I Am the President of the University

Chapter 688: The hemp rope only picks out the thinnest places to break, and bad luck only seeks out

Latest website: Jiang Yuanqing actually doesn't like wearing shirts. He usually wears casual clothes. The reason why he dresses so formally is because he has to attend class at the university today. To be more precise, it is training.

It’s really unprecedented. I didn’t expect that as the person in charge of a public welfare organization in Ludao area, I would have to teach college students one day.

When he received the call from the staff of Guanghua University, he was stunned for a long time. If the phone call was not consistent with the official website of the other party, he would have thought it was a new type of fraud.

As a native of Ludao, he certainly knows what Guanghua University is like.

At the end of the last century, Guanghua University was the first private university in the Republic. In addition, the old president was a patriotic overseas Chinese who had contributed to the country. It has developed rapidly. It even has a reputation and reputation in the province that is close to that of Ludao University. There is a big difference. The momentum of "Harvard University of the East".

The momentum was great until the old principal passed away and the "eldest lady" of the Chen family entered Guanghua University, completely destroying the reputation and reputation of the first private university in the Republic in eight years.

Guanghua University suddenly became a school that no dog would go to.

Unexpectedly, just one year after the new president took office, Guanghua University has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In particular, the breakthrough made in optical cores has solved a big problem for the Republic, and the people of Ludao have also shared weal and woe.

Therefore, Jiang Yuanqing did not refuse the invitation from Guanghua University.

When I walked onto the podium, all I saw were young faces.

When a monk rings the bell for a day, he must not mislead his disciples!

Thinking about it, Jiang Yuanqing's face became serious.

Picked up the chalk and wrote a row of words on the blackboard.

[What is the meaning of supporting education? 】

The question mark at the back is specially enlarged.

He picked up the loudspeaker assigned to him by the school, looked around at the crowd, and raised his voice:

"Hello classmates, I am Jiang Yuanqing, the person in charge of the Ludao Sunshine Charity Organization. I would like to ask you a question first. What do you think the meaning of volunteer teaching is? "

There was a sudden noise below, with many students discussing among themselves in whispers.

Since they can pass the written examination and interview, they are basically students who study well and have a good ideological consciousness.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

There is no standard answer to such a question, there are many.

"What is the meaning of supporting education?" Wu Ying muttered in a low voice.

Several questions she had asked during the interview for the Dawn Project rang through her mind.

"Why do you want to teach?"

“I want to do something meaningful, and I think going to the western region to support teaching is such a thing. Not only can I help some children in need, but it is also a kind of exercise for myself.”

But... is this really the meaning of teaching?

Or is this what she unilaterally thinks it means?

Until a slap interrupted her thoughts.

"Yingying, what do you think the meaning of teaching is?"

Wu Ying hesitated for a moment, shaking her head while seeming to deny her previous thoughts.

"I have no idea……"

Then, Wu Ying threw the question away, "Meimei, what about you?"

"Me?" the girl called Meimei said carelessly, "I think the meaning of volunteer teaching is to help. As college students, we have gained knowledge, but primary and secondary school students in remote areas lack knowledge."

"Volunteer education is like a bridge of knowledge. As long as this bridge is built, those children will never be trapped in the mountains. They can also go out and understand the world with their eyes."

After hearing this, Wu Ying was completely shocked. Is this still the woman with the most powerful boyfriend?

"Meimei, is this your understanding?"

"Of course not."

Meimei said with a playful smile: "I came across this on Douyin. I thought it was pretty good, so I memorized it."

Wu Ying: "..."

Feeling Bai was shocked and speechless.

The last time she was so shocked was the last time!

Just when Wu Ying wanted to complain, Jiang Yuanqing started to speak on the stage.

The noise in the classroom gradually disappeared, leaving only one voice in the entire classroom.

"There is no standard answer to the precise meaning of volunteer education. For example, who is the target of this meaning? It can be the volunteer teacher, the children being supported, or it can be the parents or the school..."

"And for you, I think the meaning of teaching is to recognize reality and recognize yourself!"

After Jiang Yuanqing finished speaking, he wrote these eight words on the blackboard again.

As the person in charge of a public welfare organization, he has seen too many college students volunteering to teach. Although he cannot generalize to all groups of college students volunteering to teach, from a general perspective, it does account for a high probability.

"What does it mean to [recognize reality]? Recognizing reality allows you to know that educational resources are poor. There is never complete fairness in this world, only procedural fairness in a certain sense."

"Just because you can get into college does not necessarily mean that you are smart. It can only mean that you have enjoyed the dividends of education. And in this country, there are still many children in many areas who want to study but are unable to do so, cannot study, or even cannot study. "

"This is called recognizing reality and letting you know how cruel reality is."

Jiang Yuanqing suddenly thought of an uncle from Dongshan who had recently become angry due to gossip in the capital, and felt unhappy.

Traveling around, he saw a lot of people like this.

But every time I see related deeds, I still can't help crying.

The fare of 414 yuan may be just a hot pot meal and two game skins for some people.

But for some people, it costs 4 yuan to carry a bag of cement to the fourth floor. Behind a light ticket is the weight of 104 bags of cement.

The hemp rope will break at the thinnest part, and the bad luck will only seek out the misfortune.

In the same world, some people were born in Rome, and some were born as cows and horses.

Some people are decorating their lives, while others are trying to survive.

If it weren't for this rumor, many people living in cities might not know that there are so many people struggling to survive under the bright and beautiful capital.

In addition to being the head of a charity organization, Jiang Yuanqing also has an identity as an entrepreneur.

When I graduated from college, I started a business in partnership with my classmates. Unexpectedly, I found a huge career in the future.

But he never attributed his success entirely to his own efforts.

More than anything else, he felt that it was the social environment that pushed, encouraged, and helped them behind the scenes, so they achieved these achievements.

Just like the classic saying that has been circulating on the Internet for a long time.

Standing in the wind, pigs can take off.

This trend can actually be understood as the general social environment.

Enjoying the gifts of the social environment, Jiang Yuanqing never got carried away, but became more cautious in his words and deeds, and used what he got to help some disadvantaged groups.

Take it from the people and use it for the people.

Jiang Yuanqing paused and continued his lecture.

"Then what does it mean to [recognize yourself]? Maybe you think it's quite noble for you to support education. Do you think you can help each other in the past?"

Jiang Yuanqing shook his head, and the corners of his mouth curved, "I just want to say, don't take yourself too seriously. The reason why parents agree to send their children to school is because they feel that staying in school is safer than running around outside. "

"And what about the students? They are also happy to stay in school during the summer vacation, because they have classmates and teachers to play with. In their view, these 'big brothers' and 'big sisters' who support education are here to play with them... …”

Jiang Yuanqing's words were very direct, and even touched the hearts of some students. Some of them were unable to bear the psychological burden and became depressed.

But as Jiang Yuanqing slowly spoke out his words, many students also regained their confidence.

Wu Ying listened, her eyes shining brightly.

Time always makes people grow, but it never points the direction.

Maybe this summer teaching program will make her no longer confused.

She believed it.

ps: Damn it, after I got home, I couldn’t concentrate on typing. I was always easily distracted. Alas...


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