I Can Enter the Game

Chapter 818 The Shock of a Famous Foreign Friend!

Chapter 818 The Shock of a Famous Foreign Friend!

When Youcheng's suspension car experience press conference is about to be held, the enthusiastic atmosphere in Youcheng has reached its peak.

Countless tourists flocked to Youcheng.

What broke Chen Li and Sun County this time was that the traffic in Youcheng was paralyzed again.

Even if there is already a sixth ring road, there are direct access to the airport and fast lanes.

Because there are too many tourists coming to Youcheng this time.

After all, it is an epoch-making thing like a suspension car, a product that only appears in movies, and it was not carried out in a closed environment, but was carried out in public on the street.

Even if the street is closed, some tourists think that even if they cannot be invited, they can still see the launch experience site standing around or on the roof of that building.

Therefore, those idle or extremely curious tourists went to Youcheng one after another.

This caused another traffic jam in Youcheng.

This scene also made the leader who came down from the capital feel infinitely moved.

To be honest, a county has already built the Sixth Ring Road, and there is a direct expressway to the airport, but there is still a traffic jam.

This is very miraculous.

Naturally, this also shows that Youcheng is really too popular and has too much traffic

In addition to the enthusiasm of the tourists, what attracted the most attention in Youcheng were the celebrities who were invited.

There is a very well-known brother Hu in China, and this star is a model of artist quality.

Another example is that Principal Gu who has been donating to the school.

Naturally, the actor who kept saying that he would donate naked was not invited, instead he was not included in the list.

After all, you have been urging that you want to donate naked to benefit the society, but you have been getting this kind of event flow and popularity, but you have not taken any practical actions at all. On the contrary, your own consumption is still very large.

This is talking about things that are uncertain in the future.

It's like a man who has a girlfriend, and now he says that he will buy you a house and a car without giving her anything. All of these are uncertain factors, and how many of them are really done?

Just like many women said at the beginning that they don't care about money, so what happened in the end?

If you take this kind of talk all the time but don't do it, it would be a bit degrading.

When these celebrities arrive in Youcheng, they will naturally be surrounded by tourists.

At the same time, this can be regarded as a celebrity quality check!

After all, this is an experience conference led by the leaders of the capital.

The celebrities who can be invited at this time are basically confirmed to be no problem after the review by the above. This kind of people can basically be fans, so don't worry that one day if you become a fan, the other party will step on the thunderstorm tiankeng again.

There was even a dragon star martial arts superstar who wanted to come to participate, but he sent an application on his own initiative, but was not approved.

Although this Long Xingming star has a great reputation in the world, it is a pity that this is a womanizer, and he can't control his salty hands.

This is also very bad, and naturally it is not considered in this kind of experience conference.

The arrival of these stars naturally aroused the madness of their fans, just like some fans who didn't want to travel to Youcheng came to Youcheng one after another for their idols. .

This has increased the traffic difficulties in Youcheng.

In addition to these stars, there are also some small stars or some less famous people who also came to Youcheng,

The purpose of these people is very simple. Naturally, it is to rub the traffic and rub the camera.

It's commonplace for them, as long as they are thick-skinned, there will be no problem.

More importantly, maybe it can also be used to make people misunderstand that he is also an invited star, and maybe it will increase a wave of fans.

In addition to these domestic celebrities, some foreign stars are more concerned, such as the famous club king, and the famous actress Avril Lavigne.

Ai Weier is a very famous singer who is very close to China.

You must know that in the beautiful country or those western countries that I like, although those stars want to make domestic money, they are indeed countries that exclude us very much.

For example, the protagonist of the Titanic who has been touted by the media in China, the other party does not know much about the country, but is full of prejudice. There are not a few such international superstars.

Even like the actress Sharon Stone who performed the famous "Instinct", she put on a look of contempt for a domestic earthquake, saying: "It's very interesting, this should be retribution!

Even on a celebrity program in the beautiful country, when someone asked how to solve the debt of 130 million US dollars owed by the beautiful country to the country.

A child made a shocking statement, saying: "Go around to the other side of the earth and "make light" (the original words are more vicious) of the people from that eastern country."

