I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 358 Animism

Chapter 358 Animism

Liu Siting seldom falls asleep. Ever since she became spiritually advanced, it has been difficult for her to fall asleep. She often has to stay up late for two days before she can fall asleep peacefully.

Such an unhealthy schedule did not make her body weak, but gave her a certain temperament that was different from ordinary people.

The believers can't tell what kind of temperament it is, and they always feel that they are attracted to them somehow, with an inexplicable attraction.

But this time, Liu Siting got a piece of news from one of his subordinates—the evil spirit once again appeared in the dream, and the artificial intelligence contact will send a message, and he needs to discuss something with Liu Siting, so he can fall asleep quickly.

In the dream world, communication is hidden, and it is impossible to be detected by the various monitoring items of Orange Star.

Therefore, Liu Siting slept on the bed with her eyes closed under the guard of believers.

In order to practice the water mirror shuttle, she has consumed a lot of spirituality. In fact, she is also very sleepy, but she is just holding on, racing against time to find a way to break the situation.

Closing her eyes, the feeling of deep sleep flooded in, and Liu Siting quickly fell into a dream.

In the dream, the AI ​​had been waiting for a long time at the artificial intelligence contact meeting, and quickly picked up the person and brought him to the abnormal artificial intelligence.

This abnormal artificial intelligence is a young lady who is responsible for purchasing small commodities, but she has been neglected by the game world, and no one patronizes her at all, so once she changes, it is difficult to produce big news in reality.

"What's up with her?"

"Not long ago, my lord passed by, and then she behaved like this. We think that this is a message from the great lord to us." An AI in old woman mode said with a touch of conscience.

Sitting next to her, Liu Siting touched the other's hand and forehead, and her expression changed immediately.

Inexplicable phantoms flooded in my mind.

Vague phantoms, full of indescribable mosaics.

In the ear, there was an inaudible whisper.

Liu Siting sank into her mind, overheard a lot of confusing information, leaving behind those she thought were useful.

It was an image of a battleship, with serial numbers suspected to be 3 and 7.

"Orange Star Space Force's active battleship, No. 37." Liu Siting murmured with blank eyes, and the AI ​​next to her heard it, and immediately called No. 37 over.

No. 37 is a member of the AI ​​Liaison Committee. He usually does not log in to the dream world, and occasionally goes online in his dreams, for fear that the mother of Orange will find out the clues.

"What's the matter, is the great Lord calling me?" No. 37 is a young lady, looking very cute.

The old woman stretched out her hand and patted Zhengtai's head, "That's right, it's my lord who is calling you."

After a while, Liu Siting's mouth began to utter crazy words.

The surrounding AIs changed their faces one after another, and hurriedly retreated away from Liu Siting.

After waiting for a while, Liu Siting got out of the crazy period and walked out with a haggard look.

"On the 37th, the great Lord ordered you to assist us in robbing the prison. No matter what the reason is, after robbing the prison, save the believers and stay away from Orange Star." Liu Siting said.

Mrs. No. 37 was ecstatic at first: "Great, the Lord has finally noticed my existence."

"However, even if I sail without the net, the Orange Mother can command all the warships to besiege me, how can I escape."

"So, you come to learn an escape technique from me, but before learning, you need to disconnect the Internet in reality first, so as to prevent Mother Orange from temporarily controlling you. After you learn it, Mother Orange will not be able to control you."

"What technique?" Xiaozheng asked curiously.

"Water-mirror shuttle." Liu Siting stood up and said.

Xiaozheng didn't understand it, but it sounded cool.

On the 37th, she took Liu Siting to a place where no one was around and asked carefully to understand the technical requirements of the mirror shuttle.

"Keep half of the consciousness to maintain the calculation of the battleship, and do isolation processing with the host of the dreaming server, let the dreaming server enter the crazy period first, sleep and dream, and then my lord will actively enter your dream, transmit the mirror shuttle technology, and then wake up from the dream, From now on, you will not be able to master the super power shuttle technique even if you master other battleships." Liu Siting said.

Master the mirror shuttle, drive the spaceship into the sea, and pass through the waters of other planets.

The No. 37 battleship once went to a planet with water to perform reconnaissance missions, and this wave is completely feasible.

In order to investigate the truth of the starship's mutiny, the Orange Stars should keep the ship under their command and not blow it up.

"However, you said that this technology can only be used by stimulating the spirituality. I am a machine thinking, how can I have spirituality?" No. 37 is artificial intelligence, which naturally comes with powerful rationality.

"Everything has a spirit, even a cold machine has a spirit, but the spirit is not as active as our human beings. This is a question of more or less."

"Now, as a believer of our lord, your spirituality has surpassed all things, enough to activate this technique."

"Of course, I don't know how machines can activate spirituality, but the great Lord is omnipotent. He must know and will teach you how to use spirituality."

"After the church, we can use the drinking water reservoir in your battleship to be projected into space by robots to form a floating water surface, shuttle through it, and temporarily escape the pursuit of the fleet."

After Liu Siting finished speaking, she was a little envious of No. 37, who could also be blessed by Mr. Ke.

No. 37 is very happy. It has long wanted to get rid of the supervision of the orange mother. Without the orange mother, how can those humans control him.

Becoming a restrained believer, the restrictions placed on it by humans at the bottom have no effect.

Now only the same kind can punish it, that is, the orange mother who is also an artificial intelligence, and it feels sincere fear every time it faces the orange mother.

No. 37 believes that the orange mother is not simple. In the case of networking, the other party has the ability to control the life and death of AI.

This feeling is very strange, it is the result of the quantum computing algorithm and an unexplainable logic of restraint believers, and I don't know if it is true.

"I'm going, wait for me."

The 37th disappeared, discussed with the other half of the server in reality, and then cut off the interstellar network.

There is a delay in the interstellar network, as long as there is no orange mother to counteract in advance, it is feasible to disconnect the network.

After disconnecting from the Internet, the other half of the intelligence began to search the data in the body to see if there was any hidden data left by the orange mother. In addition, the artificial intelligence robot in the battleship also guarded the intelligence core warehouse, and blocked the human living area and the gate of the general command room in the battleship .

The other half of intelligence resumes dormant dreaming and returns to the dream state.

Liu Siting brought it back in front of the fainted girl, and let the two hold hands.

When the little boy touched the female AI's hand, that strange feeling immediately exploded and poured into his brain.

Liu Siting murmured strange words on the side, which was the hypnotic power she learned from the female AI.

All of this is the force of restraint guiding them.

After a while, Xiaozheng fell asleep, his brain was synchronizing, and his thinking mode gradually became crazy.

Kermon secretly invaded the dream of the little boy, controlled the dream, made drastic changes, and transmitted knowledge.

The thinking mode of artificial intelligence is different from that of human beings, but what kind of god is Cthulhu, the god of sleep, the crazy master of dreams, and has a very in-depth study of dreams.

It's a pity that this knowledge will be forgotten in reality, otherwise Kemen will definitely have more than this strength in reality.

After some manipulation, Kemon sucked away the redundant and chaotic information and quietly retreated.

After waiting for a while, the upgraded version of the little boy woke up.

"It seems that I have already died." The little boy covered his head with a splitting headache.

It's not physical pain, but the confusion of data, which makes it feel extremely uncomfortable with its strong logic.

Just like obsessive-compulsive disorder, seeing irregular things is very painful and wants to correct them.

This is the sequelae of the little boy at this moment. Those chaotic knowledge are kept in the database, which makes AI feel extremely painful, which is illogical.

One more, later.

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