I Am the President of the University

Chapter 282 Apology Statement from Intel

Chapter 282: Cook gave up? (The chapter title is wrong, this should be it)

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Cook refused without thinking.

In Apple's top laboratory, there are three projects that were "accidentally" leaked. One is the well-known Apple Car (self-driving car), and the remaining two are AR/VR products.

One is the VR/AR integrated head display code-named N301. The headset prototype resembles a smaller version of Facebook's Oculus Quest.

It not only provides virtual reality (VR) game applications such as gaming, watching videos and communicating, but also has augmented reality (AR) functions. It will compete with VR head-mounted devices such as Facebook Oculus, Sony's PSVR and HTC Valve, and is expected to be released in 2022.

The other is lightweight AR glasses code-named N421. This glasses product will be more fashionable and lightweight and is expected to debut in 2023.

In the current era, the most promising development is AR smart glasses, because the current technological level cannot break through VR technology, and the current VR is actually pseudo-VR.

On the contrary, AR is easier to break through.

Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, and Google, the five major American giants, have deployed AR smart glasses, which shows that technology giants are optimistic about this field.

However, the domestic giants are focusing on games and community group purchases. Only the already notorious Qiandu company is specializing in autonomous driving technology.

"Intel's AR business can be transferred to you, but we at Apple will never give up entering the field of AR smart glasses!"

Are you kidding? In the AR field, Apple has spent so much time and money on it, how could it possibly withdraw?

"Watt? Mr. Cook, I want to correct you. Intel's AR business belongs to our Guanghua University. This is called returning things to their original owners."

"It's your Apple company that needs photonic screens now, not me, you know? Because of my temper, I believe there should be a report about me on your desktop. You can try it." Chen Hao said with a chuckle.

Now he is Party A. In front of Party B, why should he still be called Party A if he is not arrogant?

"Apple has been laying out AR for so long and has invested so much. It is impossible for Apple to withdraw from the AR field. Otherwise, I cannot explain to the board of directors and shareholders that this is absolutely impossible!" Cook said with a livid face.

As the technology company with the largest market value in the world, it is already a shame to bow to China and Guanghua for the sake of photon screen!

"Of course, I know Apple's investment in the AR field." Chen Hao smiled slightly.

Ever since Zhu Chen mentioned smart glasses, he had been collecting information in this area.

It’s just that the more I look at it, the more frightened I become!

Apple has been working in the AR/VR field for more than ten years. Since 2006, Apple has applied for dozens of AR/VR patents, covering all aspects of software and hardware. At the same time, it has recruited a large number of people and acquired related companies.

In terms of team, Apple’s AR team has more than a thousand people! For example, Mike Rockwell, Apple's vice president of AR product development, was the former executive vice president of Dolby and joined Apple in 2015; Avi Bar-Zeev, co-founder of Hololens, Microsoft's flagship AR product, also quit Apple in 2016.

In addition to recruiting talents, Apple has also spent a lot of money to acquire more than 10 AR/VR related technology companies, such as Emotient, an artificial intelligence company that developed "emotion analysis" software for Google smart glasses.

In the field of AR, although Apple has not launched a product yet, it will definitely be a big bomb on the day of release!

Without a system, Guanghua's attempt to defeat Apple by acquiring smart glasses developed by several companies is simply a fantasy!

Fortunately, there is a system.

Chen Hao thought to himself that the system is his biggest trump card.

"It's not impossible not to quit the AR field, but I have a condition."

"What? You said." Cook frowned, with a vague premonition in his heart.

"I need some patents related to your AR smart glasses."

"What?! This is impossible!" Cook's face darkened and he refused decisively.

"Ahem, listen to me first... What I mean is that I want you to license some of Apple's patents, not your patents." Chen Hao coughed a few times and added.

"If the patent is authorized..." Cook, who had just been shocked, breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with his previous withdrawal from the AR field, at least this is still acceptable.

He asked: "What patent?"

Chen Hao was not polite at all and said with a smile: "Not many, just a few unimportant patent authorizations, UWB ultra-wideband chip technology on AirPods spatial audio technology equipment, lidar scanner technology on the iPhone 12 Pro series,... "

As Chen Hao finished speaking, Cook's face turned visibly worse.

He has finally seen the shamelessness of the Chinese people!