Jimmy Kimmel, who was a well-known host at the time, and some celebrities not only did not stop or correct it, but instead said "this is an interesting point of view" in a joking tone.

Instead, they debated the idea.

Therefore, in this environment, a star like Avril Lavigne is really rare and valuable. Not only does he often donate money to the country, but he also refuses to participate in endorsement cooperation that insults domestic brands, and even lost many contracts because of this. Many film and television resources refused.

But it is such a star who is very friendly to us, but he is ridiculed by many netizens in China who don't know the so-called, and even commented as disgusting by some domestic netizens because of his out-of-shape figure.

On the contrary, those celebrities who do not have a good impression of the country, but instead speak ill of each other, are sought after by those netizens because of their handsome or beautiful faces, so do these people not know what they mean?

However, these stars will not be forgotten in China, so this epoch-making suspension car experience conference has invited stars like Avril Lavigne. There are more cameras and heat in front of you.

Moreover, this kind of thing that can be recorded in the history of the world is definitely more useful than acting in a movie or shooting an advertisement.

The international celebrities who were invited, like Avril Lavigne, understood this.

This is actually a stand.

The reason why some international stars speak ill at home is that even many domestic stars are licking the toes of those countries in the beautiful country, full of disgust for their own country, and even thinking of immigrating with foreign nationality instead of their own nationality.

In their eyes, it is just because countries like the beautiful country have more powerful resources and are more useful to them. This is also a kind of standing in line.

As for whether they can get these resources, who knows? Anyway, many people were fooled into speaking indiscriminately, and then lost their own country's nationality after obtaining the other party's nationality, and finally lived the lives of inferior citizens abroad.

Celebrities like Avril Lavigne and the others, perhaps because of their kindness, expressed sympathy for some disasters in the country and made donations, and they were even more unwilling to participate in things that insulted other countries or excluded activities, but they did show goodwill to the country.

Therefore, now that the country is strong, and with the emergence of this cross-age technology that can attract the attention of the whole world, the country naturally remembers these kind people and will give them this opportunity.

Moreover, the country will tell these people that they have done nothing wrong and will not make them regret what they have done.

A special plane landed in Youcheng.

The people on this plane are naturally those invited world celebrities and stars, including Avril Lavigne and the club king.

Avril Lavigne was sitting next to the club king.

They arrived in the capital together, and then they were uniformly arranged for a special plane to Youcheng.

Avril doesn't have a deep impression of Youcheng. She just saw Youcheng in a world travel publication. The owner of that publication is a gourmet. There are many descriptions and praises for Youcheng in that publication, which also aroused her curiosity.

Otherwise, she doesn't know much about this oriental country, because he rarely participates in activities in this country, or movie advertisements and the like.

Her biggest impression of this country is the delicacies and the victims who suffered there, so she often makes donations for this country.

She was very surprised to be invited to participate in the suspension car experience this time. After all, not everyone can participate in this kind of activity. This is an invitation from a country.

And, something this worldwide is sure to be recorded in history. She feels honored to be a participant.

Avril Lavigne followed the leader of the eastern country out of Youcheng Airport, and she was a little shocked when she saw this airport.

After all, she had already known about this Youcheng before coming here, but it was actually just a county in this country, not a big city.

But the airport in this county is as big as an international airport.

This is very incredible. Has the economy of this country developed to this extent?

The same is true for other celebrities and stars. They also looked at this big airport in disbelief, and then took out their mobile phones and started shooting.

They feel that they should share these and let more people know about this oriental country.

After all, many people in their country are full of misunderstandings about this oriental country, and even think that this country should be very backward, and there is even a braid tied behind the man's back.

This is really a ridiculous perception.

You must know that one of their counties already has such a large airport, which is comparable to an international airport.

There are cities at the same level as this county in their country, and even trains are not popular, and even first-tier cities don't necessarily have such a big international airport.

The club king was also shooting this video. Naturally, the video he shot was not for sharing with fans, but for a certain account.

He also wants to let some people know that this country is not what it used to be.

This is just an airport in one of their counties, and it's so grand and big.

