Under Xie Yan's guidance, the released wild beasts traveled over mountains and mountains to the base.

At the moment when this group of new members arrived, the pets in the base roared. Among them, Hua Xiong was the most excited. It looked at the three female bears entering the door, and circled around happily.

Followed by Stork Feather, it immediately stepped forward and led the female stork home.

What surprised Xie Yan was that the one who was most indifferent to the new members was not the Mountain Wolf King, but the dog or dog. The wolfdogs he arranged, this guy doesn't like any of them, he just stares at the female mountain wolves...

"Brother, what's your situation?" Xie Yan couldn't help but Chuan Nian asked.

"That... the owner, those little girls are too young, I don't like it." The dog responded.

Xie Yan almost spit out a mouthful of juice after hearing this, your taste is a bit unique! In his heart, he mourned for a few minutes in silence for the mountain wolf king with a green head...

The arrival of new members made the base lively. Hua Xiong, who only knows to take baths and show off food every day, settled down and played in the water with three female bears.

Zhang Fei became the leader of the deer group, and under his leadership, the deer began to conduct physical training in an orderly manner.

On the other hand, Stork Feather and the female stork entered the honeymoon period of you and me. It seems that they are a master at chasing girls, and it is estimated that a baby stork will be born soon.

Only the dog or as usual, led the Mountain Wolf King's family to run in the open space. The simple Mountain Wolf King didn't know that the small green grass on his head was developing into a green prairie...

In this case, the lives of the few female wolf dogs are very miserable, and they are ruthlessly left aside.

"These guys are becoming less and less like animals." Xie Yan couldn't help sighing as he looked at these pets.

The improvement of wisdom has completely changed their habits, and the way of thinking is becoming more and more like human beings. This seems to be a general trend!

"Ancestors... Maybe the human beings in this world evolved in this way? A long time ago, maybe they were like the Huaxiong they are now, revolving around a plant?" Xie Yan asked about the origin of human beings in this world. , leading to some conjectures.

"Speaking of which, the books and design drawings I want will be delivered soon, right?" Xie Yan asked Lin Zhouer who was in Bonye City to ask about the progress. Li Zichun replied that preparations are underway. If you are in a hurry, you can ship it first Come over.

Xie Yan agreed to this approach, otherwise he would really not see it if he brought all the books over in one go.


In mid-September, Xie Yan built the cultivation villa in advance, and then under the guidance of Lin Zhouer, a large amount of decoration equipment was brought into a certain place in the forest by the workers.

Everyone looked at the silver Zhizao Villa in front of them, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Hey, all the silver-grade materials are used! How much money does this cost? It is indeed the work of the federal government!"

"It's so hard, it's probably capable of breaking the teeth of our chainsaw!"


Lin Zhouer clapped her hands, "If you encounter any difficulties during the decoration process, you can come to me, and I will ask the mountain god to help you."

The workers who were able to come here had already been informed of part of Xie Yan's information, so they were not too surprised by Lin Zhouer's remarks.

Under the yelling of the foreman, the decoration work started, and the three main problems of water, electricity and network were solved one by one.

When the renovation started in the mountains, Mianshan Village, which is the entrance to the cultivation villa, also began to build new facilities, mainly hotels, supplemented by restaurants and supermarkets.

"With so many cars coming in and out, this place will not be developed into a tourist attraction, right?" Some villagers realized the situation here when they remembered the previous land purchase behavior.

"Maybe it's true, you see that the wood factory has been shut down." Another villager also realized later, "Go back and ask the village chief, this old guy probably collected a lot of money,

Say nothing! It caused us to sell so much land at the price of cabbage! "

"Yes, the village head must have collected the money, go talk to him!"

Gradually, more and more people regretted it, especially those who sold large tracts of land for a few thousand yuan. This time, they really lost money!

And these people found the village chief as an outlet, and began to go to the village chief's house to make trouble. But they forgot that the first person who came out to stop them from selling the land at the price of cabbage was the village chief.

On Xie Yan's side, while building the villa, he also finished reading the first batch of books sent over, most of which were history, myths and legends. He compared his previous life and found that the myths and stories of the two worlds were similar, but there were also many deviations.

For example, the ancients in this world knew from the very beginning that the planet is round and everything revolves around the sun. There is almost no religion. Whether it is the Eastern Federation or the Western Federation, they don't really believe in those gods who do not exist.

In addition, in several mythological system stories in this world, the death of the world is mentioned more than once. For example, in the northern mythology system of the Western Federation, the world was destroyed three times. The first time it was destroyed by a flood, the second time it was destroyed by a fire from heaven, and the third time it was the end of the mythical age, it was destroyed by a black dragon.

The same theory of annihilation also exists in the southern mythology of the Western Federation. Including the end of the age of mythology, it has experienced six times in total, namely meteorites, ground cracks, animal disasters, cold and heat, and the final flood.

On the Eastern Federation side, there are also, namely the catastrophe, the great flood, and the scorching heat. However, unlike the end of the previous two mythological ages, the eastern mythology does not end with a catastrophe, but with an event called "Jedi Tiantong" as the end of the mythological age.

It is said that the ruler at that time ordered the two sons to cut off the road to the heaven, so that the connection between the mortal world and the fairy world was completely severed!

Later scholars interpreted this event as the ruler's desire for dictatorship, which blocked the way for the common people to appeal.

When reading the myths, Xie Yan also noticed one thing. Almost every system of myths mentions a magical plant, but in all the myths, the end of this plant is not so good good……

"Assuming that the myths and stories are the experiences of previous generations, then the so-called 'apple tree', 'world tree', and 'Bodhi tree' are probably the previous generations." Xie Yan secretly said.

Among them, only the "World Tree" recorded the detailed method of death, that is, the roots were gnawed off by the black dragon.

"Black dragon, maybe it's just a metaphor for the attacker!" Xie Yan couldn't imagine that such a black dragon really existed...

In addition, Xie Yan is also very concerned about the disasters of world destruction mentioned in each myth, because in different myth systems, the same disaster of world destruction appears, and he does not think it is a coincidence!

While thinking about the myth, Xie Yan had a bad thought:

Maybe I don't have ancient memory, not because the ancestors sealed it, but because he is Xie Yan, a guy from a parallel time and space!

He seized the body of this plant by accident and kicked out the original consciousness of this plant!

What makes Xie Yan feel bad is that this explanation is very likely and reasonable!


Thanks to chen_xrc for tipping another 400 starting coins, thank you very much!

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