I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 365: Canned food, boy urine

Can these damaged fruits remain intact?

Wu, Big Brother, and others who understood Han Cheng's meaning, couldn't help widening their eyes, looking at the pile of fruits on the ground, and then at the divine son who seemed confident, and then touched their heads ignorantly.

Is it that the gods are going to pickle these fruits with salt and put them outside to dry, just like salted fish before?

Sprinkle salt on the fruit, that taste...

Many people in the Qingque tribe who had eaten like this before couldn't help grinning.

Or is it necessary to boil these fruits in water and dry them before storing? Just like drying wild vegetables before?

They can't think of a good way.

The big brother Yiyan took out some fish, meat, and greens for the soup to drink. He knew that since the son of God said that, there must be a solution, and he would not watch these fruits spoil.

After dinner, Han Cheng saw that everyone was not drowsy, and he began to order everyone to do something-find out the empty jars in the tribe and wash them with water.

The next day, the strong people like the elder brothers and others went to pick the fruit. Those minors and weak people stayed in the tribe and used the only iron knife and a large number according to Han Cheng’s instructions. The bone knife peels the skin of the broken fruit

Since the people of the Bone Tribe merged into the Qingque Tribe, there is no shortage of bone knives. Most people in this tribe are good at making bone tools.

The peeled fruits are placed in a large pottery with clean water next to them. After cleaning, they are placed in clean wooden baskets for later use.

There was a fire under the two big pottery jars, and two people were taking care of the flames. There was a small half of water in the pottery jar, which was burning hot.


A basket of peach-like fruits was poured into a water tank, covered with a lid and boiled. (Peaches are early-ripening in May, and there are stupid peaches that do not ripen until late autumn)

A fragrance different from fresh fruit soon spread.

After boiling for a while, Han Cheng scooped it out and tasted it. It was sweet and sour, and the taste was not bad.

Seeing that these were almost cooked, Han Cheng asked them to scoop them out of the tank and put them in a large bowl that had been prepared for a while.

Taste it after it is cold, it tastes better than when it is hot.

The people who work here have a small bowl of fresh food, and everyone is full of praise.

In order to make the fruit taste better, Han Cheng didn't add too much water, so the water contained high sugar content. It was accidentally splashed on his hands. If he touched it after a while, it would feel sticky.

This kind of rich sour and sweet taste is unmatched by simply eating fruit.

Those who have eaten these for the first time are all conquered by this taste.

Bai Xuemei drank a little water carefully and narrowed her eyes comfortably.

I didn't want to drink much at a time, a small bowl of boiled fruit juice took a long time to drink.

The other people who received fruit juice did not react differently from Bai Xuemei, they were all extremely treasured, and they were even rarer than the children of later generations seeing candy.

Everyone looked at Han Cheng, their bright eyes filled with admiration.

With such a treatment, the broken fruit will become so delicious, it is even more delicious than good fruit!

When they first tasted this taste, they wanted to cook all the fruits like this.

Wu watched carefully from the side, preparing to record this method again. This time he didn't let the stone do it, but prepared to do it himself.


The witch who recovered from the taste different from salt but as delicious, remembered something.

After the **** child operates in this way, the fruit is more delicious than before, but the problem of long-term storage has not been solved, this...

When he was about to inquire, Han Cheng began to let people mix the already-cooled pulp with juice and put it in the jar that had been cleaned last night.

After loading, use a kind that grows near their tribe, which is very large and with some oily leaves, seal the pot with a layer of mud paste on the outside, and then let people carry it to the depths of the cave of the house. Store.

What Han Cheng has done is the original simple version of the can.

Canned food is such a delicious thing as a weapon against broken fruit.

Many people would bring a jar of canned fruit during the Chinese New Year when they were children. In that year, this thing was simply the favorite of children.

"Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong..."

There is no ‘jingle bells’ behind. ’

The leaves were withered on a large scale, and the white frost fell, dyeing the original bright red leaves purple.

The air was completely cold, and everyone's mouth and nose spit out white mist.

This kind of cold couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the Qingque tribe for ironing.

The burnt and shiny iron was clipped out of the stove and placed on the thick stone slab used for ironing. The axe, which had been prepared for a long time, fell down quickly and slammed it on the red iron block, practicing the'strike while the iron is hot'. A widely circulated sentence.

After two days of beating, this largest piece of iron finally took shape.


The red-hot iron was put into the water, and in a somewhat harsh sound, the white heat rose up, and at the same time it diffused, and there was a bad smell.

This smell is of course unpleasant, because the water used for quenching is not ordinary water, but pure boy urine!

Han Cheng couldn't remember where he looked at this method, but vaguely remembered that ironware made in this way had better performance than ordinary water.

For Han Cheng, who has tried everything possible to improve iron appliances, this method will naturally not be let go.

In fact, as long as it is human pee, the reason why he uses boy pee is that Han Cheng deliberately raised the threshold. After all, in many places, boy pee is said to be amazing...

The iron smelted this time is more than four catties, but less than five catties.

Someone wants to make a knife~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Someone wants to make a hammer, somebody wants a needle, somebody wants an iron arrow...

Relative to the huge demand, these irons are still in a situation where there are more wolves and less meat.

The first iron tool created this time is nothing like what everyone desires. It is not a hammer or an iron knife, not to mention an iron needle or arrow, but an iron rod.

To be precise, it is an iron rod with a sharper end.

The weight of this iron rod is not light, it weighs a catty and a half!

This time, the iron that was made after I didn't use it was almost used by it for a third!

Looking at this freshly baked iron, everyone in the Qingque tribe looked at each other. They didn't understand that if so many things weren't made by the gods, how could they have to hit such an extremely scrap iron, not very useful iron rod.

Are you going to put this iron stick on a wooden gun to assassinate the prey?

Everyone looked at this seemingly inexplicable iron rod, and developed their brains there. ()

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