I Am the President of the University

Chapter 502 The establishment of Guanghua Venture Capital

Chapter 501 Establishment of Guanghua Venture Capital

(Cavin's discomfort, this chapter is from the previous chapter, I will replace the content of this chapter after the previous chapter is lifted tomorrow, alas.)


The process of technology transmission is still so unfriendly, but fortunately Chen Hao is used to it, and he has developed antibodies a bit.

After half an hour.

Chen Hao's closed eyes suddenly opened, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

"Light storage technology is really not easy!" He said softly, with some emotion in his tone.

The difficulty of photonic chips is in the optical part, such as light emission, light sensing, light operation, light storage, light presentation, optical materials, optical devices and so on.

It is not an easy task to overcome these difficulties and apply it on a chip.

"The photonic chip still has to be released as soon as possible, it can't be delayed any longer." Chen Hao sighed slightly.

It has been half a year since I returned to China, and the current achievements are photonic screens and lactide, but the most expected photonic chips are progressing slowly.

As for the MR glasses, the project is more troublesome, and you don't need to think about it in a year or two, and the existing electronic chips and energy also restrict the development of MR glasses.

First come out the photonic chip, then concentrate on attacking the lithium-air battery, and finally attack the MR glasses.

With photonic chips and lithium-air batteries, the technical problems of MR glasses will be solved.

"Light core, light core..." Chen Haohou leaned on the chair, closed his eyes, and rubbed his hands lightly on his temples.

He was thinking about where the next piece should be.

"The optical core research center is not in a hurry, but the optical core industrial park..."

Thinking about it, Chen Hao woke up like a dream.

It seems that I haven't been to the industrial park for a long time. Although Dr. Liang is coordinating it, I still have to show my face and check the work situation.

"I can't delay any longer, I'll go and see the day after tomorrow."

After making up his mind, Chen Hao began to concentrate on outputting the optical storage technology in his mind into the document.

At present, this optical storage technology is one of the important keys to promote the optical core.


Time passed bit by bit, and it was noon the day after tomorrow.


Chen Hao stretched his muscles and bones in the office, and the tired look on his face was also swept away by the results on the computer screen in front of him.

"Finally finished"

Chen Hao slowly let out a sigh of relief.

The amount of knowledge involved in optical storage technology is far more esoteric than he imagined. Even if these technologies are transmitted to his mind, it is like a library with over 10,000 books. He has to sort out all this knowledge clearly. Not an easy project.

Fortunately, there is the basis of photonic screen and optical logic gate computing technology, otherwise he would never have digested and sorted out all these in two days.

"Print these out and go to Professor Ren Hong's place." Chen Hao muttered, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Although technology is advanced today, academics still like to do calculations on the blackboard, as well as papers, materials and the like also like to read printed manuscripts, unless they are on business trips to read electronic manuscripts.

This optical storage technology covers too much, and there are more than 50 single-sided A4 sheets just printed out.


While printing, the printer suddenly gets stuck.

"Why is there no more paper?" Chen Hao scratched his head, a little helpless on his face.

He had to get up and walk to the door, opening the door and looking at Deng Hui outside.

"Xiao Deng, the printer is out of ink."

Khan, it's not that he has no common sense in life, it's just pure laziness.

If there is such time, it is better to check the information again.

"Come." Deng Hui responded.

While Deng Hui was changing the ink, Chen Hao focused on the computer screen, looked at the electronic draft of the optical storage technology, and checked whether there was any problem.

As for Deng Hui, after she finished changing, she glanced at the printed manuscript and looked at the dense symbols on it. For her, it was like a ghost painting.

After Deng Hui finished changing the ink, Chen Hao sorted out the printing paper on the table, put it down in the briefcase, and walked out of the office.

After leaving the Guanghua Building, I took the small white car on campus to the downstairs of the Optical Core Research Center.

Walk into the center.

"There is one thing that needs attention in this data of Wenyu..."

Ren Hong, who was explaining in front of the students, stopped talking halfway through.

Of course, it was because he noticed the arrival of a hot man.

"Wait for me first." Ren Hong said to the students and took a few steps to the side.

When he came to Chen Hao's side, Ren Hong approached and asked, "Principal, what's the matter?"

Chen Hao coughed lightly, "Speak in the office."

Hearing Chen Hao say this, he lowered his head and glanced at the bulging briefcase in Chen Hao's hand, his brows suddenly raised.

As if thinking of something, Ren Hong smiled and even walked a lot more briskly.

in the office.

After the two sit down.

Ren Hong was impatient, his eyes fell on Chen Hao's bag, and he couldn't help asking, "Principal Chen, where is this bag?"

"There are things you like." Chen Hao outlined a smile on his face, and he packed the briefcase in front of him without selling anything.

Take out a stack of prints as thick as a book and put them on the table.

Professor Ren Hong took it over, but his pupils shrank instantly after seeing the contents of the first page.

"This, this is..."

