I Am In Marvel

Chapter 669 Wakanda Battlefield

Africa, Wakanda.

This country, which is located in the primitive mountains and forests, has rare vibrating gold ore resources, and leads the earth's scientific and technological civilization for a century, has been violently attacked by alien forces today!

First, without warning.

A huge interstellar spaceship, like an alien meteorite, fell straight towards the town of Wakanda, but it smashed into the energy protection net that wrapped Wakanda. The spacecraft did not break through the energy protection net. Instead, it roared and exploded into a mass of metal fragments and bursts of flames like a pebble hitting a stone. A large group of alien organisms inside wailed and screamed before they died.

The huge impact could not pass through the energy protection net, and it was like ripples leading into the earth all around, causing the entire country of Wakanda to tremble slightly. Still, Wakanda's energy shield remains unbreakable!

This is the symbol of Wakanda's technological heritage for hundreds of years! This spectacular scene represents that Wakanda, not to mention surpassing, has at least equaled the technological level of alien civilizations.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But there are more alien spaceships in the shape of giant stone tablets. This time, they have learned their lesson. Instead of flying towards the energy protection net, they landed on the edge of the national protection, crushing the mountains and forests in a mess, setting off a wave of entrapment. A wave of dust.

The dust wave that has been raised has not subsided yet. Three or four giant spaceships opened the rear cabin, and various alien creatures and beasts poured out from it. The dense and numerous waves resembled a tide of ants and mice, which converged into a wave of terror, desperate to collide with their bodies. The energy protection net immediately accumulated and melted into a pile of bloody coke corpses.

"It's really crazy."

On the Wakanda Palace and the grassland outside the city, the current king of Wakanda, the black panther T'Challa, with a dark face and an extremely dignified face, stood on the grassy slope in front, looking at the reckless attempt to break through the energy protection net. Alien monster.

To the left and right of T'Challa, Captain America Steve and Bucky the Winter Soldier were standing, both showing their vibrating gold round shields and mechanical arms.

Behind the three were all the royal guards led by the captain of the guards, all holding Zhenjin spears. There are also Wakanda military units in brutal dress but armed with high-end advanced weapons.

"This place is really heaven." The Winter Soldier, holding a live ammunition firearm, looked at the energy protection net that covered the entire first round of large-scale offensive, and commented.

"There are too many of them, and the energy net won't hold back for long." T'Challa said.

As he said, under the offensive launched by tens of thousands of alien creatures, the boundary of the energy protection net is a little overloaded, and one or two alien creatures have broken into the interior from time to time.

Steve said solemnly: "Kyle once told me. They should be the forces of Thanos, for the original soul stone on our side. Once the original stone is taken, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Then leave them here, and don't let any of them break into the palace!" T'Challa activated the black panther bone chain on his neck, and his body was immediately covered by the black panther suit made of Zhenjin.

He signaled everyone to prepare for the attack, and then through the communication device, he asked his sister Su Rui, who was staying in the palace, to open a corner of the energy protection net.

At the moment when the energy protection net opened the door-sized, countless alien organisms passed through the gap one after another and crowded into the border of Wakanda.

"Come on! Wakanda, we must win!!"

The black panther shouted, stretched out its vibrating claws, and rushed out first, followed by Captain America and the Winter Soldier, who led the mighty Wakanda Legion to fight against the tide of alien creatures that invaded Wakanda group.

A big war has officially started!

at this time. Wakanda Palace, in the underground control room.

Su Rui was sitting in a chair, nervously watching the brutal battle on the Wakanda border grassland through the virtual screen in front of him. She naturally has a certain degree of confidence in her country's combat power, but there are too many alien organisms invading!

On a workbench in the center of the control room, Vision is still lying on it. It has lost its original soul stone and has a fingerprint depression on its forehead. It has completely lost its life characteristics.

As for the original soul stone that was taken out, it was stored in an instrument box on the console in front of Su Rui, and it was faintly glowing with an indefinite yellow light.

Su Rui held her breath and watched the fierce battle on the virtual screen. She didn't notice that two shadows were sneaking into the underground control room.

One of the slender shadows touched Su Rui's back, and a strange black spear was raised, the tip of the spear aimed at the back of Su Rui's head.

"Brother." Su Rui has been staring at the virtual screen, watching his own forces that can't hold on under the impact of the sea of ​​alien organisms, and swallowed his saliva dryly.

She was about to reach for the metal water cup on the table, but out of the corner of her eye she fell on the metal cup and saw a dark shadow and a spear approaching behind her.

"Who?" Su Rui exclaimed, picked up the instrument of the original soul stone, and fell to the ground outside the chair. As soon as she completed this series of actions, a black spear passed by, pierced the chair she was sitting on just now, and poked a hole in the console!

so close!

Su Rui rolled a few times on the smooth floor, holding the gemstone instrument in both hands, looking at the pitch-black spear in disbelief. The spear seemed to have lethal destructive power to electronic equipment, and the entire console was flickering with electric light, and it was in a state of being scrapped immediately.

Now, the energy shield that shelters Wakanda outside may have fallen apart.

"This makes you realize, little sister." With one hand, he pulled out the spear inserted into the console, sneaked in and made a sneak attack, the owner is Proxima Dark Night, an alien woman in a tight black uniform.

"Come on, give me what you have, maybe I can let you go." Proxima Dark Night licked his lips, held a spear, and walked towards Su Rui.

Su Rui looked down at the gemstone instrument in her hand. She knew that it was an item that those people outside were desperately trying to save. She shook her head vigorously, and hurriedly got up and ran to the basement door.

"It's a pity." Proxima Dark Night sighed, her eyes flashing cruel pupils, but she didn't mean to catch up and let Su Rui escape.

Seeing that Su Rui was about to run out of the basement door, another tall black shadow suddenly blocked the door, completely blocking the way.

It was a man in a cloak holding a sickle, dressed in a style similar to that of Proxima Centauri, with a dark suit and an aura of death and evil on his body.

It is the General of the Undead.

So far, the five generals of Thanos have all appeared on Earth.

"Give me the things." The undead general stared at Su Rui coldly and raised his scythe.

While Su Rui was frightened, he raised his hand up, and the wrist he was wearing sent out a light cannon, blasting the undead general with a knife and flying out.

"Damn it!" The moment the undead general fell to the ground, he hooked the wall with his sickle, got up without any problems, and shot Su Rui with a cold and ruthless gaze.

There are enemies before and after, and there are two generals of Thanos.

Su Rui could only go back to the basement with the gem equipment in his arms, and rushed towards the Vision lying on the experimental bench!

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