I am a Parasitic Flower

Chapter 33 4 way siege


finally come!

Xie Yan's body trembled even more, he didn't know if it was from fear or excitement!

He stopped absorbing spiritual energy and supplying nutrients to the fruit. In addition to maintaining nutrient absorption and minimal photosynthesis, he focused all his attention on the outermost wall of thorns, paying attention to the changes in the forest fifteen meters away. .

At the same time, he checked again the aura bombs that ejected poisonous mist and two different trigger methods, checked some ordinary small traps that had been laid out in the past few days, checked the vines near his body, and looked at the air holes and auras. Is the channel blocked by muddy water poured in?

In this way, one hour, two hours, three hours passed.

The rain had stopped and it was getting dark, but he still hadn't spotted the assailant!

Xie Yan shook off the water from all the leaves, and the whole forest rustled, as if he was provoking a mysterious person!

Another hour passed, and the sky was completely dark. Hua Xiong crawled out of the cave with a sad face, roared at Xie Yan twice, and patted his stomach.

What about rice?

Suddenly, the wild animal instinct made Hua Xiong stop some funny actions. It looked at the mountain, its throat growled, and its canine teeth were slightly exposed.

The queen bee also sensed something, and with a buzzing sound, the restored three-color bees came out of the hive, surrounded by Xie Yan in a black mass.

Two big enemies who often quarrel with each other on weekdays, back to back at this moment, fighting to protect Xie Yan!

Raiders, here they come!

Fifteen meters away from the thorny wall on the top of the mountain, a bronze-colored male lion slowly walked out of the darkness, with well-defined muscles, sharp teeth and claws, and cold eyes. Threatening and chilling. It stood on a rock on the top of the mountain, under the moonlight, its silver mane shone with a metallic luster, which was extraordinarily dazzling!

This is a Bronze Silver Lion on his way to Silver!

The lion opened his mouth and let out a roar!





Countless voices of fans came from the darkness, and then, countless beasts that should not have been united and friendly came out of the darkness.

Lionesses, wolves, hyenas, deer, zebras, bison….

At the same time, in the woods on the left side of Xie Yan's big position, a silver-fronted copper-colored tiger came out of the darkness, with a majestic face, a strong body, and powerful limbs. The big tiger stepped on the muddy ground after it had just rained, and looked up at the mountain, as if to echo the lion on the mountain, it also opened its throat, roaring in the forest!

And behind it, followed by a group of wild beasts, wild boar, fox, lynx, snake, weasel...

Xie Yan was facing a formidable enemy, but when he thought this was all there was to the attacker, a chimpanzee walking upright and holding a blue metal short stick walked out of the darkness on the right side of the large formation. Bronze features, but the cyan metal short stick is particularly eye-catching.

If Xie Yan had communicated with Wang Jin, he would know that only Bronze-level and above mutated creatures can use Green-level abnormal iron!

"Woooooo..." The chimpanzee let out an ape cry, and monkeys, orangutans and other primates swung down from the trees and landed on its side, crying along with it.

At this time, there was a cry of an eagle in the sky, and several big birds entered the field of vision!

Xie Yan looked up at the sky, only to see eagles, eagles, and falcons flying into the field of vision from time to time. One of them, a bronze-feathered and silver-beaked eagle with a wingspan of two meters, should be their leader.

Four-way siege, four kings, and the number of animals participating in the battle has reached thousands!

This is the power gathered by the mysterious people. Because of the vision blocker, he really can't see what Xie Yan has placed in the core area, so he can't target it. If this is the case, he can only rely on real power to win!

The center of the big camp.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing! But so what?" Xie Yan calmed down the trembling branches and leaves,

In the next second, all the flowers and plants in the large formation shook together, the branches and leaves collided, and there were rustling noises. The roaring of beasts, apes, eagles and eagles were all suppressed by the rustling.

"Come here!" Xie Yan challenged these animals!


The lion king couldn't bear it anymore, let out a roar that shook the sky, and then led many wild beasts, rushing from the top of the mountain to the position!

The tiger king and the ape king responded to the lion king's attack horn and attacked from both wings. The eagle king in the air also swooped down with a group of big birds.

Except for those in the air, the first thing the other three roads have to face is the Wall of Thorns. But the three kings at the head are obviously enlightened like Hua Xiong. They are wise, and they will not foolishly bump into the wall of thorns!

The Tiger King on the left let a few buffaloes line up and lay down under the thorn wall as a ladder. Except for the boar buffalo and himself, there are no large animals on its side, so don't worry about trampling the buffalo to death.

The ape king is smarter here. They carried out the wooden boards they had prepared long ago and put them on the thorn wall. Some nimble ones even used the trees and vines to swing over.

The lion kings on the mountain don't have so many bells and whistles. The area where they are located is high, and they can jump over the thorn wall with one acceleration.

"Good idea!" Xie Yan snorted coldly, bursts of explosions sounded from the wall of thorns, and countless ejection pods were activated, ejecting the nozzles inside, and then burst open! In an instant, a poisonous gas wall was added to the wall of thorns!

In the left position, the buffalo squatting by the thorn wall was the first to inhale a large amount of poisonous gas. The whole cow became dizzy and began to foam at the mouth. But because there is a mysterious person pressing it, they dare not and can't leave, they can only be poisoned to death in place!

The poisonous gas began to permeate, and more and more animals were attacked, but compared with those inhaled by the buffalo, the poisonous gas they inhaled had been diluted a lot, the signs of poisoning were relatively mild, and their combat effectiveness had not weakened much.

"It's not over yet!" Xie Yan shook his head and leaves, and then detonated the entire forest and all the ejected poisonous mist!

When the nozzle was ejected, the sound of soybeans hitting the ground echoed in the woods, and then the nozzle exploded. Amidst the dense explosion, the poisonous gas began to diffuse in the guardrail area and the terror area. The entire position, only the vicinity of the sheltered area was not affected by the poisonous gas. After all, we have to take care of the tricolor bees and Hua Xiong.

More and more animals are poisoned to death, but 60% of the animals are still stubborn. These animals either have a strong resistance to the toxin themselves, or have awakened through mutations, and their resistance has increased!

After the wall of thorns, the next thing these animals have to face is the planted traps everywhere.

However, the effect is not satisfactory. The trap can only catch smaller animals on the King Tiger side, such as foxes and lynxes. It will have nothing to do with large animals and mutated animals, and the damage caused is extremely limited.

The ape king didn't have any meritorious deeds. Almost all monkeys and orangutans knew that they couldn't step on that thing, and they couldn't go around it. They would pick up stones or branches to trigger the trap.

"Old equipment is getting worse and worse." Xie Yan shook the leaf, then looked up at the sky.

The big birds in the air don't care about the thorn wall and the traps, those things have nothing to do with them, what they have to do is to rush into the shelter and kill Xie Yan's body!

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