I Am the President of the University

Chapter 630: Twelve years ahead of Apple

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China, a university dormitory.


As a very rhythmic melody sounded, several shouts and curses erupted in the dormitory.

"Dongzi, are you poisonous? Who the hell watches the evening news these days?"

"It's really amazing. As soon as I heard this melody, I knew it was the evening news..."

"Please, the IQ line in our dormitory has really been lowered by you alone. Forget about playing it outside, the sound is still so loud. Can you bring some headphones?"

The boy nicknamed Dongzi remained stubborn and smiled, "I will put on headphones after the evening news. As a successor to communism, I must receive edification and ideological education every night!"

Because I plan to take the civil service exam. After all, the end of the universe is civil servants, and the end of career is establishment.

In particular, fresh graduates have too many advantages in taking the public examination, and the wages in companies with liberal arts majors are also low.

The 30 minutes of the evening news quickly came to an end.

Just when he thought the news was over and was about to close the page, he saw the male anchor continuing to talk.

Thirty minutes later, there was a special report from Optical Core. Dongzi was stunned when he heard this report.

The sounds of games that were originally ringing in the dormitory disappeared at some point. Instead, several roommates gathered behind Dongzi and stared at the computer screen.

"It is reported that since the optical core concept was proposed in 2006, a total of 129 scientific research institutions around the world have invested in optical core research."

"Starting today, the first and only country to master this technology!"

Listening to these words, several people in the dormitory looked a little fanatical.

"That's so cool, Guanghua University is so cool!"

"The optical core has actually been built. I heard those bricks and mortar experts predict that it will be at the end of this year at the earliest, and it will not be until the middle of the year."

"Guanghua nb, China nb! Now we don't have to look at people's faces for chips. They are nationally produced Chinese chips."

Several people quickly pulled their chairs over and put their hands on Dongzi's shoulders, eager to put their faces against the screen.

Dongzi couldn't help shouting, "Stop making noise, I can't even hear the reporter's voice clearly!"

One of the roommates muttered, "You really don't know how to make your voice louder, so do it as loud as you want!"

After hearing this, Dongzi looked over with disdain. This was the guy who said he had a loud voice before.

Despite his contempt, Dongzi still consciously raised his voice to the loudest level.

The report in front of me also changed from the studio to a laboratory at the Optical Core Research Center of Guanghua University.

When the camera took a close-up of the optical core, Dongzi and the others exclaimed, looking at the chip with their eyes wide open.

Photonic chips are known as conceptual technologies. Even in the past few years, many domestic and foreign scientists have categorically claimed that the technical level involved in optical core technology far exceeds today's technological level.

Especially in the field of optics, existing technology is completely unable to reach relevant levels. Ideally, it will be around 2030-2035, with a high probability that Japan or the United States will achieve a breakthrough.

But Guanghua University conquered the optical core technology in May 2021, which is a slap in the face of those bricks-and-mortar experts.

On the screen, after the close-up of the optical core, there was a female reporter from CCTV interviewing Guanghua President Chen Hao and Professor Ren Hong.

The first thing that showed up was Chen Hao's upper body. Even Daniel Wu and Louis Koo in their peak years had to avoid the sharp looks with this appearance.

Female reporter: "Principal Chen, has the optical core technology been conquered now?"

Chen Hao (wiping sweat): "Han, how can we create it if we haven't conquered it? Of course we have conquered it..."

Female reporter (blushing slightly): "How long will it take before the mass production of optical cores?"

Chen Hao (musing): "The optical core design took a total of 8 months, but the optical core manufacturing... ideally can be completed before the end of this year."

Female reporter: "Is there a name for the optical core?"

Chen Hao (with a look of regret): "Actually, I really like the names Hongmeng and Qilin, but they are both taken by Huaxing. Therefore, we will collect names for optical cores from the society, and we must have names with Chinese characteristics, and they must be It has a certain traditional cultural charm. The tentative price is 1 million yuan. Our official platform will release details and registration links shortly. You can follow our official Weibo and WeChat official accounts.”

The female reporter's face was stunned. Is the following sentence considered an advertisement?

By the way, this guy seems to have a history of interviewing and advertising...?

Dongzi and the others also laughed out loud.

"Principal Chen, yyds! This is an advertisement that He and I didn't forget to advertise. The most amazing thing is that CCTV didn't edit it out!"

"The director of CCTV knows how to be a good person. As the news program with the highest ratings in the country, at least tens of millions of people have heard this sentence."

