I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 673 The Sleeping God

Chapter 673 The Sleeping God

Kermon ate his breakfast, and then checked the daily uploaded videos. The resistance power was steadily increasing every day.

Then he lay on the bed, thinking left and right, and hung up the curtains.

The guardian spirit appeared silently, sealing off the space.

Kemen took out the gaming helmet and inserted it on his head, feeling refreshed immediately, as if the brain and the machine were integrated into one.

But Kemon didn't immediately enter the game, but closed his eyes and fell asleep by self-hypnosis.

Since it's okay to dream, there's no need to hide it anymore, and Cthulhu doesn't care.

Kemen returned to La'lye with that sober memory, and immediately felt some kind of thoughts impacting his sober thinking.

That kind of thought is called breaking the seal of the ancient god.

From the beginning to the end, Cthulhu did not speak in Kemen's mind. Although he did not interfere with things other than dreaming, Kemen did not want to continue to pretend to be blind.

"Let's talk." Kemon said to himself, silently feeling the control over his whole body.

The degree of control is comparable to that of an arm, but because of the ancient god's seal, Kemeng can't move.

It can be seen that Cthulhu's body after falling into a dream is Kemon's.

R'lyeh remained silent as Kemon showed his cards.

Kemen couldn't see anything in his mind, he could only vaguely perceive that the other party was sleeping.

But when sleeping, there are also some sounds similar to snoring.

Kemen listened carefully and used the ability of the evil god to analyze.

This is a white noise simulated from the bottom of the sea. Without accurate language, you can only get emotions through synaesthesia.

Kemen listened for a long time.

Since the body is the evil god, any negative influences are ignored. Kemen can hear it very clearly, even more clearly than the black ghost.

The general meaning is to lift the seal of the ancient gods.

The evil god is still in a deep sleep, unconscious, and everything is the idea that comes out naturally, that is to lift the seal of the ancient god.

Kermon asked several times, and the snoring was always like this.

If Kemon didn't fall asleep, this guy would be a huge statue in the sea, without any fluctuations.

The ancient god's seal was too thorough.

After Kemon figured things out, he breathed a sigh of relief. He still had room and time to develop.

If there is no development time, you can only bite the bullet and run according to the other party's wishes.

Now, Kemeng is naturally not willing to listen to the other party's words. Even after the unblocking, Kemeng can control his body freely.

But now Kemen knows that Cthulhu has been sleeping in the state of the seal of the ancient gods. Even if Kemen entered the body of the master, he did not wake him up, and he was still asleep.

Or, He knew it, but disdained it, and still didn't wake up.

Kemen decided to go offline and ask the two sisters.

With a period of synaesthesia, Kemen saw himself, and then was startled awake by his spiritual awareness.

Then enter the virtual game through the game helmet, and return to the long-lost game world.

After going online, Kemeng's mentality improved a lot. While changing to a new mount, he arranged mental pollution.

The mount has been polluted, but it doesn't matter, the Amon poison has not been activated yet, the mount can still sit, and if it dies, it will be caught again.

The horse ran very fast, and the person sitting on the back was bouncing up and down, but his mood was not bad, even better than a day ago.

That day, the cloud, the land, and the water are beautiful no matter how you look at them.

The knot in my heart was untied, and I was able to let go.

Kemen first pondered over the matter of the seal of the ancient gods, dismissed the hint in his heart, and labeled it as an objection.

I had to accept it in my dream, but when I returned to reality, Cthulhu would not be able to make the decision.

Thinking is not to say that it cannot be repaired after being affected, just like the ring of the King of Thunder and Lightning, which is an artifact to cleanse one's faith.

Thinking can be corrected after the day after tomorrow, Kemeng called deeply, feeling the energy factors contained in this world.

Very thick, thick to thick.

Such a dense energy density proves that this place has been bombarded by heavy magic, and the bombarders have just left.

Silently synesthesia for a while, it can't be players, it can only be wild monsters.

Wild monsters also have thoughts. Since the game has changed, they are no longer machines of fixed thinking. If they encounter a territorial conflict, they will definitely fight.

Kemon patted the mount under his crotch to make it adjust its direction, and then continued to release mental pollution.

After polluting an area, Kemeng was also prepared in his heart to activate the Amon poison.

In an instant, Kemen's screen went black and he lost his life.

The level dropped by one, but the experience quickly added back and continued to climb.

For several days in a row, Kemeng spent time upgrading in the game.

Run the map, turn on Amon Poison after a period of time, continue to run the map, and so on.

Kemen didn't forget to contact the two twins, but the two sisters were not always online.

Kemeng stared at the friend list for several days, but the person's profile picture didn't light up, so he didn't know what he was doing offline.

Kemen also tried to use Cthulhu to communicate with the two girls in his dream, but he communicated with loneliness, as if nothing existed.

But Kemen knew that the twins did not exist, and the other party also had the personality of an evil god, with extraordinary abilities, so it was not so easy to find.

It took a month for the two to go online.

At this time, Kemeng ran the map non-stop, brushed more than 900 wild monsters, and his own level had already reached level 800, and Orange Star couldn't catch up.

The later it is, the more experience is needed, and I don't know when it will be done.

Kemendi said, "Nara, who is the ancient god who sealed Cthulhu?"

Nora: "Why should I answer you?"

"I owe you a favor."


Nora thought carefully for a few minutes before replying to Kemen, which made Kemen see that there was something going on.

"Forget it, I want to ask again later." Kemen stopped quickly.

In fact, this question can be left alone, because Kemeng does not plan to unblock it, so it doesn't matter if you don't ask, first improve your level and strengthen yourself.

"Do you really want to unblock it? Didn't you want to unblock it at the tavern?" Nora had clearly sensed Kemeng's emotions when she sat in the tavern with Kemeng.

"Just asking casually, what are you doing after you go offline?"

"It's a favor?"

"No, it's just chatting." Kemeng gave up owed favors, mainly because it's not worth it, and besides, he instinctively shouldn't negotiate too deeply with the other party, lest he be tricked.

"Then I can't tell you, hee hee."

"That's it? Don't you just change back to your original shape after you go offline, and you need to hide it?" Kemen was really interested in how they played the game, and tried to talk to them.

The two BOSS are not strong enough to distort the game system. Kemeng can feel that the game system is a part of the world, and the power of the world is much more terrifying than theirs.

To put it bluntly, their power to subvert history is just a film covering the whole world, the foundation of the world is still there, but everyone can't see the real world.

Once they die, this membrane will disappear, and the world will restart, entering the real world without distorting the historical appearance, which is called the second week in game terms.

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