I Became the Ultimate Boss

Chapter 717 Building on the Pain of Others

Chapter 717 Building on the Pain of Others

"It's Amon, he is really Amon!"

The taboo that cannot be mentioned broke out completely at this moment, causing the spirituality to run wild infinitely.

Naia ignored Kemeng, his True God Strike was terrible, but he could feel that Kemeng was outrageous!

After that slap was covered, Kemeng was unscathed!

You know, Kemeng has not yet become a god, and now he is just infinitely close to the gods, and he is only one step away from ascending to the rank of gods and becoming a true god.

If he were to become a god, Naia would find it quite troublesome with his outrageous defensive ability.

But no matter how painful it was, he couldn't kill Kemen anymore.

Even Cthulhu's presence couldn't kill Kemon.

He is real meat.

Kemon also believed that his resistance point was several times higher than Naia's, so he dared to stand on the battlefield.

Steady, just be firm!

Until now, Kemen has the confidence to say, I stand up and let you make moves, which can reduce my blood, you are amazing!

Kemeng was attacked by Naia on his head, and the blood volume of the players around him changed from green to red and then to empty. All the players died, but Kemeng survived.

Kemeng's eyes are very bright, as sharp as a knife, breaking through all appearances, and directly peeping at the inner core of power.

When Naia attacks the player.

How does the game world work?

What is the difference between life and death in the surrounding environment?

The gods are really different, as soon as they make a move, Kemen can see many things that are difficult to observe.

The power of the gods is too great, pulling and mobilizing the whole body, hooking some things that require huge energy to hook up.

Naia also discovered that Kemon was using him to observe the rules and regulations in the field of gods.

Slap it upside down.

The players were shot dead on the spot again.

The huge black shadow from the pitch-black universe emitted a red light, shining on the bodies of every resurrected person.

The bewitching voice pierced through the players' brains, making them hand in the lock-level flags in the team.

Without removing this, players' levels will be locked there.

In addition, nearly half of the resurrection altar was directly broken by Naia.

The barrier has been completely pierced, and even if it is a special item, it cannot challenge the god.

The players felt powerless and hopeless.

However, among the group of revived players, Professor Li Shen didn't look at Naia, but fixedly stared in Kemon's direction.

The humanoid body surrounded by black smoke survived the attack of Naia's true god several times.

"Human beings can also become gods. Has Amon already become a god? No, it feels like he hasn't become a god yet, but he will soon." Li Shen's thoughts flashed, and he thought of many things.

Players are very powerful with their crowd tactics.

Even in the face of a true god like Naia, no matter how many lives come, it is not enough.

There are too many gaps. This is no longer the power gap between several classes, but the difference between heaven and earth.

Only by crossing this outrageous gap can Naia be re-filled with crowd tactics.

"No matter how bad it is, we have to be like Amon, unscathed in the face of Naia's attack. Only in this way can we kill the boss with our lives." Li Shen seemed to have found his way forward.

In order to prevent himself from losing control, Li Shen clicked the button to force logout.

After Naia appeared, the oppressive atmosphere in the environment had exploded to the extreme, and his mind was full of thoughts of madly worshiping Nayatoratipu.

Li Shen left and went offline for treatment.

Kemon hasn't left yet, he is still observing the true god's form and power rules.

Naia did not continue to kill the players, but released red light, hypnotizing all the players into a dream.

Kemen stood on the field, stunned for a moment, what does this mean, and why did it hypnotize the player into a dream.

If the player falls into a dream, it is estimated that they will all enter the joint dream.

"What are you doing?"

"Pollution of dreams." Naia laughed, very wickedly.

Kemen's heart sank, he had to go.

"You guys treat this place as a game, but I want Orange Star to become chaotic."

"The first step is to start with the joint dream!" Naia's crazy voice resounded through the world like thunder.

Kemen knew what Naia wanted to do. This guy wanted to destroy Orange Star and drag it into the abyss of chaos.

The United Dreamland is a large-scale comprehensive dreamland opened by Cthulhu through the ability of dreamland communication, and it is composed of billions of dreams of Orange Stars.

Now, he wants to pollute the will of the Orange Star people, thereby polluting the dream, and then pollute more people from the dream, and pollute the Orange Star in reverse.

This is a good calculation, and it is done very beautifully. It not only settles the player's account, but also uproots the player.

Naia does not intend to let Kemen go back to his dream to clean up the environment. He wants to hold Kemen back and prevent Kemen from falling into his dream.

"Don't go, stay with me, stay with me for a day, it should cause Orange Star to fall into chaos." Naia giggled, and there was a little more joy in the laughter.

However, Naia's happiness is based on the pain of others.

Kemen knew that he was never a good thing.

"I want to fall into a dream, I'm afraid you can't stop it." With a thought in his mind, Kemeng let go of his resistance and directly hypnotized himself into a dream.

"Impossible. I am influencing you all the time, distorting your spirituality. It takes at least a few seconds for you to fall into a dream smoothly, but I am there every second... Hey, have you fallen asleep yet? It's so fast!" Naia was stunned. He didn't expect Kemeng to really fall asleep, and it was unbelievably fast.

This is also the credit of Kemeng's frequent hypnosis into dreams. Practice makes perfect, his own resistance power, and his soul have adapted to falling into dreams quickly. Once the thought arises, it will be like a nervous reflex, and the dreaming process will be completed in an instant.

"However, it's too late for you to go back now."

Naia still didn't panic, and slapped Kemeng's body cheerfully with her hand, making a loud sound of heaven and earth falling apart.

Kemeng's blood bar remained unchanged, and the word "zero blood" popped up, which made him quite unhappy. This person's defense ability was ridiculously thick.

This chapter is supplementary.

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