I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 235 Only the losers compete, and the winners only choose monopoly!

The UK generates 2.2 million tons of packaging plastic waste every year, of which about 500,000 tons will be shipped to China. . .

This country with a population of only 62.3 million, which is less than one-tenth of the size of China, has exported 2.7 million tons of waste plastics to China in the past five years, accounting for two-thirds of the UK's total plastic exports. .

This dependence on the export of plastic waste to China has made the UK simply unable to deal with most of the waste.

If what my boss said might really happen one day, it would definitely be an unexpected disaster for the UK. However, as my boss asked, the revived China can indeed say no.

At that time, I am afraid that the comfortable days of European and American countries shouting environmental protection slogans while producing a large amount of garbage at a high speed will be over. Of course, this also means that the UK needs to immediately increase its annual waste disposal capacity by hundreds of thousands of tons.

Although this will bring a lot of trouble, it is also a big business opportunity!

In this way, Curry Riverside Energy Group, which has always been in a monopoly position in the British waste disposal industry, will become extremely important. Whether it is the company's valuation or profitability, it will usher in a leap forward. If the acquisition If the plan can be implemented, it will be another big move for the boss to enter the energy industry.

"Actually, I'm really optimistic about the resource management, recycling and energy recycling business of Cory Riverside Energy, especially with the strict garbage classification system. The future development potential is undoubtedly huge." Arthur looked at his face. The dignified Angela smiled.

The UK is a country with a strict garbage classification system and a high degree of recycling. Living in the UK, knowing how to throw garbage is an essential life skill. Otherwise, it will bring great inconvenience to your life, and face unbearably high fines.

Moreover, garbage sorting is not only an environmental protection issue, the government's measures to promote garbage sorting can also form a new economic growth point. Not to mention the resources saved through recycling, some waste treatment technologies, equipment research and development, manufacturing, and export can all form an industrial economy.

After the recycled garbage is sorted carefully, part of it will enter the incinerator and be converted into electricity and heating. Regardless of whether it is a private recycling company or a government enterprise, the heat from burning waste is uniformly fed into the central heating system.

Undoubtedly, Curry Riverside Energy Group is definitely a leading company in recycling and energy recycling in the UK. More importantly, because it has always relied on it and lacked investment in the waste disposal industry, it also makes Curry Riverside a company that has no competitors. Monopoly situation, this kind of advantage, no matter it is wind power, coal power or natural gas power company, it is incomparable!

Only the losers compete,

If you want to succeed, you should choose monopoly, only monopoly can make money!

In business logic, competition is a very common word, and a large number of entrepreneurial books are expounding on a question, that is, how successful people stand out in a highly competitive environment. But more and more business miracles are telling everyone a more correct answer, that is, if a company wants to succeed, it must be a monopoly, and those companies that join the competition without hesitation often end in failure.

Monopoly sounds like a fantasy to many people. Arthur, on the other hand, believes that all unfortunate companies are the same because they cannot escape the same curse-competition.

And all happy companies, they are all the same, all different or very unique. They were particularly successful because they established some form of monopoly.

Let's say in a really competitive industry, like restaurants, profits drop because of competitors or a fluctuating number of diners. Every business has to grow from small to small. Therefore, enterprises must find opportunities to occupy small markets at the beginning.

Monopoly is the only way to create permanent value for the company.

In addition to wanting to share a share with others and monopolize the entire market, in Arthur's view, those who talk about "increasing competitiveness" all day long are simply wasting time. If you love competition so much, then go open a restaurant, and I promise you will be full of competition every day!

A monopoly firm can set its own price because it occupies the market. With less competition, monopoly companies can set prices for their products based on maximizing the company's interests. Also because of the complete monopoly of the market, like Google, there is no need to spend resources to compete with other seemingly similar companies, and can concentrate resources on developing more innovations.

Now there is such an opportunity to monopolize the garbage recycling market in front of Arthur, how could Arthur let it go, "So, if I want to acquire

How Much Does Cory Riverside Energy Group Cost? "

"Around 300 million pounds." Angela reported the figure without the slightest hesitation. She had already seen that her young boss favored Riverside Energy.

"The price is not bad." Arthur said with a smile on his face.

"The key is that its profitability is not high, and its net profit is less than one-third of its turnover. Once it is acquired, it will take ten years to pay back." Angela frowned slightly.

"Hehe, the rate of return is still very good. What I like most is the rate of return and stability of the projects I invest in. A steady flow of water is what I need. As long as the business continues, it doesn't matter if the profit is small. Compared with getting rich overnight and failing completely Come, it's much safer."

The current Arthur can definitely be regarded as a wunderkind, but are there still few stories about wunderkinds and bleak old age? How many people get carried away because of a little achievement in their youth, and they don't know how to quit, and as a result, they invest recklessly, spend recklessly, and finally get into debts and ruin their reputations?

So, life has not come to an end, who can say whether it is success or failure?

Stability and sustainability are what Arthur wants to pursue. After all, in terms of financial investment, he is already taking risks. How to keep these assets is the biggest problem that he, a young earl, has to face.

"If that's the case, Riverside Energy Group is really the best target." Angela said after hearing Arthur's words, she pondered for a moment, and frowned.

"Especially since it is not yet listed, it is not difficult to acquire it."

"Then it's decided, Corey Riverside Energy Group, it will be the second piece of the puzzle of my energy kingdom, especially it is still in a monopoly position in an industry, hehe, I am very much looking forward to the day when the acquisition is successful!"

There was a bright light in Arthur's eyes, and his heart was full of anticipation and excitement. Don't compete, just monopolize!

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