Qiao Yong's mouth twitched and looked at her in amazement: "Your masterpiece?"

Meng Qingyue nodded proudly: "Yes."

"My university majored in electronic technology. At that time, I was already a very good programmer. When I learned that Qiao Mingzhu and Qiao Yong were in love, they started tracking, designing, and then being foolproof, which convinced Qiao Yingwei. When Qiao Yong and Qiao Mingzhu were together, they had many affair."

Su Mei was so shocked that her breathing became short.

How is this done?

So, Qiao Mingzhu was kicked out of the house, partly because Meng Qingyue was killed?

This woman is really terrible.

For so many years, hiding behind, carefully planning, like a python, devouring all the good things Qiao Mingzhu should have.

Meng Qingyue looked at Qiao Yong in shock and anger, astonished, and smiled very usefully.

At that time, she used Qiao Yong to work part-time in the group. She would occasionally travel on business. She found the hotel arranged for him by the company, copied a universal card, and went to his room every night and hid it in the closet.

The next day, after Qiao Yong left, she came out and was deliberately exposed to surveillance.

Once is accidental, twice, three times, that is to steal fishy.

She knew too well about Qiao Yingwei's psychology of a superior person. When she learned that her daughter was in love, the first thing she must do was to check Qiao Yong's private life.

In order to prevent Qiao Yingwei from thinking that she is Qiao Yong's fixed lover, and finding out that she is avenging her daughter, wait until then to meet Qiao Yingwei. With his wisdom, things will definitely be revealed.

If she fails to achieve her goal, she may go to court.

Therefore, she hired two private detectives at a high price and told them that her boyfriend was on a business trip and worried that he would cheat. She asked them to sneak into the room to stay overnight and come out again without any problem.

It is precisely because different women have sneaked into Qiao Yong's hotel room that Qiao Yingwei is convinced that Qiao Yong is a hypocrite.

Sure enough, to achieve what she wanted, Qiao Mingzhu is a Pisces, loves the brain, she 100% believes in Qiao Yong.

However, Qiao Yingwei was afraid of hurting her and did not mention Qiao Yong's "doing". In the end, Qiao Mingzhu and Qiao Yong's first child was aborted.

Qiao Yingwei personally planted the seeds of resentment in Qiao Mingzhu's heart. At that time, no matter how messy he said Qiao Yong's private life was, she didn't believe it anymore.

Since then, the relationship between father and son has been severed.

Qiao Yanzhi listened to her triumphantly talking about all this, only to feel her scalp tingling: "Qiao Yong, those women sneaked into your room, you didn't even notice?"

He shook his head.

Tang Yaoyao raised her eyebrows: "Mom, it is normal for the third uncle to not be aware of it. He is going on a business trip instead of enjoying it. In order to get grandpa's approval, he will work hard. Traveling will be very tired and sleep soundly. It's inevitable."

However, a normal person can never suspect that in his room, a stranger sneaked in and stayed in the closet overnight.

Unless, people with persecuted delusions think so all the time.

But Qiao Yong is a normal person.

Including her rebirth until now, she has never suspected that there will be a big living person in her closet.

This is terrifying.

Only Meng Qingyue deliberately planned and cautiously could do such a thing.

Meng Qing's eyes were low and full of joy: "As I wished, Qiao Mingzhu left Qiao's house. For many years after that, I didn't find a good opportunity to retaliate until Qiao Yong started his own business."

Commuter pass dears~

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