This sect master dislikes two kinds of people the most in his life.

One is the person who steps on the head of this sect leader.

The second type is those who will not let the leader of this sect step on their heads.

——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 2366 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

The wind of armor removal fell first on the Human Emperor.

In an instant, there was an explosion from the Human Emperor's body.

His clothes were torn to pieces, the light in his eyes flashed violently, and the golden light and divine flames attached to his body were stunned.

Just this time, the Lord felt that something was deeply wrong.

The "divine words" used by the Lord against the Human Emperor at this time were already his last resort.

If they were not forced into a desperate situation, there would naturally be a thousand or ten thousand Gods who would not want to share the path to becoming a god with others.

But there is no way. With Zhang Laoba's methods, he is pressing harder and harder, so that even now, the Lord feels that his chance of becoming a god is being shattered.

At the same time, the door to heaven has been opened.

Of course, it is impossible for the Lord to miss such an opportunity again.

No matter what at this moment, he must work hard to win, even if he brings the Human Emperor with him, even if he shares the chance of becoming a god with the Human Emperor, he must succeed!

For this purpose, God used “authority.”

That is something that cannot be touched rashly before becoming a god.

Once it moves, there is no possibility of turning around.

Either succeed in one fell swoop, or be backlashed and killed on the spot.

Even if the Lord's cultivation is profound and his abilities are astonishing, he still dare not bet on whether he can withstand the backlash of "authority".

So now, if you don’t succeed, you will become a “person”!

The rules of heaven are endless, and the truth is spoken.

The mighty power of God is for authority.

There is something shining in the divine flames.

It’s a pity that even God used “authority” unwillingly and at great risk.

But the move was still one step away, a wrong move!

"Zhang Laoba!"

At the critical moment, it was Zhang Laoba who stepped in again.

He is like the old man next door who suddenly jumped out of the closet. He will shock you, make you angry, and make you want to chase him for 300 miles and chop him with 3,000 knives.

It is also a small skill obtained with divine power, but the Lord who is only useful for this skill has not yet successfully obtained it.

Zhang Laoba used it a little, and the effect was outstanding, which directly made the emperor get out of the "confused" state for a short time.

This was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the Lord felt something strange in his body.

If it were the original, the Lord still didn’t understand what was going on.

But the Lord who had already tried "Zhang Laoba's little trick" immediately knew what was going on.

It's Zhang Laoba's "violent and violent murderous intent". Just this trick, Zhang Laoba actually has different ways of using it!

How did he release it inside me?

Damn it!

Zhang Laoba actually has a backup plan!

What does it mean to be unpreventable? Which is the yin within the yin?

The Lord finally felt a little desperate.

Zhang Laoba, you are so damn calculating.

This is the pinnacle of human ingenuity!


The divine fire ignites and burns itself.

What would happen if Zhang Laoba's murderous intention violently moved him inside his body?

That's right, he will attack himself with his ultimate move!

The Lord finally understood that it’s not that Zhang Laoba’s little trick is not strong, but that you have to be able to use it.

At least like Zhang Laoba, you have to have enough fun.

Unfortunately, when we knew this, it was already too late.

Zhang Laoba will not give him any chance again.

And with the Lord igniting himself at this moment, the Human Emperor finally got rid of the state of suffering from the "Truth Word".

The Human Emperor, who suddenly came to his senses, was extremely shocked at himself.

He actually almost became the Lord's accomplice just now and helped the Lord open the door to heaven!

The Emperor has always been proud of his firmness of mind.

Compared to his fists, the Human Emperor is more confident in his state of mind.

But today, the Human Emperor suddenly realized that he was still being controlled by his mind.

Fortunately, Zhang Laoba is here, otherwise he would become a sinner of mankind today.

"Old ghost!"

Without any hesitation, the Human Emperor chose to self-destruct with force.

Since God can control him once, he can control him the second time.

And Zhang Laoba may not be able to save him a second time!

All I heard was a bang!

There was another shocking explosion.

The figures of the Lord and the Human Emperor disappeared in the violent explosion.

The spread of the aftermath knocked Sect Master Zhang Da flying out, and then he was buried in a pile of elbows.

From the look of it, it looked like Sect Leader Zhang Da had been "eaten" by elbows all his life.

A huge whirlpool was blown up in the sky, countless chains were broken, and the door to the heavens buzzed, as if it was slightly opened inside.

Yes, it really opened up a bit!

Fortunately, the next moment, the remaining chains rushed to the gate of heaven and locked it again.

Between heaven and earth, countless stars suddenly lit up.

Not only this piece of sky, but the entire nations and the entire world saw this scene of shining stars.

Then thousands of stars began to swim, like turning into a river in the sky.

The legendary river of time and space!

After a long while, Sect Leader Zhang Da climbed out again.

Looking further ahead, many islands in this so-called foggy sea have completely disappeared.

The ground is a neat boundary of power, the sea water has been drained, and even the figures of the Human Emperor and the Lord seem to have disappeared.

Only a whirlpool of power was left to form the "dust world", slowly swirling with fine sand.

Sect Master Zhang stepped forward slowly, and as he got closer, he saw that there was only a flickering golden shadow and a faint gray figure left in the vortex of power.

No need to ask about the golden shadow, it must be the Lord.

The gray figure looked like the Human Emperor.

Narrowing his eyes, Sect Master Zhang moved closer, trying to see clearly.

Are you two going to die together?

Just as he was thinking about it, the gray figure suddenly turned his head, looked at Sect Master Zhang and said, "Zhang Laoba, I will leave the human race to you."

Zhang Dazong waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Leave all these things to me. How are you doing? Hey, hey, hey, hurry up and kill the Lord!"

It is a pity that the voice of Sect Master Zhang was blocked by the "dust of the world" and the Human Emperor could not hear it at all.

He looked at Sect Master Zhang waving his hands and chuckled.

Sure enough, Zhang Laoba knew what he was going to do, and he was waving goodbye to him.

Although the cooperation with Zhang Laoba is not very pleasant, I have to say that Zhang Laoba is a very good fighting partner.

As long as he can win, no matter how unscrupulous Zhang Laoba is, he is right to scheme against everyone.

The Human Emperor finally raised his fist and looked at the Lord.

Take a deep breath, gather your strength, and concentrate.

The Human Emperor only had his right arm and left leg left, but that was enough.

With a loud voice, the Human Emperor said: "King Qinghe is here fiercely, take a punch from me!"

The Lord did not look at the Human Emperor at all, he only looked up at the galaxy.

At this moment, the Lord no longer has the tree body, only the incomplete human body remains.

Opening his arms, God seemed to embrace the sky.

Then the Lord exclaimed: "How beautiful!"

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