I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 637: The End of the Shadow Stream Organization

Chapter 637: The End of the Shadow Stream Organization

Kemen crushed the teleportation stone, predicted the opponent's escape route based on his powerful gnosis, and set the direction of the directional teleportation stone in a certain direction.

A second later, when Kemon entered the void, as expected, the enemy flew parallel to him less than fifty meters away.

"Hello, Elder Yingliu." Kemeng smiled.

The smile on Kermon's face was bright, but in Shadow's eyes, it was a devilish smile.

"You are Kermon!" John recognized Kermon's face, full of horror.

Then something even more frightening happened to John.

Kemon boldly stretched out his hand to touch the bubble, and reached out of the bubble with his hand.

As we all know, the void is not safe, and the invisible turbulence of the void will kill people.

Kemeng stretched out his hand into the void extremely boldly, and he should surely die, but Kemeng's hand stretched into the void and nothing happened.

"What's the matter, is Kemon already so strong, it's okay to put your hand into the void?" John was shocked, and wordless fear came to his heart.

"No, he's not completely fine. His hand was injured." John observed carefully and found that there were fine scars on the surface of Kermon's palm. The wound was very small, only about micron-sized incisions.

These micron-wide incisions are increasing at a rate of several per second, which proves that Kemon's hands are not invincible in the void.

Even so, Kemeng's hand couldn't stay in the void for too long. According to this injury, Kemeng's hand would disappear sooner or later.

Kermon also stretched his hand back, took out some healing medicine and applied it to his skin.

As the body trembled, the wound on the skin of the palm healed quickly.

"How is it possible, how can the wounds injured by the void heal so quickly?" John was shocked again.

The injuries caused by the turbulence in the void are very complicated. Far from being able to recover from ordinary items, specific special medicines are required.

"By the way, he is no longer a human being. Alienated humans always have some special abilities." Elder Yingliu thought of Kemeng's fierce record, and the leaders of Yingliu were killed by Kemeng.

Kemeng must not be human if he can kill the boss of Shadow Stream.

Kemen stretched out his right hand to the outside of the bubble at this time, the space bubble will not be punctured, and the power of space can be maintained until the bubble transmission ends before disappearing.

Lightning appeared at the fingertips, a ring-shaped magnetic field appeared outside the bubble, and a steel-core bomb suddenly hung in the middle.

With a swish, the electromagnetic gun shot out the space bubble directly and flew in the direction of John.

John became nervous, but fortunately, the turbulence in the void was powerful, and the bullet flew halfway and was hit by the invisible turbulence in the void, instantly annihilating and disappearing.

Kemen fired more than a dozen shots in a row, but none of the bullets broke through a distance of more than 20 meters, and they always disappeared halfway.

"It's useless, your attack can't launch a long-distance attack in the void, the void will swallow your attack!" John summoned up his courage and said.

Kemeng didn't speak, and at the same time was silent, his mind was recalling the scene when the blood patriarch entered the void.

The body of the blood patriarch was not stronger than Kemon, but it wandered in the void for a while before being swallowed by the void traveler.

"The patriarch of the blood clan has a special item that is effective against the void, so the void did not swallow him." Kemeng murmured.

Kermon himself also has an item that allows him to walk freely in the void, but as his strength grows stronger, this item can no longer keep up with Kermon's footsteps.

At a distance of fifty meters, Kemon only needs to use his robe to generate a huge thrust and rush over to kill the opponent.

Kemeng's ice blood blast skill can also be released in the air, this distance can't stop Kemeng from doing it.

With a thought, at a distance of fifty meters, the blood of the opponent's body was frozen into ice.

But Elder Yingliu is a shadow creature after all, and the shadow is the real body. It is only a stopgap measure for Kemeng to freeze the opponent's body.


Kemeng's spirituality condensed into a thread, and Elder Yingliu had no time to react. His body was hit by the spiritual ray, and even the turbulent flow in the void could not instantly annihilate this false god's blow. Elder Yingliu lost his mind because of this, and countless distracting thoughts flooded his head.

"Ah, the great Lord of Shadow Stream!" John shouted, his eyes widened, as if seeing the Lord of Shadow Stream coming.

Kemen stood motionless in the space bubble, quietly watching the opponent fall into madness and chaos.

Waiting until the space bubble popped, the two returned to the sky above Blue Star at the same time.

The moment it appeared, Kemen rushed over to grab the shadow with his hand, and grabbed the shadow into the palm of his hand with the shadow grabber.

However, Elder Yingliu's shadow is very heavy, it is not so easy to catch, the large shadow is like sticky condensed milk, pulling out countless strands.

It took Kemeng a few minutes to pull out Elder Yingliu, who was completely confused.

"Master of Shadow Stream, did I do something wrong, please don't abandon me!" John felt a sense of crisis, and the shadows were twisted into countless tentacles, which was very weird and released a lot of spiritual pollution.

This is a high altitude, no matter how the mental pollution expands, it will not affect the ground. Kemeng is not polite to him, and directly throws him into the wine jar where time is still, sealing the opponent's shadow forever.

After dealing with Elder Yingliu, Kemeng adjusted his posture, while communicating with Blue Star's will, he also communicated with the location of the next Elder Yingliu, and continued to airborne tracking from the sky.

After two days.

All the elders of Yingliu were arrested and taken away by Kemeng.

Some shadow creatures who were close to Elder Yingliu were also taken away by Ke Mengtong.

With his powerful synesthesia, Kemeng pointed out the clues of the investigation bureaus in various places, and pointed out dozens of clues of shadow members every time he was sent to a place.

After this battle, the latent mid-level and high-level members of the Yingliu organization were destroyed, and there would never be peace.

On the other hand, Jinlizhou's virtual game quantum chip tape-out was successful.

Kermon took away a hundred chips, which will be put into the Wasteland Research Institute and installed on the virtual game helmet.

"Captain Kemon, can the functions of these chips be used in the medical field to help those blind people regain their light." The Director of Quantum Computing asked.

The director followed Kermon to make the chip for two weeks, and had a general understanding of the chip's functions.

The main function of this quantum chip is the interaction between the biological brain and the machine, involving vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch and other functions, and also contains a certain amount of artificial intelligence.

"You can try it." Kemon didn't stop humans from using this chip.

Anyway, they didn't have that special game file, and they didn't know that Kemeng wanted to log in to the game world in a different place. They only thought that Kemeng would do research on the five senses.

At present, the senior officials of the Bureau of Investigation believe that the recent research results of Kermon are spiritual data.

All things have animism, data-based spiritual perception, further research on the spirituality of artificial intelligence, for example, how much spiritual perception does the network beast have.

The Bureau of Investigation thinks so. Before leaving, Kemeng sensed the director's thoughts through spiritual perception, and couldn't help but look weird.

This guy of the cyber monster really needs to investigate, but Kemen feels that it is not easy to investigate.

The consciousness of the cyber beast is very complicated, and the entire Internet is a manifestation of its ideology.

It is very difficult to know the other party's thoughts. Kemeng can only see what the cyberbeast wants to show to outsiders, but the inner thoughts of the cyberbeast cannot be observed by others, and neither can Kemeng. The mature artificial intelligence itself is a black box.

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