't speak.

After the sisters finished their accusations, some passers-by behind them also echoed:

"That's right, why are you so incompetent, we all line up one by one, how do you cut the line?"

"There's no reason to cut the queue. It's a first-come-first-served basis for everything. Those who come after you have to queue up, and there are no rules."

"Hurry up and stand in the back, it's really unreasonable to make trouble."

"Who is this? He's still jumping in the queue, and he doesn't talk about civilization at all. It's annoying to watch."

"Who will line up after you cut the line like this? I really think that everyone's talk about civilization and quality is the capital for people like you to condone? See you soon."

The woman was also a little embarrassed by what everyone said. Impatiently, she walked out of the queue. After she went out, she stood aside, and said with a bit of dissatisfaction:

"I'm in a hurry, so I can't let it go. Young people nowadays really don't have any enthusiasm at all. You can't wait a little longer if you have time. It's true that your conscience has been eaten by a dog."

What she meant by this was the same as the kind of person who said, "There are so many houses in your family and no one lives in them, so you can leave them alone, why don't you let me live there".

I always feel that I am in a hurry, and I have privileges over others for anything. Everyone has urgent matters, but smart people know how to deal with their time problems reasonably and use their time rationally so as not to cause harm to others. Trouble, but also to obey the rules.

But there is always a type of people who don't have the clear head to sort out their time issues reasonably, don't think about anything, don't think about anything, and then go out and start to trouble others when time is running out.

This kind of person is the most unreasonable. They even think that they urgently need this privilege because they have something to do. Why can't everyone understand themselves?

Why does everyone have time, but can't be accommodating?

But she didn't know that everyone's extra time was freed up by herself through reasonable plans, and not everyone had free time when they were away from home.

And, besides, everyone is human, why let you?

You say that if you are an old man, soldier, pregnant woman, old, weak, sick or disabled, you can take advantage of this privilege, but if you are a normal person, why do you have to let everyone get used to you? let you?

So after hearing this, everyone was very angry, and they fought back at her:

"Which eye do you see that we all have time? I have to pick up our children later. I'm late and I didn't cut the line? I'm still queuing up?"

"No vegetarian

Quality is not quality. I don’t know how to plan the time in advance, and now I have to trouble others. It’s really funny. "

"A person like you doesn't even have a conscience. If you are in a hurry, please explain it to everyone and apologize. No one will let you cut the queue. You just go up and cut the queue. With such an arrogant attitude, who is accustomed to you? You? Who are you?"

"Some people are just unreasonable. I don't want to talk to such people. It's like I have a good conscience."

The sisters also wanted to scold, but they also knew in their hearts that it was meaningless to quarrel with such unrighteous and unreasonable people, it would only make themselves angry.

So he didn't speak, sneered, then looked at the waiter and asked:

"Hello, how much is left of Xue Meiniang that person said just now?"

The waiter was a little relieved when he heard everyone's counterattack. Hearing the sisters asking, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"Uh, there's... I'll take a look, um... It seems like there are the last fifteen left."

"Okay, I've got it all. I'll pack as much as I have."

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