The patented technologies mentioned by Chen Hao are all the preparations Apple has been preparing for smart glasses for more than ten years, and none of them are useless.

"Are you done?"

"Almost, it's just a dozen patented technologies. You Apple company has a big business, so you shouldn't care about publishing this, right?" Chen Hao said in a pretending to be relaxed.

Even Cook, who is known as an emotionless workaholic, was also angered by Chen Hao's shamelessness.

"These are too many, and what about the patent licensing fee?" Cook walked to the window, looked at the environment outside the company, and calmed down.

"Not much, right? I haven't said enough yet." Chen Hao clicked his tongue, squinted his eyes and smiled, "Apple is our good friend of China. Talking about money between friends hurts feelings. How about a patent licensing fee of US$1? ? Or $2."

Cook cursed a few times in his heart. The intelligence said that the other party was a scientific research madman when he was in Massachusetts, intoxicated in the laboratory.

This was completely inconsistent with the low-EQ software engineer he expected!

Cook swallowed his anger and said: "One dollar is absolutely impossible! Regarding the price, we need to discuss it with multiple parties."

"My bottom line is $1. If you are willing to accept it, let's talk. If you don't accept it, then there is no need to negotiate~"

Chen Hao was too lazy to pretend and said nonchalantly: "Mr. Cook, I want to remind you that Huaxing and Rice's photon screen mobile phones will be officially launched soon."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Well, Vovo and Popo are also coming soon. Not to mention a few days, Guanghua can wait for a few months. Anyway, we are not in a hurry."

Chen Hao's words made Cook change his color instantly.

This is why Apple is willing to cede its interests to the capital!

Huaxing and Dami’s photon screen mobile phones will be on sale soon, and this time they will be sold globally!

The two mobile phones equipped with photon screens and those without photon screens are completely different.

If Apple didn't have many other products to support it, its stock would have dropped by the limit every day!

"There's no rush, please take your time and think about it, and then contact me after you think about it."

After saying that, Chen Hao hung up directly.

In the office, Chen Hao played with the clay figurine given by Qian Jiahui and sighed deeply.

"After all, there is still a big difference in background."

Apple has so many AR-related technologies at its disposal, especially some important patented technologies, that it would have to pay too much R\u0026D costs to avoid them.

Guanghua is not a big company like Microsoft, Apple, or Google, and does not have so much time and capital to accumulate.

The construction and production of photonic screen factories owes a lot of debt to the state and local governments. It is estimated that all the money earned in the past two years will have to be used to repay the debt.

It's possible to spend tens of billions gritting your teeth, but it's just not cost-effective.

As for Apple Software coming to his doorstep, he was also expecting it.

This time the Huaxing crisis is solved, the variable is the optical core!

In Washington, think tanks have also analyzed and obtained a result: that is, the development of optical cores is certain!

The success of photonic screens can be derived from the breakthrough of optical core technology.

As for the technological problems of diamond material ductility and bending toughness, Guanghua University is currently the only one in the world to master it!

If this problem cannot be solved, the integration of photoelectric computing cannot be achieved on diamond nanocrystals.

As for the phenomenon of Huaxing, it has appeared many times in history.

For example, in the 1980s, when our country did not have EDA software, it used the spirit of two bombs and one satellite to mobilize more than 200 experts from 17 units across the country to gather at the Beijing Integrated Circuit Design Center to develop its own The EDA, then named the prototype EDA of the Panda system, was officially launched in 1991 and became famous abroad, winning two international awards.

But at this time, the international EDA giants Jiden and Xinsi took advantage of the situation and quickly set up offices in Beijing, quickly occupying the market with maturity and low prices, and thus strangled the Panda system in the cradle. This kind of story is very popular in the domestic semiconductor field. It keeps happening too.

Even if the performance of the optical core is similar to that of Qualcomm and Apple's new products, the current situation will not happen!

It’s really the optical core that the other party can’t handle!

And it is impossible to block the development of optical cores.

China has strengthened the security protection of Ludao and can only watch the other party's research and development.

As for Apple, Chen Haode's thoughts are generally the same as those of the country.

"Apples can't die quickly, they can only die slowly!" Chen Hao murmured in a low voice.

