I Became A Mighty Lion

Three hundred and twentieth chapters disemboweled


Chu Xiaoye didn't hesitate, and was the first to charge forward. Her golden claws, like shooting stars piercing the sky, shot towards the black lion king!

At the same time, Curly Tail, Meimei, Tiris, and Catherine also rushed forward together.


Barlow roared angrily, one against five, still extremely ferocious!

The sharp claws grabbed his body, splashing a series of sparks, as if swords were hitting each other, making a harsh crashing and rubbing sound.

Catherine's silver claws pierced into the place where he was injured just now. If he hadn't turned around and fought back, he would have been disembowelled immediately!


Catherine, who succeeded in one blow, was slapped by the black lion king and flew out. After falling to the ground, she couldn't get up for a long time.

Meimei, who jumped behind the black lion and lion king to bite, was also sent flying by his tail.


The tail of the little curly tail flew out suddenly, quickly wrapped around the hind legs of the black lion king, and pulled it hard, knocking him to the ground.

Tilith's claws came down head-on and grabbed his head directly. Although it didn't pierce his skull, it snorted and grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood!


With a roar, Barlow jumped up suddenly, and with his hind legs forward, he directly dragged the curly tail to his side.

Just when he opened his bloody mouth and was about to bite it down, Chu Xiaoye's claws made a "swish", came through the air, and hit his head heavily!


Balon's strong body of nearly 500 kilograms was sent flying, and he fell more than ten meters away in embarrassment.

Then, he lay on the ground, motionless.

Tilith's figure flashed and flew over. Taking this opportunity, she raised her golden claws,

Grabbed towards the bloody wound on his flank, ready to kill him with one blow!

At this moment, the lion king who was lying motionless on the ground, as if he had fainted, suddenly jumped up, bit her neck with a "ah", and then turned around and ran away.

Tiris was restrained by the gate of life, and all the strength in her body disappeared in an instant, and she was held in his mouth limply, without any strength to resist.

Her eyes looked at Chu Xiaoye, who was chasing after her, watery and pitiful.


Chu Xiaoye spouted air, jumped up suddenly, and landed in front of the black lion king, blocking his way.

At this time, Little Curly Tail, Catherine, and Meimei also caught up and surrounded him again.

Barlow stopped in his tracks, looked at the young lion king in front of him with cold eyes, then raised his head and shook the little white lion in his mouth with a playful face.

The little curly tail let out a growl, flicked its tail, and was about to pounce on it.

He doesn't care about the little white lion!

Moreover, after this period of observation, his elder brother didn't care much about this little white lion!

So, die and die!

However, the elder brother did not move, he could only endure.


At this moment, in the distant forest, there was a roar of a lion.

Immediately, the lion's roar sounded one after another!

Chu Xiaoye's heart sank, and she finally knew where the uneasiness in her heart came from.

It turns out that this black lion king has a helper!

Hearing the roar of these lions, Barlow couldn't help opening his mouth, showing a cunning expression of success, but unexpectedly, his teeth loosened a little, and Tilith, who was bitten by his neck, suddenly raised his paws. With a "swish", it caught his eyes!

The golden light flashed and the blood spattered!

Tilith's claw suddenly pierced into his right eye, and was directly gouged out by his eyeball!


A miserable howl suddenly resounded throughout the oasis!

The sudden severe pain made Barlow let go of his mouth, jumped up from the spot, shook his head in pain, and roared hysterically!

Tillis fell to the ground, turned over immediately, and fled to Chu Xiaoye's side. With a "whoosh", she got under him, shrinking her neck, sobbing, looking pitifully seeking protection.

Catherine immediately jumped up and rushed towards the injured Barlow, but was shot flying with a "bang".

At this time, the black lion king was already looking crazy, and in the rage, he swat wildly, using all his strength, hitting the surrounding bushes and flying everywhere.


The roar of those lions is getting closer.

Chu Xiaoye turned his head to look, and saw a group of huge male lions, with their fangs bared, running murderously, there were at least thirty or forty lions.

Birds and rabbits fled in the bushes, panicking and panicking.

Chu Xiaoye knew that at this moment, there must be no hesitation!


He suddenly shot at the black lion and lion king, and directly hit the opponent's body with his head!

The Black Lion Lion King who was slamming wildly, had no time to react, and was knocked out by him!

As soon as it landed on the ground, Chu Xiaoye's golden claw pierced into the wound on his side with a "shua", and pulled it hard, directly ripping him open!


Barlow howled suddenly, his face was covered with blood, he couldn't see him at all, so he could only open his mouth to bite him fiercely!

Seeing that the group of lions was about to rush forward, Chu Xiaoye didn't hesitate any more, and immediately let out a low growl, and ran away with the little curly tail, rushing towards the woods on the other side.

Barlow was lying on the ground, his abdomen was cut open, blood spurted out, his mouth let out howls of anger and pain, his face was bloody, and one eye socket was missing, looking hideous and terrifying!

When the group of lions rushed in front of him, they didn't even recognize him for a while.

However, when they heard his stern roar, they finally woke up. The miserable lion before them turned out to be their former king!


They roared angrily, and continued to chase after Chu Xiaoye.

Chu Xiaoye turned her head and took a look, seeing Catherine staggering and almost falling to the ground, she hurried over and took her in her mouth, and continued to run.

This little lioness has just been severely injured several times. It is obvious that she has been seriously injured, and her physical strength is severely exhausted. She must rest as soon as possible, otherwise, the injuries in her body will be irreversible.

The little curly tails were already exhausted, and their running speed was getting slower and slower.

Chu Xiaoye knew that as long as they were overtaken by those lions, they would be wiped out.

Now, all of them have overdrawn a lot of physical strength, and they have no fighting strength.

Fortunately, the forest ahead is getting closer and closer.


As soon as he ran into the woods, Chu Xiaoye jumped up with Catherine in his mouth.

Little Curly Tail, Meimei, and Tiris also jumped onto the big tree and climbed to the highest point.

The trees here are relatively sparse and not too tall, but for many male lions, it is still difficult to climb.

And the thinner the tree, the less they dare to climb.

This group of male lions are all tall and strong lions weighing more than 400 kilograms. Their claws and the trees here are not enough to support their heavy bodies.

So, after climbing up the tree, Chu Xiaoye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But what next?

Food and water are things they need very much now.

Without these energy supplements, it is difficult for their physical strength and wounds to recover quickly, so they can only be trapped in the tree, getting more and more hungry and thirsty, getting weaker and weaker, and slowly waiting to die.

At this time, the miserable howling of the black lion and lion king finally stopped.

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