Soon, these international stars were taken out of the airport, and then directly chose to go to Qinglin Scenic Area.

This was also specially arranged by the leader who came down from the capital.

He just wanted to let these celebrities have a good experience of Youcheng's tourist attractions, and deliberately let them see the most beautiful side of Youcheng, a county town, and then let them think that this country has developed to an incredible level.

So they speak internationally and stuff like that. It will also affect some people, and it is also very beneficial to the country.

Moreover, the leader believed that the Qinglin Scenic Spot would definitely attract those international celebrities, who would be so attracted by the scenery that they couldn't extricate themselves.

Because he has visited it himself, he knows how incredible Qinglin Scenic Area is.

Avril looked at Youcheng passing by the car window, and felt incredible, because this is a city surrounded by mountains, it is really hard to imagine that such a prosperous city can be developed in the center of such mountains.

You must know that the place surrounded by mountains in their country has almost nothing to do with the word prosperity.

Finally, the special reception car stopped at the parking lot of Qinglin Scenic Area.

International celebrities like Avril Lavigne were shocked when they got out of the car and saw the long queue of tourists lined up, and even showed panic.

It's hard for them to imagine how there are so many people in this scenic spot. It's so densely packed, shoulder to shoulder, that it's almost impossible to walk.

No matter how beautiful and attractive the scenic spots in their country are, it is impossible for such a situation to occur.

They may now understand what a terrifying force 1.4 billion people are.

Naturally, the scenic spot has arranged exclusive passages for these celebrities and celebrities. After all, it is impossible to allow them to be crowded with ordinary tourists, and things will happen.

Therefore, the person in charge of receiving and guiding quickly led people like Avril Lavigne and Plum Ball King to the special entrance.

But at the entrance, people like Avril Lavigne were also shocked again, because the two huge voices at the entrance were incredible, they were Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Although they have seen on the news that this eastern country has developed Transformers, they always thought it was just a model of Transformers. Even if there was a video sent by the pirate, they did not fully believe it. It may be a man-made video, after all, videos can also be P now.

Moreover, their country is not acknowledging this, which makes people think it is fake.

But now seeing Optimus Prime and Megatron of Transformers with their own eyes, they feel that it is not that simple.

Maybe the video posted by the pirate is real, the metal texture and the frozen, mechanical sound are incredible.

At this time, Optimus Prime and Megatron looked at Avril Lavigne who appeared.

Optimus Prime made a voice of surprise: "Oh, look who is here, this is not our famous Ms. Avril Lavigne, and the club king and..."

Optimus Prime almost revealed the names of those international celebrities.

Megatron also said: "Oh, everyone, welcome to Jinglin Scenic Area. There are our Decepticon guards here. There will be no danger. I wish you a happy and happy time."

This surprised those people very much.

It is also a very amazing experience for them.

If it’s just that Megatron and Optimus Prime at the door have made them miraculous, then when they arrive at the mechanical fighting arena, seeing the scene of Megatron and Optimus Prime fighting crazily is almost even more exciting than in the movie. The warmer and more exciting, they were even more shocked.

Moreover, there were other Transformers joining in this fighting arena, especially the Guofeng Transformers, which shocked them even more.

Afterwards, people like Avril Lavigne were taken to the Bougainvillea Sea to play. There are no Bougainvillea in foreign countries. When people like Avril Lavigne saw the Bougainvillea Sea, they were completely dumbfounded.

After all, Bougainvillea has the attributes of gorgeous +2, ornamental +2, attractiveness +2, comfortable mood +2, and being in the mirror +2.

Celebrities like Avril Lavigne and Plum Ball King have never experienced such a situation.

Under the influence of those attributes, I feel a little dumbfounded, I can't believe that there is such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers in the world.

Therefore, even when they stood still and stared blankly at the sea of ​​bougainvillea, the person in charge of the reception arranged in China did not urge or speak, because he knew very well what kind of mentality these people are now.

Because he had the same heart when he came to look at the sea of ​​plum blossoms.

It's a pity that these foreign celebrities should lack some words to express shock, so they can only be in a daze.

Otherwise, there should be a whole team full of voices: Fuck me, awesome voices.

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