This spotless feng shui treasure was built naturally, and the Zhu family did not move the ground anymore.

Until the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongolian rulers were brutal and lawless, Zhu Yuanzhang rebelled, the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed, and the Ming Dynasty was established.

Later, this incident was reported by the locals. Many people buried their tombs in similar feng shui treasures, and descendants have already flourished. Many people have become high officials. Everyone called this similar place the dragon-flying feng shui treasure.

With that, Tang Yaoyao took a sip from the teacup, and said, “Many people now have a misunderstanding about this treasure of feng shui. It’s because it’s hard to find. Some big chaebols had to spend a lot of money to build a puddle to achieve this. The effect, but after all, it is man-made rather than natural, and the effect is not good. Therefore, I think that the feng shui is unremarkable."

After listening, everyone was speechless.

The source of this spot of water is justified and well-founded, and the cause and effect are explained one by one. This is where the knowledge is shallow, and it is clearly a Feng Shui master!

An old man sighed: "It turned out to be like this. I have always known that there is a legend in this feng shui place, but I didn't know that it turned out to be the tomb of the ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang."

"How difficult is it to congenitally form such a treasure? But if someone wants it, they will spend money, and instead they will be black."

"That's it, that's how it is."

Another old man still had some doubts about her words, and asked, "Master Tang, what else should I pay attention to when looking at Feng Shui?"

Rosie sees the stitches: "Yes, Miss Tang, what you said is something you don't know. The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty is no longer alive, which is really unconvincing."

She said this euphemistically, but she was actually saying she made up her mind and wanted to get through.

Tang Yaoyao sat down again, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, deliberately looked at the camera, smiled unpredictably, rubbed the mouth of the tea cup with her index finger, a little lazy, and said casually: "If you want to talk about them one by one, It will delay Mr. Huo's business."

"Miss Tang, don't you only know this geomantic treasure, do you?"

Rosie's voice immediately resonated with everyone.

Huo Yu also sat down, this move already regarded her as a distinguished guest.

"Since this is a banquet for everyone, everyone can speak freely."

The host's family has spoken, and everyone is waiting for her to continue.

Tang Yaoyao smiled lightly, Zheng Chou didn't have the chance to make a hot search. Since someone wanted to shoot, he didn't say enough about it at a time, how could he earn popularity.

His eyes gradually became serious: "Jiangjun's pen, the feng shui pattern of the general case, the mountain peaks of the general's pen are like three fingers stretched out, this pattern will produce generals."

One person asked: "Then what is the difference between the general sword we know and this general pen?"

Su Lexin faintly replied: "The case of the general sword is like double peaks, and the mountain is shaped like two swords. This pattern will produce military personnel. The rank of military commanders is higher than that of military personnel. Therefore, the pattern of the general pen is better than the general sword. More expensive."

Everyone was startled, Su Lexin, who hadn't spoken for a long time, actually spoke out, which proved that she was interested in this topic.

Rosie's face turned white again. Could it be that her first feeling was wrong, Tang Yaoyao is really a Feng Shui master?

Tang Yaoyao smiled slightly: "Ms. Su is right. After the sword, there is a Master Pen. The Feng Shui pattern of Bijia Mountain, the Master Pen, as the name suggests, the mountain shape is like the way the Master pinches, with the longer and shorter sides in the middle. In this pattern, there will be eminent monks or eminent scholars, and they are often used after the ancient monks passed away.

Su Lexin looked at her, her blue pupils were very deep, her voice was like cold autumn, and she slowly said, "How long has Miss Tang been in the Fengshui circle?"

"When I was in college, I had nothing to do, and I did some research." Before your ancestor was born, my aunt and grandma would look at Feng Shui.

Su Lexin pursed her lips and said nothing.

But at this moment, the banquet had reached a climax point, and each of the Feng Shui masters had forgotten that Tang Yaoyao before him was questioned by them.

"I have always wanted to know, what is the use of Qipanshan's Feng Shui?"

To catch the opportunity of a hot search, she certainly wouldn't hesitate to raise her eyebrows lightly: "This pattern includes some hills named Qipan Mountain, Yuji Mountain, Fuyin Mountain, etc. The common features of these mountains That is, the top of the mountain is as flat as a tabletop. With such a mountain as a case mountain, most talents, literati or wealthy businessmen will appear, while Yinshan will produce literati.

The old man who asked her to leave at the beginning asked again: "The feng shui pattern of the incense burner case, the top of the incense burner mountain rises on both sides, it looks like two pillars stand upright, like the incense burner we dug out of stone?

Tang Yaoyao slowly looked at him and squinted her eyes slightly: "Everything else is right, but the most important point is that the middle is slightly concave. The location of the incense burner case is suitable for building a temple, and it will also make a fortune."

After that, Tang Yaoyao looked at Su Lexin very politely: "Ms. Su needs anything to add?"

She shook her head, sipping tea.

At this time, I was really speaking freely, and another feng shui master admired her in his heart, and asked her: "Do you know the feng shui pattern of turtle back?"

However, this will not trouble her at all.

She drank another cup of tea and set it aside.

Huo Yu glanced at Uncle Li.

Uncle Li served tea in person.

Seeing that she hadn't said anything, Rosie smiled and asked, "Miss Tang doesn't know?"

Su Lexin's blue pupils moved lightly, as if to answer for that person.

Tang Yaoyao picked up the teacup again, nodded slightly to Uncle Li to show his gratitude, and then answered slowly.

"This turtle back should actually be called the Taiyin Hill. This pattern will lead to middle-level civil servants, that is, officials, such as the villa Feng Shui of the super rich Shao Yiguang, which is the typical turtle back Feng Shui of the Suzaku Feng Shui. He died of 109 years. At this age, he is not only a philanthropist or an entrepreneur, but his longevity is more or less influenced by Guishan Fengshui next to his residence."

Hearing that, everyone's eyes brightened, thinking that this was a life of great wealth, but they did not expect to live a long life, so they immediately used notes to write down this Feng Shui pattern.

Everyone felt that there was no question about Feng Shui that could trouble her, as if she was an encyclopedia of Feng Shui, with only unexpected questions and no answers that she could not give.

Rosie's hands were clenched into fists, and her face grew redder.

But she also remembered in her heart. You must know that the tomb after death is for the offspring, but if the feng shui of the house before death is good, it will make this life rich.

When she and her brother Ziyi get married, she must build a villa in such a place and be happy forever.

Thinking of this, she repeated it in her heart.

No one doubted Tang Yaoyao's identity.

Rosie spent a lot of money, not only did she not taste the sweetness, but she made her look good. This matter can't be left alone.

Thinking, then with a dark smile on his face, he asked politely: "Miss Tang, I heard that you are here to tell the fortune for my uncle?"

Today’s update is complete, Brother Yao started his fortune-telling, guess what’s going on in the entertainment industry~

There are fewer votes again. Babies vote more, give me motivation, okay~

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