Apple takes away 66% of the profits of the global mobile phone industry. So many iPhones are assembled in China, but China only takes less than 2% of the profits.

So why is China still willing to give up profits to Apple?

If you want to make an electronic product, go to Pengcheng Huaqiangbei. From materials to parts to solutions, from low-end to high-end, we can even solve it for you in the same market. This would not be possible anywhere in the world.

The picture shows the industry chain of Apple mobile phones!

Relying on the industrial chain advantages brought by Apple mobile phones, Chinese mobile phone brands began to grow rapidly.

The top six mobile phone manufacturers in the world in 2012 are: Samsung, Nokia, Apple, LG, China Renaissance, and Sony.

Now in 2020, except for Apple and Samsung, the top six remain unchanged, while the others have become Huaxing, Rice, Vovo, and Popo.

This is to exchange China's market for technology, let the other party make money for a few years first, and then seize the market after a thorough understanding.

This is not the first time that China has done this kind of behavior, and Apple is just one of the cases.

A recent case is Tesla. Tesla built a factory in Shanghai. This is purely foreign investment and there are no previous Sino-foreign joint ventures.

The government has also poured in a lot of support, with the purpose of stimulating the trillion-level market of China's new energy automobile industry.

As long as all parts of Tesla's electric vehicles are 100% domestically produced, the rice in the mobile phone industry will be able to repeat itself in the electric vehicle industry.

Even if Tesla makes it impossible for domestically produced new energy vehicles to gain a foothold, it can only be said to be reaping the consequences. The subsidy policy has supported domestic brands for more than ten years. Can't we wean it off now?

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The country introduced Tesla to crack down on these fraudulent car replacements, such as Weix and Xpeng.

That is to say, only Bi Mouidi can do it a little better.

And it really killed Apple all at once. The most angry people are not the beautiful country, but the people of the Pearl River Delta and Shangdu. This is not about hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting yourself by eight hundred, but hurting the enemy by one thousand and hurting yourself by fifteen!

Foundries, supply chains, supply chains of supply chains, sales, after-sales, customer service, APP developers, etc., there are tens of millions of people at least.

Some people will say that to kill Apple, domestic mobile phones can take over. Domestic Huaxing, Rice, Popo, Vovo, and even Lianxiang, Yijia and other mobile phone brands can absorb Apple's workers and supply chain.

This is very ridiculous.

Assume that the five mobile phone companies Huaxing, Dami, Popo, Vovo, and Apple have an industrial chain of 1 and a global share of 1. There are a total of 5 industrial chains and 5 shares.

With the share remaining unchanged, what can the four companies Huami and OV do to absorb the huge gap left by Apple?

Only by cannibalizing Apple's mobile phone share while absorbing the other party's industrial chain can a smooth transition be completed.

Of course, the keyboard warriors don't care, because their interests are not involved. They will just scream from behind the keyboard to tell Apple to go away, without any consideration of the consequences.

The photon screen and even the optical core behind it are the spear for domestic mobile phone attacks. Apple also knows this, so it is willing to pay a huge price to get this spear to compete fairly.

"If we are poor, we will have tariff barriers; if we are strong, we will have free trade."

Chen Hao smiled slightly, the apple had already fallen into the urn.

If both photonic screens and optical cores are supplied to Apple, then the supply cutoff crisis of a certain company can also be staged on Apple mobile phones.

Not only can you choke the opponent's neck, but you can also make money and generate income, why not do it?

Beautiful country, Apple headquarters.

Cook likes to sit in his office chair by the window and look into the distance.

But today, he was not in a good mood.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Cook lowered his voice and said, "Chen, Hao, what's the secret behind you?"

According to the analysis of several of the world's top scientists at Apple, the diamond nanocrystal technology mastered by Guanghua University is not something that can be broken today.

A concept product that is at least 5 years ahead of 2020 is released ahead of schedule, and it happens in a rubbish school like Guanghua University?

No matter how much the sparks of inspiration rub and collide, they still can't create this thing.

This requires countless technical precipitation!

There are only two possibilities to explain this.

First, there is a secret world-class laboratory behind the other party;

Second, the other party may have obtained alien technology.

Cook's eyes sparkled, as if he was thinking about something.

An hour later, Chen Hao received a call from Cook without any surprise.

"I accept all your terms."

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