I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 112 Decompression

Liu Huaxing knew that it would be very tiring to try out the arrangements for the second semester of the third year of junior high school on the first day, so he deliberately adjusted a few dishes for the evening. The first is a mixed fried chicken cutlet and fried shrimp. Of course, this must be eaten with sauce. In addition, it is stewed rotten braised pork. Finally, it is paired with a beautifully cut vegetarian three silk to relieve the greasy.

When people ingest fat, the brain will feel pleasure from the bottom of their hearts, which is an instinct left over from ancient times.

Big chunks of braised pork, eat it in one bite, the meat fills the entire mouth, full of happiness.

"This really... melts in your mouth." Ye Jiaxin covered her mouth in embarrassment and said, "I don't actually like pork belly, but this is too delicious, right?"

"It's not easy for this fried shrimp to be so crispy after being heated in a microwave." Yang Xiaoxiao said while eating the fried shrimp. Liu Huaxing handed her a box of sauce and said, "Don't you like spicy food? Dip it in and eat it." ?”

"Why? I'm the only one who gets special treatment." Yang Xiaoxiao asked him sideways.

"Then who made you like spicy food, why can't we eat it?" Liu Huaxing gave her a blank look.

"I'll try this sauce." As Yang Ying said, she also picked up a piece of chicken steak and dipped it in the sauce: "It's delicious! Give me some..."

This meal in the evening, the classroom is lively, because there is only 30 minutes to eat, everyone basically has to eat at school, some students have their meals delivered by their families, and some students order meals outside, so the parents of the students in the classroom are crowded The water was packed, and the smell of food permeated the campus.

However, the short meal time is over soon. After eating, pack up the lunch box, and then go to the toilet, and it is time for evening self-study. At this moment, only the students in the third grade of junior high school were left in the whole school, which seemed very quiet.

The teacher was lecturing on the podium, but Liu Huaxing couldn't help but began to lose his mind. He didn't know why, although it was this time that he hated the most at the time, but it was also this time that he missed the most many years later, the six months before the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination.

By the time school was over, it was already half past eight in the evening. Liu Huaxing and his group returned home from school together. Their cities were not particularly developed in this era, and it was actually very deserted at night, around eight or nine. Most of the people stayed at home and watched TV, so the streets were deserted. Especially on the way from their school.

The road itself is relatively remote, there is no one on the road, and the distance between the street lights is still very far, and from time to time you will pass through a completely dark road section. If you go back alone, you may be a little scared.

"This road is so scary at night..." Qin Yulu couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"That's why the teacher advised us to go back together after school at night." Yang Xiaoxiao replied, and then elbowed Liu Huaxing teasingly: "Obviously watching horror movies scared me to death, but in reality I'm not afraid of the dark."

"What's there to be afraid of being black?" Liu Huaxing rolled his eyes, "The real monsters live among the crowd."

"Oh, I really envy you guys who still have the strength to joke around." Ye Jiaxin sighed wearily, "I can't even walk now, I just want to go home quickly, take a shower and then sleep. Fortunately, I don't have homework today, otherwise..."

The teacher is quite considerate of them. After all, in the new class hours that have just been implemented, the first half of the evening self-study is given to them for homework, and the second half of the evening self-study is not given extra homework for them. You don't need to do any more homework, you can just rest. But Yang Ying was still complaining that there were no cartoons to watch when she went back at this point.

Soon, Yang Xiaoxiao arrived home first, and she went upstairs while yawning, then Ye Jiaxin and Qin Yulu followed to the station, and boarded the train exhausted. Life on the first day of the graduation season was obviously not that pleasant.

"Oh, it's terrible... Will this kind of life last for half a year?" Yang Ying said with a look of death.

"For the time being, it will only last for half a year." Liu Huaxing shook his head and said, "After you graduate from university, you will live like this every day."

"Oh, don't remind me of that." Yang Ying said anxiously, "My birthday will be next month, at least let me spend my birthday safely. It just so happens that it is a Saturday..."

"Then we have to make up lessons." Liu Huaxing nodded and said, while Yang Ying wailed in pain.

Although this kind of life is very difficult, everyone soon got used to this rhythm. Even so, the pressure is still accumulating bit by bit, which is especially obvious for students like Qin Yulu who pay more attention to study. Before the first week has passed, everyone can't bear it anymore.

"Oh, I think I'm going to explode." Ye Jiaxin said hysterically as she lay on the table. It was the first Saturday of their first week of school. They had been in school for five consecutive days. From 8:00 to 8:00 pm, fortunately, they can leave school normally without making up lessons on Saturday night, but even so, there is a lot of homework waiting for them on Sunday.

"I want to be more open. Do you know that before the college entrance examination of Beichang Normal High School, not only make-up classes are made up until 8:30 pm every day from Monday to Saturday, but also make up classes on Sunday morning?" Liu Huaxing said lazily while flipping through the book.

"That's the college entrance examination, we are the high school entrance examination." Qin Yulu replied unconvinced.

Liu Huaxing just sighed slightly. To be honest, he has been a bit overwhelmed this week. After all, he can't stop studying at all. Proper review is still necessary. In addition to the preparation of two meals at noon and evening, there is still a lot of food in the morning. He had to run in the morning, and he couldn't help but feel a little tired. He wanted to have a good rest for a day without doing anything serious.

"Liu Huaxing," a call sounded from behind at this time, Liu Huaxing turned his head to look, Wu Di was holding the guitar in his arms, and looked at him with a smile: "Do you want to play one?"

"No, there are so many people in the class, and after a while people will say that I am pretending." Liu Huaxing waved his hand and declined politely.

"I didn't expect you to be the kind of person who cares about other people's eyes and hides yourself. I misread you." Yang Xiaoxiao said "tsk" from the side, and said angrily. Liu Huaxing knew that Yang Xiaoxiao was trying to provoke him, so he flicked her forehead hard, then took it from Wu Di's hand, adjusted the tone a little, and his action immediately attracted the attention of the whole class.

"Oh, no, I'm going to spit out lunch!" A few boys in the class went out angrily, but Liu Huaxing didn't care, because Yang Xiaoxiao and the others looked at him expectantly, so his fingers twitched, playing on the guitar. It bounced lightly.

In fact, there is a big difference between a layman and an experienced person playing various musical instruments, all kinds of musical instruments are the same. People who really know how to play the guitar, the sound they play is very soft, as if the reverberation is lingering on the beam, while the layman plays it very jerky, so Liu Huaxing's first note made everyone feel relaxed.

The whole classroom fell silent instantly, and everyone silently listened to him playing the guitar.

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