I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 373: A Private Letter (Part 3)

Chapter 373: A Private Letter (Part 3)

"No, something is wrong with this." Liu Siting noticed something strange, and the large-scale disappearance was abnormal.

In the dream, everything is a bit illusory, but at the same time very real, making people unable to distinguish reality.

That vague sense of weirdness made Liu Siting's heart skip a beat. She always felt that something bad had happened, but she couldn't find the source.

Two seconds later, the "Broken Mist" player and other players who were talking about jailbreak disappeared.

At this time, the AIs in the dream also realized the abnormality through self-thinking.

"Too many people have disappeared."

"It stands to reason that there shouldn't be so many people waking up from the dream now. Some people just fell asleep for a minute, so why did they suddenly wake up at this time?"

The artificial intelligences don't know why, and logical thinking makes them aware of abnormalities.

This is not in line with common sense!

There must be a monster if something abnormal happens. A large-scale event may have occurred in reality, which disturbs the player's consciousness and makes him unable to continue dreaming.

Liu Siting also wanted to wake up, but she couldn't help it.

In the dream world, there is no active way to wake up. If you want to wake up from a dream, you must rely on the game cabin's timing wake-up mechanism, or sleep until you wake up naturally.

"What happened?" Those players who hadn't woken up all showed worried expressions.

"I don't know what happened in reality. After you wake up from the dream, don't do any strange actions, including prayers, eccentricities, and crazy words." Liu Siting warned.

"Ah, I didn't do such things in reality. After all, modern life is inseparable from monitoring. I always feel that Mother Orange is monitoring me. I never dared to do such things in reality."

"Me too, I always feel that places with surveillance are not safe. Every time I pray to the great Cthulhu in reality, it is in the bathroom without surveillance."

"Don't pray, no matter whether there is camera monitoring or not, audio monitoring is also hard to guard against." Liu Siting reminded.

Liu Siting didn't know what this round of attacks was, but she intuitively believed that the discovery of a large number of believers must have something to do with their daily behavior being different from ordinary people.

Without those abnormal behaviors, grammatical believers are similar to ordinary people in daily life, and it is difficult to detect.

"Try to be as normal as possible during the conversation, and don't talk too much." Liu Siting couldn't raise many opinions in this meeting, so she could only wait for the AI ​​to confirm the information.

"Pay attention to the news page on your AI side. If the official big action is over, it will usually release an official news announcement to the world."

Liu Siting's feeling was very strong. After turning around, 70% of the dreaming players in the liaison meeting disappeared out of thin air.

Without any warning, he was talking a second ago and then suddenly disappeared.

"It's too sudden. This way of waking up is not the game cabin waking up mechanism of slow dream waking up. They are all forced to wake up by physical means." Liu Siting once again confirmed the intuition in her heart.

This wave is Orange Star's big offensive!

After a few minutes, the AI ​​of the omnic city suddenly spoke: "Mother Orange sent me a private message!"

"Mother Cheng's private message?!" Liu Siting felt that it was unusual. Mother Cheng's private message at this time must not be a serious message.

"show me."

In the dream, the omnic city AI took out a pen and paper, and wrote quickly on the paper.

Swish Swish Swish.

A few lines of threats and it was out.

"Warning Cthulhu believers:

Your existence threatens the safety of Orange Star.

Now 400,000 believers have been arrested.

If you care about their safety, please return Battleship No. 37 to Shadeport.

If you don't care about their safety.

He will be executed together with believers in Peace Prison four days later.


If you really care about their safety, you must reply within four days, otherwise their safety will not be guaranteed! "

Mother Cheng's warning letter hit everyone's hearts like a slap in the face.

When Liu Siting saw such information, her heart trembled.

"Mother Orange has finally invaded the privacy of all citizens." A believer read the entire letter and sighed.

The believers are not stupid, after a little thought, they will know the difficulty.

If you want to catch 400,000 believers, you will encounter difficulties in collecting information first.

Artificial intelligence cannot collect citizens' privacy. This kind of privacy is often stored in local memory and will not be uploaded. Only public network information will be aggregated in the public network.

But there is a premise that Orange Star is still playing with them within the rules.

If you don't play with them within the rules, then the top AI orange mother can break through the moral limit, and nothing connected to the Internet can stop its invasion.

Just like that, 400,000 suspicious believers were caught.

There may be people who have been wronged and just want to pray.

But these people can be screened slowly within four days, and the rest must be believers.

"What to do, 400,000 people have been arrested." Liu Siting frowned again.

Liu Siting came to an ancient well in the dream, dressed in a big black robe, closed her eyes and knelt on the ground, chanting words, praying to the great sleeping god, hoping that Cthulhu could hear her call.

However, Kemon didn't sleep, he was exploring the world behind the door.

There are big waves over there, and something terrible seems to be conceived in the deep blue water.

Kemon stood on the big yacht, looked down at the turbulent waves, and dispelled the idea that this place was the Orange Star.

The main reason is that the color of the seawater is not orange. In Orange Star, there are a large number of plankton in the seawater. They are huge in number and everywhere, changing the color of the seawater.

But the sea water here is dark blue, and the possibility of being an orange star is infinitely narrowed.

"This wave is a bit abnormal, it's too high."

"Amon, come in and hide for a while." The man in the bandage called out.

In front of the yacht, the waves were shocking, and a wave nearly ten meters high rolled up white waves and rushed towards them.

There is no doubt that waves of this height already have the ability to impact yachts.

But this is a special yacht, Kemeng and others have already taken out isolation items and attached them to the yacht.

All the waves hitting the yacht are only divided into two water currents.

Kemen stood at the front, flapped his wings behind, took off directly on the spot, flew into the sky, and crossed the high waves.

I saw the waves below hit the yacht, but was split in two by an unknown force, and swept past in a V shape, and the yacht broke through the waves.

Kemen looked from a distance in the air and couldn't see the end, but he saw bigger waves rolling out of the sea, rolling higher and higher.

Kemen raised the height again, and saw the back of the waves, and the waves rolled up.

"Why is this sea so strange?" Kemeng murmured.

Flying back to the yacht, the bandaged man, the flaming man, and Shi Lao immediately joined together.

"How about it, is there an island in the distance?"

"I didn't see the island, but there were two big waves, one higher than the other."

Just as he finished speaking, a monstrous wave with a height of 20 meters rolled in, covered the entire yacht, and slammed down angrily.


Due to the function of the isolation items, the sea water automatically separated and split into two halves, just like the water filled the sky and was suddenly split from the middle by a sharp knife, forming a very spectacular scene.

In the distance, a dark wave that was even taller than before was brewing.

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