I Am A Boss Mommy That Wants To Slack

Chapter 815: blind date (9)

llang="zh-CN">Chapter 815 Blind date (9)_Big brother Mommy, she just wants to be a salted fish every day_Coke Novel Network varpreview_page="/book/345738/207836274.html";varnext_page="/book/345738/207923282.html";varindex_page="/book/345738/";vararticle_id="345738";varchapter_id="207892446"; vararticle_title="Big Mommy, she just wants to be a salted fish every day";varchapter_title="Chapter 815 Blind Date (9;document.onkeydown=jumpPage; LibraryFantasy MagicXianxia CultivationUrban RomanceHistorical MilitaryOnline GamesScience FictionHorror and GhostOther NovelsLeaderboardMy bookshelfFavorite this sitelogin();Home>Other novels>Big Brother Mommy, she just wants to be a salted fish every day>Chapter 815 Blind date (9)showSet();Chapter 815 Blind date ( 9) Top recommendation: Read1();Read2();Read3(); Pure text online reading domain name of this site www.xklxsw.net mobile phone synchronization To read, please visit m.xklxsw.net

Mother Zeng paused, and frowned: "The Chu family only has one lady of the right age. Didn't you say you didn't see her last time on a blind date?"

Great father also paused.

He looked at the Maybach again, and then waved to the butler next to him: "Go and check the license plate number, whose family it belongs to."

The butler nodded and left.

The couple then entered the living room.

Zeng Keyi had already walked around with Chu Qianshu, explaining to her the layout of the room, which room he lived in, and which room his parents lived in.

Soon, relatives from the Zeng family arrived.

The second aunt of Zeng's second room is a gossip, and because her daughter was admitted to the prestigious Qingbei University, she likes to compare other people's children with her own.

Even among wealthy families, being able to take the college entrance examination seriously and be admitted to Qingbei University is still a very powerful existence.

So when she saw Zeng Keyi, Second Aunt Zeng smiled and said, "Keyi, your brother won't be able to come today. I heard that there is some kind of biological science exchange meeting in school today. It is international. It is said that there are several international conferences. Well-known experts will come to participate, but his mentor took a fancy to him and asked him to be in charge of setting up the scene, so he didn't come."

As soon as the words came out, Zeng's mother praised: "This child has been smart since he was a child, and he can be regarded as a Wenqu star in our family. It is really amazing to be admitted to Qingbei by his own ability."

Second Aunt Zeng smiled, and looked at Zeng Keyi again: "Who says it's not? Sister-in-law, you don't want to listen to what I have to say. Keyi is just too playful and doesn't study hard. Although our family is rich , but those who really study hard, and those who don’t study hard, are still different when they come out..."

As soon as these words came out, Zeng Mu's face turned dark.

She took advantage of the opportunity to praise the other party's son, which was polite.

Why is this second sibling still so annoying?

Mother Zeng tried to change the subject: "Is he going to graduate this year? When will he come to work in the company?"

Second Aunt Zeng immediately said disdainfully: "My son said, what's the point of managing the company? It's enough to hire a professional manager for a little money, as long as you check the bill regularly every month. , contributing to scientific research."

"Hey, he also said, don't be a businessman who smells of copper. He thinks that doing scientific research can better reflect his life value."

Great Mother: "..."

This is really going too far.

It's okay to engage in scientific research, but why despise them for doing business?

If it weren't for the few people in your family who were doing business, how could your second room get so much dividends every year?

But Zeng's mother can't fight back now, because now the whole society respects scientists...

When Zeng Mu was sulking, a voice suddenly came from beside her: "Second Aunt, is the bioscience exchange meeting you mentioned just about biomedicine?"

Second Aunt Zeng turned her head and saw Chu Qianshu, she smiled and said, "Yes, I heard that a group of scientists will come to this seminar, they are the world's top figures... By the way, I heard that Ke Yi's girlfriend is also a high-ranking student. As for academic qualifications, what did you study in?"

Chu Qianshu smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I'm also studying biomedicine."

Second Aunt Zeng raised her chin happily: "Then no wonder you know about this summit. I heard that many people in China want to go to this summit to learn more. Do you want to go too? If you want to go, I can Let my son take you in..."

As soon as these words came out, Zeng Mu's expression became even worse.

Could it be that she has lived her whole life, and in the end she will beg for this younger brother and sister for the sake of her daughter-in-law?


Mother Zeng took another look at Chu Qianshu.

never mind.

If the daughter-in-law wants to go, then she will go all out and don't lose face!

As soon as Zeng's mother thought of this, she heard Chu Qianshu say with a smile: "No need for this, Second Aunt, I'm going tomorrow too..."

Second Aunt Zeng paused: "Huh?"

Chu Qianshu said, "I forgot to introduce myself, this is my business card..."

Second Aunt Zeng took it over and saw that Chu Qianshu turned out to be a staff member of the most famous laboratory abroad!

She had heard about this laboratory, and her son talked about it at home every day, saying that it would be his biggest dream in life to be able to work in this laboratory after graduation!

Besides, at tomorrow's summit, the most important personnel are these people.

So, the son is working so hard to make the scene, just to meet the girl in front of him? ?

Second Aunt Zeng was stunned.

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