I Am the Corpse King

Chapter 684: President save me

   Chapter 684 President Save Me

I don't know how long it took, but after knowing that the mother's nest can control its own flesh and blood to open the way for Tang Ye and them, Tang Ye's few zombies no longer need to meet obstacles and break open, and they don't need to twist and turn, which is easier than before. a lot.

   After five or six minutes, as the mother nest opened the last wall of flesh for Tang Ye and them, a vast space was displayed in front of them.

"I go!"

  A'Fu and Liang Hanyang were stunned for a moment. The space unfolded in front of them, and the light emanating from it illuminated the flesh-and-blood corridor behind.


   It was a lavender light that illuminated everything around it, reflecting the dark purple of the mother's nest and the flesh and blood of the gorgeous color lines, making you look weird.

   They walked into this space, the mother nest sensed their arrival, and the whole space and the flesh and blood on the corridor behind it began to slowly wriggle, as if shrinking.

"That's..." Liang Hanyang pointed to the huge luminous body not far in front. It was a round crystal with clear veins on it, showing pieces of diamond-shaped skin like the surface of a football. fish in the water.

   "That's the mother's brain?" Ah Fu was a little sluggish.

   And Tang Ye was not sure, he could only ask the consciousness of the mother nest in his head: "That's yours..."

   But before he finished the question, Tang Ye found that his consciousness had disappeared, and he couldn't help frowning.

   "Go and see."

  Tang Ye walked over first. The mother's brain is very big, like a big mountain standing there, emitting light to illuminate the darkness around it.

Before he got close, there was a human being all over his body that turned into the form of Tang Ye, the corpse king more than two meters tall. Tang Ye is a zombie, but he is concerned with people and has human thoughts and thoughts. When he came to this place, his brain kept going. Thinking, he is on guard a lot.

  From the very beginning, Tang Ye wasn't sure what the level of the mother's nest was now. Ah Fu had wisdom, he would deceive people, and he would conspire with me, except that he had less emotion than humans, but the other one declined.

  The ghost knows if the mother nest has lied to itself, it has no means of attack? This is also a guess, Tang Ye can't take his guess as true, he needs to verify it.

  What if the mother nest was lying to itself from the very beginning, telling itself that it had no ability to resist and was waiting for itself to fall into its trap? Being prevented from all this, Tang Ye recovered into a zombie, always ready to burst out with all his strength to deal with the conspiracy behind the mother's nest!

   Fortunately, the mother nest did not attack Tang Ye, so he took Ah Fu and Liang Hanyang to the front of this huge luminous body.

   "Is this the brain of the mother's nest from time to time?" Ah Fu wondered, and stretched out his big hand to touch it.

   It was very soft and cold, like a balloon filled with water, Tang Ye also touched it, and it felt wonderful and hard to say.

   "Stand further away."

   Tang Ye said, Liang Hanyang and Ah Fu glanced at him, nodded in unison, and stepped back, they knew what Tang Ye was going to do.

  Tang Ye retreated to a hundred meters away. The space here was empty and there were no other zombies.

   His thoughts moved, and an invisible, intangible, indescribable string stretched out from his brain, approaching the huge luminous body in the distance, ready to immerse in it.

   Whether this is the brain of the mother nest, and whether the mother nest can be controlled by Tang Ye, just at this moment, these two questions will be clear.

   But before Tang Ye's spiritual consciousness entered the luminous body, he saw the flesh and blood at the top of the upper part squirming, and scarlet tentacles protruded out, inserted into the flesh wall, and then drilled out from below.


This time, all the flesh and blood in this space began to squirm, and the flesh and blood of the mother's nest flowed like water. Tang Ye raised his brows, and his momentum erupted. industry.

   "What are you doing?" He shouted, the strength gathered and sank down on his feet, Tang Ye's whole body was shocked, and the great strength pressed his body to sink, the air rolled, and the wind and waves blew the lintel of Tang Ye's clothes fluttering.

  The mother nest did not answer his meaning. This piece of fearful flesh and blood wriggled and deformed. After a while, tentacles similar to conveying pipes appeared in all directions, and the mother nest also stopped changing.

Tang Ye's eyes flickered, and he looked around vigilantly to prevent the mother nest from suddenly attacking him, but this time Tang Ye blamed it, the mother nest just wanted to show him some abilities, but its body was really huge , when some organs are revealed, the momentum is also relatively large.

"What are these?" A'Fu looked at a tentacle with a hollow inside and asked suspiciously. At this time, his body also turned into a zombie, and he was obviously taken aback by the changes in the mother's nest, just like Tang Ye. Be on guard.

  Tang Ye is puzzled: "What is the mother's nest going to do?"

   But the mother nest did not reply to him. The guidance it gave Tang Ye was now, and it was always pointing to the huge luminous body in front of him, standing there solitary.

   "President, what do you think this is?"

At this time, Liang Hanyang let out a cry, attracting Tang Ye's attention. He turned his head to look at her, and saw Liang Hanyang came to the side of the huge luminous body that was suspected to be a mother's nest brain, and pointed to a place that was concave like a diamond. The notch of the small bowl said curiously.

  You can also see some pinholes in the notch, and I don’t know what is inside.

  Tang Ye took a look and found a lot of these things. He made a circle around the luminous body, but these were not there just now, maybe they only appeared when the mother nest changed.

   "These things are weird."

  Liang Hanyang said, stretched out her hand to touch it, but just as her fingers touched the pinhole on the surface of the bowl, the flesh and blood on all sides suddenly wriggled, wrapping Liang Hanyang's little hand in an instant!

   "Ah! It's not good!" Liang Hanyang was startled and seemed to stretch out her hand, but no matter how hard she tried, she found that the diamond-shaped flesh and blood bowl had firmly wrapped her hand, and she was stronger than herself, and she couldn't draw it out at all!

   "President, save me!"

Liang Hanyang panicked and hurriedly asked Tang Ye for help. Tang Ye heard that he reached out and grabbed it, pinched Liang Hanyang's wrist and pulled it back, but when he pulled it out, he found that the flesh and blood wrapped around Liang Hanyang's hand was tightly wrapped, and he couldn't help for a while. She pulled out her hand and frowned.

   "President, save me!" She screamed again, and just after she finished speaking, she saw her face contorted and became even more frightened.

"No, President, something got into my hand, will it stick its tentacles into my body like you did and **** me dry? Ahhh! I'm dying! President save me! "

   Tang Ye was about to chop off the part of the mother nest that was trapping Liang Hanyang's hand, but his hand had just turned into a flesh and blood knife, and he saw Liang Hanyang's distorted face turned into doubt, and then returned to normal.

   "Huh? What is it doing?"

   "It didn't **** you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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