I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 181: What Smart People Do

"Boss, here are two chicken chops." Yang Xiaoxiao ordered to the owner of the chicken chop shop, and went to the shop next door to buy a bowl of kang potatoes, and then returned to Liu Huaxing, waiting for the chicken to come out of the oven with him . While waiting, she inserted a piece of potato and fed it to Liu Huaxing's mouth, and said with a smile, "Are you tired?"

"It's kind of..." Liu Huaxing said with a sigh, "I'm basically running."

"I told you not to participate, this kind of thankless behavior..." Yang Xiaoxiao glared at him, "It's not a particularly good prize, winning the championship is just a pair of broken shoes, why don't I buy you a pair Woolen cloth."

"You don't understand, cutie." Liu Huaxing shook his head and smiled. Yang Xiaoxiao is still too young to know that his actions are a kind of support for Wang Jianfeng, the head teacher. He supported Wang Jianfeng's work as the head teacher, so Wang Jianfeng would not object to him dating Yang Xiaoxiao, and the two of them could even continue to sit together like this.

"Tell me, how do you know I don't understand if you don't tell me?" Yang Xiaoxiao frowned and pouted coquettishly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as I understand." Liu Huaxing said while stroking her head.

"Why? You asked me to help you share some." Yang Xiaoxiao fed him another piece of potato.

"Okay, okay." Liu Huaxing sighed, "To put it simply, the head teacher has their own indicators. For some activities held by the school, such as basketball games, sports games, and the 129 Gala, the head teacher is of course I hope that the students in the class will actively participate and respond to the school's call, so that their homeroom teachers will be able to do their job well."

"Huh?" Yang Xiaoxiao nodded, reached out and took out a napkin to wipe his mouth, "So?"

"So, my active participation in these projects is to support his homeroom teacher's work and to give him face. In this way, he will not object to our relationship, and let us sit together so that everyone is happy, understand?" Liu Huaxing pressed Looking at Yang Xiaoxiao's head, he explained, "If you just blindly contradict the teacher and force a relationship, it will be hard for everyone in the end. Got it?"

"I almost understand." Yang Xiaoxiao nodded and ate a piece of potato herself. Liu Huaxing said with a smile: "So, we have to support the school's activities, whether it's a party or a class leader election. In this case, his class teacher will do a good job, and the two of us will be in love. It's called submitting to power, and it's what smart people do."

"You mean I was stupid before?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked dissatisfiedly with her lips pouted.

"Yes." Liu Huaxing scratched her little nose and nodded, Yang Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, stretched out her hand and pinched him, then stuffed the Kang potato into his hand, and took it from the owner of the chicken chop shop Two fried chicken chops.

It had been a while since the school bell rang, and the two of them entered the school in a hurry, but first found a place to eat the chicken chops they bought before returning to the classroom.

"What are you two doing?" The physics teacher in class glared at them both.

Their physics teacher is an excellent teacher in the city. His surname is Zhang. He is in his forties, but his head is already bald like a Mediterranean. He is famously strict in school, but for students with good grades... that's another story. Both Yang Xiaoxiao and Liu Hua had excellent grades in physics in the mid-week exam, so Teacher Zhang's tone was not harsh.

"I played a basketball game at noon, so I didn't eat much, so I went to eat." Liu Huaxing explained, Yang Xiaoxiao snickered and didn't speak, and Teacher Zhang looked at the two of them with eyes between them After walking for a while, he stared at Liu Huaxing and asked, "Liu Huaxing, please answer, what is gravity?"

Liu Huaxing knew that Teacher Zhang was giving him a step down, and if he answered this question correctly, he would let them into the classroom.

When I was young, I always felt that the teacher was very mean and treated the students badly, but when I grow up, I look at it from the perspective of an adult, and I can understand that the teacher gave a step at the right time, but I couldn't see it at the time.

"Yes, gravity is the attraction between two particles. This attraction is related to the weight between the two particles. For example, Xiaoxiao and I are standing now, and there is gravity between each other, but this gravity The effect is very weak. But the gravitational force of an object as heavy as the earth will be more obvious, and it can attract objects on the surface and keep them stuck to it. This is the so-called 'gravity'." Liu Huaxing explained eloquently.

Teacher Zhang sneered and asked, "Is the gravitational force between you and Yang Xiaoxiao still small? I think it's stronger than the gravitational force emanating from the earth. Haven't you two ever been separated?"

At that time, the students in the class burst into laughter, and Liu Huaxing himself smiled a little embarrassedly, but Yang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly.

However, Liu Huaxing was actually interested in mentioning this, and continued: "Of course, gravity is just a phenomenon. Newton proposed this phenomenon, but he did not explain the reason for this phenomenon. To explain this phenomenon, we need Using the theory of dark matter."

"Yo? Do you still know about dark matter?" Teacher Zhang suddenly became interested and asked curiously.

In this era, the theory of dark matter is not particularly perfect, and it belongs to relatively high-level physics knowledge, so it is not taught in high school, and it is only involved in universities.

Liu Huaxing nodded: "Human eyes can only see objects that disperse light, but many phenomena have shown that the mass of the universe we live in is far greater than the combined mass of the matter we can see. There is also a kind of matter in the universe that we cannot observe through the current scientific methods we have, this kind of matter is called dark matter, and the flow of dark matter can explain the existence of gravity.”

"Well, you seem to be very interested in physics?" Mr. Zhang asked with a smile, crossing his arms. He looked like an uncle looking at his son, not at all like the usual strict physics teacher.

"Exploring the universe we live in is very interesting." Liu Huaxing nodded.

