I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 623 Goodbye

Chapter 623 Goodbye

There was almost no air, and the pressure of suffocation suddenly descended on Kemeng's body.

Kemon could feel the rapid loss of body temperature, as well as a strong sense of weightlessness.

One step forward, the body vacated, and walked several meters before landing.

This is outer space. Kemon looked up at the black starry sky, and the dome was covered with dots of stars.

Kemeng held his breath tightly, and naturally took out a breathing mask from the storage scarf, put it on his face for aerobic breathing, the oxygen came from the creation of special items out of thin air, and the side effect was to receive another gas into the blood.

Kemen inspected the ground left and right. The gray-white meteorite was uneven, and the ground had a high reflectivity. The dazzling sunlight almost blocked Kemen's eyes.

But the sunlight can't blind Kemon's eyes, as he walks forward against the reflected light from the ground, a synesthesia picture about the past emerges in his eyes.

On this land of meteorites, the commemorative picture is naturally the Master of the Golden Gate and other disciples.

Kemen quickly found the next door, touched the door, and could feel the warm breath.

The upper body of the door suddenly opened its eyes, and a mouth was born, and the sound was transmitted through bone conduction: "You are not a disciple, you have no right to open this door."

Kemon felt the power of the rule level from this door, and it cannot be opened without the recognition of this door.

He didn't even need to bring out the big-faced cat, he guessed the condition to open the door - get the face-to-face recognition of the owner of the golden door.

Without the acknowledgment of the Golden Gate Master, this door will not be opened, no matter what means are used.

"Unfortunately, you are a door with a small hole." Kemon shook his head, and took out the rusty key with his backhand.

The door was unmoved, "It's useless, give it up, you are not a disciple."

Kemon didn't speak again, and simply inserted the key into its body neatly.

With a clicking sound, Kemon turned the key, and the door naturally loosened back, opening a crack.

"How is it possible, how did you open it, I..." The mouth guarding the door howled, making a sound like a shrew.

"You don't need to know that." Kemon pushed open the door, pulled out the key, and put it back in the bag.

Somewhere in this world, another open door will be closed, but that's beyond Kermon's control.

Let's kill the Golden Gate Master first.

After stepping inside the door, the air became fresh, and the white warm sun outside the window hit his body, making Kemeng's body emit a hazy white light.

The ground in front of the eyes is paved with smooth marble, and several huge stone pillars stand on the ground, neatly arranged in the distance.

The ceiling is ten meters high from the ground, and the high space makes people feel small unconsciously.

Here is a church made of marble. When you walk out of the church, there is a circular fountain with flowing water at the door. The sun shines on the fountain, glowing with layers of light.

A woman in a white nun's attire, with her back to Kemon, stood quietly by the pool and prayed silently.

In the distance, the sun has just risen, half of it is dark and half is bright.

The earth was dyed golden yellow, and the grass on the field was blown by the wind, making it very peaceful.

The scenery is beautiful, but Kemon's spirituality feels unusual and extremely familiar.

"You?" Kemeng looked at the quietly praying nun in front of him, and changed his tone from questioning to affirming, and took off the Mask of the Faceless Man on his face, "It's Chen Momo!"

Chen Momo, who was wearing a white nun's uniform, heard Kemeng's voice, turned his head, and saw that Kemeng's face remained unchanged from three years ago.

"Kemeng." Chen Momo's small face was a little surprised, but her tone was not as lively as three years ago, but she frowned.

"This is not where you should come." She looked around, "Go away, I'll pretend I didn't see you, go back wherever you came from, before they see you."

"It's fine to see that you're fine, don't worry about me." Kemeng had already sensed the heat distribution of Chen Momo's body with heat perception, and he didn't see the heat of extremely high density, nor the heat of strange forms.

Spiritual perception also indicated that Chen Momo in front of him did not alienate his body.

But on the one hand, there is no need to doubt that Chen Momo has already revealed the belief of the sect organization. She is a formal believer of the sect organization and a reserve disciple.

As long as he hasn't been alienated into a disciple, Kemen isn't afraid of anything. He has many ways to help the other party return to a normal life.

"Do you know where this is, the headquarters of the sect organization." Chen Momo looked around, worried that some disciples would see Kemeng.

As a believer in the door organization, you should shout that Kemen is a heretic.

But she is not the kind of brainless believer. She has her understanding of the belief of the sect organization, which is nothing more than the pursuit of extraordinary knowledge that humans cannot reach, and her desire to preach is not particularly great.

In addition, she deeply knows that the gap between ordinary people and members of the door organization is as huge as the gap.

Even if Kemeng is an investigator of Blue Star, his physical fitness will not exceed the limit of human beings.

As far as Chen Momo knows, the master disciples have broken through the limits of the human body one by one, which is not something normal people can fight at all.

Only S-rank members of the investigation bureau can fight against disciples.

In just three years, how could Kemeng be the disciple's opponent.

"I know, I just came to settle accounts with them."

Kemeng paused, and no longer took the time to explain here. He had already sensed the direction of the Golden Gate Master, "I'm going first."


Kermon seemed to have turned into an afterimage, and the extremely fast running caused the air to produce a sonic boom, and the sound of Kermon running could be heard in the quiet church area.

A faint sonic boom cloud followed him like fog.

Chen Momo watched him leave dumbfounded, and the heavy nun's clothes were blown by the strong wind.

in a minute.

Gate organization stronghold, Marble St. Square.

Hundreds of devotees sit around a huge statue, chanting the name of the one who makes all things, and singing his divine name.

The four disciples wore luxurious long white robes and held powerful special items in their hands as sacrifices.

The Lord of the Golden Gate was presiding over the sacrificial ceremony, but stopped reciting the words at this moment, and looked towards the west with cold eyes.

The four disciples felt something in their hearts, and they stopped holding up the sacrificial offerings and looked to the west.

"Go ahead, I'll eat him." The master of the golden gate said flatly.

"Yes! Sect Master!"

The four disciples withdrew their gazes and looked up at the statue again, showing fanaticism, holding up the sacrifices in their hands, and chanting the name of the only true god of the sect organization.

The master of the golden gate moved sideways in a few steps, and the boots on the soles of his feet seemed to have some kind of powerful force, which expanded the displacement distance between the two steps to hundreds of meters. After a few steps, it was hundreds of meters, and he moved out of the periphery of the sacrifice site in an instant.

Taking a few more steps, I stood at the top of the building on the edge of the square, facing the cold wind from above, my robes rattled.

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