I Am the President of the University

Chapter 490 System Reward Distribution

At noon on the 24th.

Guanghua University, the second floor of Furong Restaurant.

There were four young people sitting on a table by the corner. Two of them seemed to be slightly older than the students on the side, and the other two had rather immature faces.

Li Sheng is the latter. He is 24 years old this year. He is a direct doctoral student at Fudan University and is under the tutelage of Professor Ruan Jianchang.

When Professor Ruan Jianchang brought the Xinyun team to Guanghua University to support the research and development of optical cores, he also came here.

As for the three beside him, only one was his senior brother, and the other two were from the University of Science and Technology of China and Tsinghua University.

After all, it is not only the core cloud team of Fudan University who came to Guanghua to support, but also several other schools. In addition, they are all working hard for the same goal in one unit, so they are all mixed up.

Seventy or eighty years ago, they could call each other comrades.

What is a comrade?

A comrade refers to a person with common aspirations and like-mindedness.

Their common ambition is to independently develop a high-performance Chinese "core"!

The research and development of optical cores is not as simple as imagined. Many people resist 996 on the Internet and resist Shanxiu...

And who knows the hardships of their researchers?

After breakfast in the morning, I arrived at the research center at 8:00 to start a busy day. I had to stay busy until 8:00 or 9:00 in the evening, so I just had lunch and dinner to relax.

Of course, they are not complaining, it is their own initiative.

For nothing else, I hope to get the optical core out as soon as possible.

The prosperity of a country is not achieved by a keyboard, but by perseverance with both hands.

When Qian Lao came back from the beautiful country, facing the poor and poor domestic environment, the difficulties he faced were arduous.

Now their situation is much better than that of Qian Lao.

So, in that environment, Qian Lao can do it, so what are they afraid of?

Eating Zhangzhou Roast Duck Noodles, Li Sheng's thoughts have already flown far away. The afternoon is the closing ceremony of the China Forum. I wonder if the scene will be lively?

On the other hand, there is a small friend beside him who has been using Douyin, eating and laughing.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly, and the Tsinghua friends exclaimed.

"I said that many apps didn't show ads when they were opened today. It turned out to be rectified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology!"

This sentence attracted the attention of Li Sheng and the three.

Even Li Sheng couldn't help but say, "The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has taken action? How do you say it? I said that today's Douyin and Weibo are so quick to open."

"And Alipay, too, open it in seconds!"

"I'm going, and even this bunch of shit has no ads on the screen."

After listening to the words of Tsinghua brother, the other two friends quickly tried it on their mobile phones.

Some software has been canceled, but some still hold on.

The pop-up ads on the screen when the app is launched is quite disgusting, and it cannot be blocked at all. You have to manually click to skip it, otherwise you will have to watch the 5-second ad.

"Why was it suddenly cancelled?" Li Sheng asked curiously.

"Hey, look at this Douyin." Brother Tsinghua put his phone in the middle for the three of them to see.

It turned out to be an official video, and the banner in the video was [The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology vigorously promotes the rectification of the problem of harassing users with APP pop-up information].

"What do you think is the reason?" asked a friend from the University of Science and Technology of China.

"I guess it's because of Guanghua University." Tsinghua brother said with a little thought.

"How do you say this?" Li Sheng's senior brother cast a puzzled look at Tsinghua's younger brother.

"Remember the Guanghua Security Center launched by Guanghua University a while ago?"

Tsinghua brother hehe smiled,

Then he said: "Guanghua fired the first shot of user privacy and security protection, and now the country has to take the opportunity to rectify major apps."

"Guanghua can still do it."

"Guanghua is indeed, there is no way, the principal is very powerful."

When it comes to Guanghua University and President Chen Hao, all of them have good words.

Although they are not from Guanghua University, since they came here, their goodwill towards Guanghua University has been increasing day by day.

Compared with the scientific research environment of their previous school, it is not too fragrant in Guanghua University.

The friends of the University of Science and Technology of China seemed to be touched by the situation, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Although our material engineering discipline evaluation of USTC is A-, it is far inferior to your Tsinghua University and Beihang University, but it is not bad, right?"

