I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 483: Corpses that don't attack people

   Chapter 483 Corpses that do not attack people

   Qiongli shouted, but no one listened to her words. Under the threat of the nuclear bomb, their strong desire to survive made them wish they had more legs to run through the shock wave of the nuclear bomb explosion!

  The 100-meter-high shock wave is like a wall of storms, sweeping over with countless dust and plastic spicy chicken!

"That's too late!"

   sighed, Qiongli pressed the three children in her arms under her body, and tightly protected them with her body.

   About half a minute later, she felt the air around her suddenly stagnate, and then the ground shook!

   At this moment, the gravity here seemed to be changed, and the trees were uprooted in pieces, and countless flying cars and trucks were rolled up and flew sideways.

   Some of the moldy survivors were smashed by stones, cars, and trees, and died on the spot!

  Qiongli looked up to see what was going on in front of her, but a bus flew past her scalp with a strong wind noise. She hurriedly lowered her head and secretly said, "It's dangerous!".

   The temperature of the surrounding air was already as high as 40 or 50 degrees, people screamed in pain, their hair was hooked by flying rubble or steel, and their bodies were directly torn in half, **** and horrifying.

  Qiongli's fingers almost dig into the ground, and only the faint sound of breathing was left from the three children under her.

  The violent wind blew her clothes, and her body was blown several times, but every time she was pressed down, she could not see the color of the sky, only the dust was flying in the air.

   The wind was blowing very hard, and the saliva brought into the throat with every breath had a strong smell of sand, which almost suffocated this third-order new human being!

   "When will it end!"

  I don't know how long this storm will last. Looking back, Linshi has disappeared, only a bare area is left. God seems to have heard her voice, and the strong storm begins to gradually weaken.

   In the past five or six minutes, the storm has disappeared, and the air is still hot, but fortunately, its temperature is dropping.


   After two heavy breaths, Qiong Li moved, and only then did she realize that her back was hurting so much that she struggled to stand up, and she shook the three children on the ground.

   "Are you okay?"



The three children turned pale and stood up staggeringly. Qiong Li breathed a sigh of relief and touched her back. Her back had been stabbed by countless pieces of glass. red.

  You can grab a large amount of glass shards with just one mold of your hand!

   After removing too much skin and trauma, Qiong Li looked around after making sure that she was not seriously injured.

  After the violent shock wave of the nuclear bomb swept through, the lush green trees around were crooked and twisted, and the cement road had a pit in the east and a pit in the west.

   This place seems to have experienced a sandstorm, the sky is yellow, and the distance is also yellow, and only vague outlines can be seen.

   "Hey, is anyone still alive?"

   Qiongli shouted, and someone responded to her after a while.

   "Yes, here!"

  Qiong Li looked for the voice and rushed over to help the man on the ground up, and then more and more voices sounded, and she and the man searched for the living one by one.

   After she counted the number of casualties, she sadly discovered that there were only less than 200 people left in the original team of 1,000 people, and the rest were not even seen, they were all blown away by the shock wave and disappeared.

   What's even more unfortunate is that the most damned brother Zhang has nothing to do!

Everyone gathered and cried loudly. They all came out of the shelter. Among the missing people were relatives of living people. Some people were frantically searching for their relatives, shouting their relatives’ names, and some people comforted the bereaved. .

  Qiong Li didn't stop them, and watched them looking around. The three children who had been protected by him before were sitting in a half-carved car in a daze after they didn't find their relatives.

   A difficult life makes it easier for people to grow up. They have seen a lot of things since the end of the world. In the eyes of adults, these children still need the care of others, but as everyone knows, they have already understood a lot.

  There is no need to look for it anymore, they know that their parents may be dead.

   Seeing the sadness of the three children, Qiongli couldn't tell the sadness in her heart. She didn't want to go to that place. Even if the place had the order before the end of the world, it was not as important as living!

   "Where are you Dad! Dad!"

   A young man and the crowd shouted for their relatives, and they all went to the place where the storm had blown.

   "Dad!...Hey, look, where are they?"

   This young man suddenly saw a faint figure appearing in the yellow sand, shouted, and ran with him. Qiong Li also noticed this, and quickly stood up and ran after the crowd.

   After running for a while, she really saw a group of figures in the yellow sand, she was overjoyed, raised her hand and waved: "Hey! Everyone!"

  People have just recovered from the grief of the disappearance of their relatives. After hearing this, they kept up. As people approached step by step, the blurred figures in the yellow sand became clear.

   They turned their backs to Qiong Li and the others, their heads lowered, but their clothes were ragged, and their gray-white skin was exposed in the holes in the rags. Only now are people discovering that these figures are three meters tall, short or slender.

  This is a zombie! Not human at all!

   There were a few screams from the crowd, and the people in front turned their heads and ran back, their expressions full of fear!

  Qiong Li was stunned for a moment, and she glanced at Brother Zhang subconsciously, and when she looked again, she found that it was a zombie, not a human!


With a cry of   , Qiong Li also turned and fled, but after a few steps, she realized that something was wrong, and the group of zombies did not roar.

   Looking back, the group of zombies didn't chase them at all. The zombies were extremely sensitive to sound, and just a few screams from the crowd were enough to make the group of zombies attack them crazily!

"and many more."

She stopped and looked at the group of corpses suspiciously. The group of corpses was very quiet, standing in the distance without making a sound. People also discovered this, and a few boldly approached, wondering what happened. thing.

   "It's evil, these zombies don't move."

People were only ten meters away from the nearest zombie. Brother Zhang stood behind the crowd and dared not take a step. Many of them saw that there were quite a few evolved zombies in the corpse group. In the distance, they also saw a fourth-order black tower. Zombies, this is enough to make people but cold.

   The most frustrating thing is that this group of zombies is their ultimate place in the place. Except for this road, there is a turbulent river below!

   (end of this chapter)

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