Professor Ren Hong's hand trembled while holding the document, and his tone of voice was also excited and vibrato.

"Professor Ren, how about this gift?"


at the same time.

Ludao, Optical Core Industrial Park.

In the lucky coffee store on the first floor of the building.

Meng Zhou was paralyzed on the chair as if there were no boneless creatures, and only at this moment could he breathe a sigh of relief.

To the colleague next to him, he weakly complained: "Old Chen, do you think Guanghua can do it?"

"If we can't figure it out, all of us are here to play with them?"

Meng Zhou, an engineer of China Micro Company, sits across from him, and Chen Nian also came to the same company as him.

Only at noon every day can take a break.

Since the launch of the Optical Core Industrial Park, major domestic chip-related companies have received talks from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

If it is a state-owned enterprise or a central enterprise, then naturally it does not need to say much, and it is directly ordered by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

On the contrary, some private enterprises can only rely on mobilization.

Regardless of whether it is the feelings of the country or the future of the optical core, the companies on the list jointly submitted by Chen Hao and Liang Yiqing, such as China Micro Company, Huada Jiutian, and Changdian Technology, have settled in the optical core industrial park.

Moreover, the top scientific research teams of major companies are recruited.

The purpose is of course to cooperate with Guanghua to build and complete the optical core industry chain.

But it's been a month since I came here, and it's either 996 or 007 every day. Although I have given a lot of money to my life, everyone has no idea.

They are almost running in here, but the optical core has not been broken yet.

Although the major companies in the previous China Forum have also been invited, the hope of seeing the optical core is very high, but this time issue...

Still quite annoying.

And the system to build the optical core is completely from scratch.

"Lao Meng, you've already said that. If Guanghua can't come up with an optical core, then TSMC and Qualcomm can't come up with it." Chen Nian shook his head and said.

"I know this too, but without the optical core, how can we cooperate to build the optical core industry chain?" Mengzhou couldn't help complaining.

Their chip manufacturing industry is the downstream industry of chip design.

They can only be used when the optical core is built.

"Anyway, only the group of animals from Huada Jiutian is the same as being beaten with chicken blood. They get off work at 10 o'clock in the evening every day." Mengzhou said speechlessly.

"It's not just our company. The top management of the company believes in Guanghua, so of course we have to believe it." Chen Nian said comfortingly,

"I know this too, I just want to vent." Meng Zhou sighed in a low voice.

It's not like the old age on the side, but at this moment, all they can do is believe in Guanghua.

Chen Nian changed the subject and said, "Don't talk about work during the lunch break, talk about light things. You know that Wu signed a fire recently?"

"The one who came back from South Korea? What's wrong?" Mengzhou asked.

"I'm very big, please bear with me. Then it will be over in three minutes, die laughing."

The two chatted about Wu Xian, the star, and burst into laughter.

At this time, a middle-aged man sitting beside the two put down the coffee, stood up and left.

When walking out of the cafe, Liang Yiqing sighed.

He heard the conversation between Chen Nian and Meng Zhou just now.

Although they will all be full of hope, the researchers below are not necessarily.

It's normal for everyone to have emotions.

Thinking of something, Liang Yiqing left the Optical Core Industrial Park and drove to Guanghua University.

The entrance of the Optical Core Research Center.

When Chen Hao walked out contentedly, he unexpectedly met Liang Yiqing.

"Dr. Liang, are you... what's the matter?" Chen Hao asked.

"You are also here, Principal. I was looking for Professor Ren for some matters, and now we can talk about the optical core together." Liang Yiqing was overjoyed. He was originally looking for Professor Ren Hong, but Principal Chen was also here.

Chen Hao, who was about to leave, entered the Optical Core Research Center again because of Liang Yiqing's arrival.

Office of the Director.

The three sat and talked about the optical core.

In fact, most of the time it was Liang Yiqing who was talking, and the two of them just added questions from time to time.

"Dr. Liang, your idea is to expand the optical core industrial park and lay out the field of optoelectronics?" Chen Hao asked with a frown.

At present, the cooperative enterprises of the Optical Core Industrial Park are all leading companies in the domestic chip industry. However, after Dr. Liang Yiqing mentioned the researchers' concerns about the optical core, the method proposed is to expand the optical core's partner companies and make the cake a reality. .

"There are still too few companies involved in Optical Core, such as Focuslight Technology, Zhongke Micro Precision, Changan Bisheng Laser Technology, Tangjing Quantum, Qixin Optoelectronics, and Safelux, which have done well in recent years." Liang Yiqing After thinking for a while, he said.

"It makes sense." Chen Hao nodded, lost in thought.

"There is one more point." Liang Yiqing said, looking up at Chen Hao with a sudden smile, "The company Ruisi Zhixin was established in July last year, and it has developed well over the past year, and it seems that funds are somewhat difficult. To open the Pre-A round of financing, I think it is better to win the company Ruisi Zhixin with the capital of President Chen.”


It's still a little bit, let's take a look first.

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