"Our professor Ren Hong is very good, but do you know what's going on with other tutors in our school?"

He twitched his nose and said a little lonely:

"I once thought that although I didn't study finance and computing, as long as I do scientific research seriously and make some achievements that are valuable to society and the country, it is worthwhile."

"Until I saw how students from other groups around me split the content of an article into eight articles, and published 16 articles in two years to win the National Scholarship and tricked CSC into going abroad."

"Until I saw that some laboratory teachers made up all kinds of urgent and random things every time they went to the project node to check and finalize the problem, they still deceived the state's funds smoothly."

"Until I saw that some tutors in our school did not read the article for many years, the understanding of the topic all came from attending various conferences, listening to other people blowing water there, and then coming back to make it a topic for the new graduate students."

"Until I saw that my colleagues were either forced to graduate, or deliberately tried to deceive awards, and falsified the experimental data under the guidance of my supervisor."

"This is the University of Science and Technology of China!" The little friend howled in grief and indignation.

"This is one of the top universities in our country! Even the scientific research environment of the University of Science and Technology of China has become like this. How bad is the scientific research environment of those 211 universities and those double-non-university universities?"

"I can't imagine it at all!"

"Can China's scientific research be saved?!"

The voice became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a desperate self-talk.

Li Sheng and the other two fell silent.

Li Sheng's tutor is Professor Ruan Jianchang, and his character is also very good. Two of his undergraduate roommates are also studying for Ph.D.

His face was heavy, and he wanted to say something to justify, but it turned into silence.

Isn't this guy unpatriotic?


He is more patriotic than any keyboard warrior on the Internet, otherwise he would not appear in the Optical Core Research Center.

But why so pessimistic?

Because...only if you are in this circle, you will know how bad the academic environment is.

Whenever it is mentioned that my country is blocked by science and technology, chemical and materials can always be found.

It is true that countless students have joined the industry after seeing the call of the country, but what awaits them is not a benign development environment.

One of the major characteristics of biochemical ring materials is that as an experimental science, experiments are more than everything, but as the threshold for development of experiments is getting higher and higher, the cost of characterization is getting higher and higher, which makes it more and more difficult to reproduce.

In a study that cannot be reproduced easily, it is easy to fake it. If you read it carefully, you will find that nine out of ten academic frauds that broke out in recent years are from biochemical environmental materials.

Then the foreign research environment will be better than the domestic one?

It will be better, but whether it should be bad or bad, it is almost the difference between a hundred steps and fifty steps.

"If you don't write articles or make fakes, unless you are talented and lucky, most scientific researchers will face the problem of survival first."

If you don’t have water, you won’t be able to stay, let alone evaluate professional titles. If you can’t evaluate professional titles, your income will be weak, and life will be difficult.

What kind of mortgage, car loan, bride price, can really crush them.

Sometimes, doing scientific research really depends on family circumstances, and children from ordinary families can’t do scientific research.

"In the scientific research circle of biochemical environmental materials, there are no young people who are really doing research to solve problems. Scientific research is just a means for everyone to make a living."

The older generation of material people have made a lot of tangible contributions to the country, but some of the current so-called professors in the 40-60 age range are indeed incommensurate with morality.

There are many factions, academic cliques are in power, and the environment is polluted, making it difficult for young people in their 30s to walk on the road of scientific research and have to compromise in order to make a living.

Even a powerful returnee scholar like Xu Chenyang was forced away by the environment again?

"Bad money drives out good money, can this circle still be saved?" The big and small partners of Zhongke asked feebly.

At this time, Li Sheng, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.

With a firm expression on his face, he said decisively: "It is saved! There is one place that has not been polluted!"

"Where?" the three asked almost simultaneously.

"It's right under our feet."

The three of them froze for a moment, then came back to their senses, and silently cooked their meals.

I just don't know what I was thinking.

Li Sheng turned his head to look outside the restaurant.

He suddenly remembered something.

It seems... In the afternoon, President Chen will bring some scholars to refer to the Optical Core Research Center?

i was the president of the university

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