I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 160: I promise to win this game

Intermission time.

The medical room of the Trail Blazers.

Wang Dachun and Roy's teammates are all here waiting for Aldridge's inspection results.

In the game with the Heat just now, Aldridge tried his best to block Beasley's buzzer at the last moment. I can't stand up after landing.

Several teammates helped him back to the medical room. He is now being inspected by Trail Blazers' chief team doctor Jay Janson.

Aldridge looked at a few teammates who were waiting anxiously, and said with a smile enduring the pain.

"Guys, it should be okay. I just twisted my ankle when I landed just now. It started to hurt a bit, but now it basically doesn't hurt.

It just happens to be the intermission time, apply the physiotherapy bag for a while, and you should be able to play again! How could I be missing from such an important game! "

"Brother, don't be aggressive. Injury is not a small matter. Let Mr. Jenson check it out later and see how far he hurts!"

Roy certainly hopes that Aldridge will not be injured or even injured, because this game is very important and the team really needs him.

But he didn't even hope that Aldridge was injured and had to force his way onto the court. This kind of thing is not a joke.

The Blazers' chief team doctor Jay Jenson, after a careful inspection. Opened his mouth and said.

"After my careful inspection, Adelaide was only slightly sprained, which did not affect his game, but to insure the period, let him rest as long as possible, and let him play in the second half of the third quarter. More appropriate!"

When everyone heard this result, they were all relieved.

The game is still 11 points behind. To win this game, Ade is absolutely indispensable.

"Look, I said there is nothing wrong with it!"

Aldridge smiled and said to his teammates.

Then he said to the coach Nate McMillan.

"Coach, don't worry, the victory in this game definitely belongs to us!"

McMillan walked to Aldridge and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, the victory is definitely ours! You take a good rest first, we still need your fighting power for this game!"

Although Nate McMillan is more relaxed, who should replace Aldridge temporarily, it becomes another question.

Since the start of the new season. Aldridge averaged nearly 40 minutes per game.

Sometimes even in order to ensure victory, Ade has to play the whole game.

Unless the team has an absolute advantage, he will be replaced.

After Aldridge came off the field, he was generally replaced by veteran Juwan Howard.

But now whether to send Juwan Howard on the bench, this needs to be considered.

Because if Juwan Howard plays, he will defend Michael Beasley.

With Juwan Howard's current competitive state, it may be impossible to chase after Michael Beasley's offense. After all, his age lies there.

Nate McMillan, his head is a bit big. It seems that there is no suitable person.

Wang Dachun also thought about it, after all, he has to partner with him to defend the insiders.

He subconsciously turned on the data display. Sweeping his teammates.

"It's impossible to send Joel Zibira to the court. This guy is his own substitute now. Today's rhythm of the game, he may not be able to support the audience. And it does not move fast.

If the teammates on the front line replace them, they don't seem to be tall enough.

It seems that only Anthony Torif, who has just been traded, has priority in strength and speed, and should be able to barely defend Michael Beasley's offense.

It should be no problem to replace Aldridge for the time being! "

Thinking of this, Wang Dachun turned around and prepared to give his advice to the coach.

But as soon as he was about to open his mouth, he closed it again.

"System! What's going on! Why does Ad's data value keep changing?"

Wang Dachun wanted to tell the head coach what he thought quickly, but he had not had time to turn off the data display.

Head coach Nate Mike Milan is now next to Aldridge. He can still see Ad's data value.

But Aldridge's current data values ​​are not normal, and the numbers have been changing and beating.

Wang Dachun asked the system quickly in his heart, why is this?

"Because he is currently in an injured state, the injury has not stabilized, so the host can see the changes in his data value." The system replied.

"Is it wrong? I was also injured. There was no change in my data value at that time?" Wang Dachun wanted to figure it out.

"Because the host did not continue the game after being injured, it only takes time to recover from the injury, and it does not affect the host's data value ability." The system explained.

"You mean that this injury of Ade, if he continues to play, may affect his data value ability?" Wang Dachun asked.

"Yes, host," the system replied.

"But the team’s chief team doctor, Mr. Jason, didn’t say that Adelaide was just a slight sprain, and such a slight injury will not affect the next game? How could it affect Adelaide’s data value ability?" Wang Dachun engaged I do not understand.

"The system has no medical function and cannot answer." The system said.

Now Wang Dachun was stunned, and the system and the team doctor's statement were completely different. Which one is true?

"System, if Ade continues to play regardless of his current injury, will it definitely affect his ability in the future?" Wang Dachun wanted to confirm.

"Yes, host," the system replied.

Wang Dachun decided to believe in the system, because the system never fooled him.

He has to stop Aldridge from continuing to play. This may affect his life.

Even if what the system says is not true, it doesn't hurt to be careful.

"Ade, you don't want to play in the next game. You can rest assured with me, just rest assured and heal your wounds!"

Aldridge is trying to move his legs, after all, he has to play for a while.

He moved very carefully, and now he doesn't feel so painful anymore.

Suddenly hearing Wang Dachun's words, I knew that Wang Dachun was worried about his injury. But he felt that he was really fine. So he said with a smile.

"Thanks brother, don't worry, Mr. Jenson said that my injury is really fine, we can continue to fight together!"

"No, Ad, I'm not kidding, you take care of your injury, I promise to win today's game! We still have many consecutive victories to play, I want you to return to the game in the best condition, and then play Let's fight together!"

Wang Dachun said all the words that could be found in his head.

After saying this, he said to head coach Nate McMillan.

"I think Mr. Coach also definitely hopes that you will return to the game in the best condition. Are you Mr. Coach?"


McMillan is still thinking about who to play. Wang Dachun asked him so, but he still didn't fully respond.

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