I Am the President of the University

Chapter 302 The Eve of Leaving

Room 305, Teaching Building, School of Information Science and Technology, Guanghua University.

When Chen Hao arrived in the classroom, three people were already sitting inside.

Two men and one woman. \b

Chen Hao walked up to the podium, pulled the chair aside, sat on it, smiled at the three of them and said, "When did you three arrive? Come on, don't sit so far back, sit closer."

Li Qiubai didn't think anything, so he stood up and sat in the first row.

Song Qingtong also sat in the first row, two seats away from Li Qiubai. As for the last boy, he took a look and sat in the opposite direction of Song Qingtong without even thinking about it.

"You don't need to introduce yourself, right? You can't even call me something, can you?" After adjusting the atmosphere, Chen Hao said with a straight attitude, "I will be the mentor of the three of you from now on, regarding course selection, career planning, etc. You can have problems with all aspects of study.”

"Principal, what are you asking? Are you calling or sending a WeChat message?" Song Qingtong looked at Chen Hao with excitement in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if the principal is your mentor or something, the important thing is that the principal is so handsome, just looking at his face is very eye-catching!

"WeChat." Chen Hao took out his mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat QR code, and then said to the three of them with his mobile phone: "Add me as a friend, and send me a WeChat message if you have anything to do. I will reply after seeing it."

After everyone had added WeChat, Chen Hao looked at the three of them and suggested, "You three can introduce yourselves and get to know each other."

"My name is Li Qiubai, software engineering class 1." Li Qiubai stood up first and introduced simply.

Then the second person to stand up was Song Qingtong, with a brisk tone, "My name is Song Qingtong, from Changnan City, Xijiang Province, Computer Science and Technology Class 1."

The last boy stood up reluctantly and said stumblingly: "My, my name is Wei Shu, software engineering class 2." It seemed that every more word he said would kill him, so he sat down quickly.

Chen Hao, who had been watching, also basically understood the personalities of the three people.

Li Qiubai is more Buddhist, Song Qingtong is a lively and cheerful girl, but the last one is more of an otaku.

"Is there anything you want to know? If you have any questions, just ask. Don't be afraid that you won't be able to ask." Chen Hao said with a smile.

"Principal, I have a question." Li Qiubai looked at Chen Hao.

"you say."

"I would like to ask how this freshman general education is conducted? Moreover, the academic affairs office of the college has not allowed us to formally select courses." Li Qiubai frowned and expressed his doubts.

"General education" is also often referred to as "liberal arts education", and the corresponding English expressions are "Liberal arts", but in Chinese it is often misunderstood as liberal arts education. In fact, "Liberal Arts" comes from the Latin "artes liberales", which means "the skills of free people". The purpose is to cultivate free people enough to participate in the public life of the city-state.

In medieval European universities, this education was summarized as the "seven liberal arts": grammar, logic, rhetoric, geometry, astronomy, arithmetic, and music. Among them, the three arts (trivium) of grammar, logic and rhetoric are the core, and the remaining four arts (quadrivium) are advanced courses.

In fact, this is a bit like ancient China. During the ancient China period, the aristocratic education at that time focused on the five classics and six arts. The Five Classics are the Book of Songs, the Book of Documents, the Book of Rites, the Book of Changes, and the Spring and Autumn Annals; the six arts are etiquette, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics.

The purpose is to cultivate all-round talents.

In modern times, many European and American scholars felt that the academic disciplines of modern universities were too specialized and knowledge was seriously fragmented, so they created general education with the purpose of cultivating students to think independently and understand different subjects, and even Being able to integrate different knowledge, the ultimate goal is to cultivate a complete and complete person.

On the contrary, in modern China, university education before the millennium was a bit like general education. Then in the past two decades, it has become more and more specialized education. Computer majors can only learn computer science, and accounting majors can only study computer science. Accounting. Of course, this system has both advantages and disadvantages, and benevolent people have different opinions.

"Your experimental class is the first batch of the school. All the rules and regulations are not complete. The school leaders are also taking the time to study it. Please wait." Chen Hao took a deep breath and said apologetically.

At first I thought it would be good to learn from Peking University’s Yuanpei model, after all, they have been there for more than ten years.

As a result, after in-depth research, I found that the general education system of Peking University Yuanpei College is also very embarrassing. It is not ****, but Sinochem has also lost the essence of Western general education. In recent years, it has been criticized and divided The sound is getting louder and louder.

"Okay." Li Qiubai twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that our group of people were experimental subjects.

"Principal, it's already November now. When the school system comes out, if you have to re-select courses, it seems that you won't be able to keep up with the progress of the courses." Song Qingtong said with some distress.

"Don't worry about this. Special measures will be taken when the time comes. Small class education will be provided and courses will be offered directly to the students in the experimental class." Chen Hao replied.

"That's good." Song Qingtong breathed a sigh of relief.

The classmate Wei Shu on the side remained silent. When he noticed Chen Hao glanced over, Wei Shu scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Principal, I have no problem."

"Okay, that's the end of today. If you have anything to do, you can detain me via WeChat."

After saying that, Chen Hao turned around and left.

The remaining three people looked at each other in confusion. After chatting awkwardly for a while, the three of them left one after another.

After leaving the classroom, Chen Hao went directly to find Lao Zheng.

In the afternoon, I will take a flight to a beautiful country to do some business, and I have to ask a lot of things during the few days I leave.

"What? Principal, why are you telling me now!" Zheng Qiang was stunned when he heard that Chen Hao was leaving for a few days.

"Hi, I just bought a plane ticket yesterday to go to the beautiful country to deal with the problems of the institute and experimental class system." Chen Hao said a little apologetically.

"No, principal, you have to go out for a few days. It's okay, but you have to tell me in advance. Otherwise, such short notice will make me very passive and it will be difficult to arrange school work." Zheng Qiang complained a little.

"It's my fault. I'll pay attention next time. The school will trouble you, Principal Zheng, in the past few days."

"Okay... what else can I say, how many days will I be away?" Zheng Qiang sighed and had to digest the sudden news by himself.

"Let's give it three or four days. I'll be back as soon as the matter is finished. Don't worry!" Chen Hao thought about it and he should be able to finish it in three or four days.

"Is it okay in the past?" Zheng Qiang looked up at Chen Hao and asked worriedly.

"It's no problem, don't worry." Chen Hao smiled slightly. He knew what Zheng Qiang was referring to. With the Chen family's connections and status in the beautiful country, the beautiful country did not have the guts to detain him.

Then Chen Hao explained some things about the school to Zheng Qiang before leaving.

Drive directly back to Bailu Hotel.

ps: The next chapter hasn’t been written yet, so don’t read it yet. . .

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