"1 million yuan, please pay attention to Guanghua University's Weibo. If you are lucky enough to win the bid, you will be financially free in advance!"

"Financial freedom is a big deal. 1 million can't even afford a toilet in Beijing, and it's not enough to pay a down payment for a mortgage."

"Every day, day by day, the world becomes real!"

No boy’s childhood dream is to buy a house when he grows up, but this is a portrait of this young man.

They are full of expectations for the country's future; but they are confused about their own future.

Houses, cars, and betrothal gifts are the three big burdens that contemporary young people bear.

After interviewing Chen Hao, I also interviewed Professor Ren Hong.

When Professor Ren Hong appeared in the camera, two introductory columns appeared.

[Professor and doctoral supervisor of University of Science and Technology of China]

[Director of Optical Core Research Center]

Dongzi doesn't take this seriously. The optical core research center is mainly developed by a joint research and development effort by eight universities from the China University Chip Alliance and one company, Huaxing Company, a total of nine units.

Moreover, the qualifications and achievements of Professor Ren Hong have long been revealed by major online influencers and bloggers. This person is a giant in the field of domestic chip design. \b

The five-minute interview time flew by, and then it jumped to the studio, but it was not the same one as before.

The male host asked an expert, "Professor Wu, regarding the performance of optical cores, what do you think its status is compared to current mobile chips?"

【Special commentator】

[Wu Junjie, Professor and Vice President of Tsinghua University]

Professor Wu pushed up his glasses and said in a deep voice: "Judging from the performance test data given to us by the Optical Core Research Center, the performance of the optical core far exceeds our academic estimates!"

Speaking of this, Professor Wu's words were obviously filled with joy.

"Photonic chips are different from traditional electronic chips in that their process is not measured in nanometers. Because the computing effect of photons is ten times that of electrons, the performance of CPUs and GPUs is also very strong."

"The chip currently hailed as the most powerful on the mobile side is the m1 chip launched by Apple in the United States in November 2020. It has an 8-core CPU, an 8-core GPU, and packages 16 billion transistors."

"And the performance level of this first-generation optical core..." Professor Wu swallowed a lump of saliva, his eyes filled with shock.

"A conservative estimate is more than ten times that of the m1 chip! "

"You must know that the m1 chip is used in computers (and tablets), and its performance is higher than that of mobile phone chips. The current number one mobile phone performance is Apple's a14 chip, but in the test, the performance of m1 is twice that of a14 !”

"That is to say, if the optical core is used in mobile phones, the performance may be twenty times that of the a14 chip!"

The male host perked up and asked, "Professor Wu, taking Apple's A-series chips as an example, how long will it take to reach the level of optical cores?"

"Ahem, according to Apple's precise knife skills, each generation of a-series chips improves performance by 15%-30% compared to the previous generation. If the a14 chip wants to achieve the performance of the first-generation optical core, even if it improves performance by 30% every year , it will take about 12 years, that is, the performance of the a26 chip will exceed that of the first generation optical core." Professor Wu himself couldn't help but laugh.

This shows what?

This shows that the optical core developed by Guanghua University was 12 years ahead of Apple, which had the highest technological level at the time!

The male host asked again: "Professor Wu, what impact will the conquest of optical core technology have on China?"

Professor Wu was in a very good mood and said with a smile: "There was a saying in the past that he who gets oil will get the world."

"But now, the world has changed."

"This sentence should be changed to: Only those who get the chip can win the world."

"Chip is the most advanced technology in the era of electronic information, and it is also the most representative crystallization of human technological civilization. The breakthrough of optical core technology will make up for our country's shortcomings in high-precision fields, and even break through all methods at once, for mobile phones, Computers and other electronic products will bring about dramatic breakthroughs!”

"And it will also greatly promote the development of the 5g era, the Internet of Things, driverless cars and other fields."

"I boldly predict that in the next few years, China's high-tech industry will usher in a blowout!"

At the same time, just as the evening news was reporting, all major propaganda outlets were working together.

The news that optical core technology has been conquered has landed on domestic mobile phones, computers, radio stations, televisions, radio and other major channels with lightning speed.

This news also spread to the outside world in a short period of time.

The United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Japan and even the whole world have set off a craze.

ps: Please give me recommendation votes and monthly votes!

(By the way, let’s collect the names of the optical core series, which are similar to [Kirin] and [Hongmeng] with Chinese classical style.)


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