"Okay, you have to keep this kind of enthusiasm and the spirit of studying. With your current grades, it is entirely possible for you to become an excellent physicist in the future." Teacher Zhang nodded with satisfaction, "Come in."

So, this matter just passed away, Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao went into the classroom and sat down, as if nothing happened.

"It's great to be a good student..." Yang Xiaoxiao sighed softly, and Liu Huaxing suppressed a smile: "Isn't it?"

Even Liu Huaxing was exhausted after playing such a game. In the afternoon class, he didn't have much energy. He rested his face on his hands and read with his head down on the surface, but he was sleeping with his eyes closed. The teacher could tell, but he just didn't care about it. .

While sleeping in a daze, he felt someone touch his face, opened his eyes and looked at him, Yang Xiaoxiao sat at the table and looked at him, and said with a smile: "School is over, idiot, still sleeping Woolen cloth?"

Liu Huaxing looked up, only to find that the students were already packing their schoolbags and preparing to go home, but Yang Xiaoxiao was the cleaning committee member and had to stay to supervise the students to do the cleaning.

"Alas..." Liu Huaxing sighed while laying on the table, turned to look at Yang Xiaoxiao and said, "I'm sorry, little strawberry, I left you out."

"Why are you tired? Why do you say that he seems very ignorant." Yang Xiaoxiao pinched his face with a smile.

Liu Huaxing just smiled slightly, his mind is still very confused now, so he just held Yang Xiaoxiao's hand in a daze. Yang Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "There is still a game tomorrow? Are you going to play so hard?"

"Well..." Liu Huaxing hesitated immediately, "It depends on the situation, anyway, just try your best. In fact, I want to hear you praise me for being handsome. Every man hopes that his beloved woman thinks he is handsome."

"My Xing Xing is usually very handsome. I don't know if he is handsome on the court, and I don't know basketball, but I don't like other girls watching you screaming and being crazy. I'm jealous." Yang Xiaoxiao He pursed his lips and muttered softly.

"My little strawberry is still a little vinegar pot, does this little strawberry have gooseberry genes?" Liu Huaxing teased, Yang Xiaoxiao smiled and gave him a sideways glance, with a hint of threat: "What did you say? say it again."

"I said you are so cute." Liu Huaxing smiled, and Yang Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction, "It's not too bad... just take a rest and let others do the cleaning. I can finish it in a while back home."

Liu Huaxing was still in a daze, so he accepted Yang Xiaoxiao's concern.

After finishing cleaning, he cheered up and drove home with Yang Xiaoxiao.

"Are you hungry?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked while holding his arm, and Liu Huaxing shook her head: "I just feel a little tired and lack energy. It should be fine to go back and rest after eating."

"Then I won't go out for a walk at night." Yang Xiaoxiao said this for the first time, but just when Liu Huaxing felt strange, the girl added: "I'll go directly to your house to find you."

"Okay." Liu Huaxing responded with a smile, thinking to himself: This is my little strawberry.

On the way back in the car, the wobbly Liu Huaxing started to feel sleepy again, because Yang Xiaoxiao was leaning beside him, and he could just put his face on Yang Xiaoxiao's head to support his body, so that he could squint for a while. The little girl's soft hair rubbed his face a little itchy, but Yang Xiaoxiao still supported him firmly until the car stopped at the stop.

"Xing Xing, we're here." Yang Xiaoxiao gently touched his face and said, Liu Huaxing responded, opened his eyes and kissed the little girl's head lightly, "Well, let's go, I'll take you home."

"Oh, goodbye, you're so tired today..." Yang Xiaoxiao frowned, "Anyway, it's only five minutes away."

"Even if it's five minutes, I'll stay with you for a while longer." Liu Huaxing said firmly.

"Okay, okay." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, and took his arm, "Let's go, let's walk slowly."

In fact, after getting off the bus at the station, it is really only two or three hundred meters to the community where Yang Xiaoxiao's home is located. They have walked this road many times, from junior high school to now. Yang Xiaoxiao held his hand, looking very happy, Liu Huaxing didn't ask the reason, chatted with her about today's school classes, and walked to the gate of the community without knowing it.

"After dinner in the evening, I'll go to your house to find you." Yang Xiaoxiao patted his head and smiled, "Be good at home."

"Eat more for dinner." Liu Huaxing hugged Yang Xiaoxiao's waist and lifted her into the air, "Have you lost weight recently? You are in the stage of growing your body now, don't you want your breasts to be bigger? Enough nutrition will make you bigger?"

"It's only 0.5 catties lighter, and now it's a little over forty-one." Yang Xiaoxiao stroked her hair and smiled, "I know."

"Good..." Liu Huaxing put Yang Xiaoxiao down, and patted her buttocks lightly, while Yang Xiaoxiao bounced up the stairs. Then Liu Huaxing came home. After eating, because Yang Xiaoxiao would come over, he didn't go out to exercise.

Although a basketball game is being held this week, the main event is the 129 Gala. At this moment, Liu Huaxing plans to make a simple reverberation of the song they sang. Although he is not a computer professional, he still knows how to use some basic audio programs, mixing guitar and piano performances together, and then go to the ambient sound and noise, and then use it in the program.

In fact, if conditions permit, he hopes to find a band to help him play the soundtrack, but the workload will be even greater. First, he has to compose the music, and then he has to find a band to arrange the music, and which instruments to use to match it. It's more, so it's better to keep it simple. Anyway, the highlight of this performance lies in the two points of "originality" and "school beauty".

While he was editing the audio program, he heard Yang Xiaoxiao greet his parents in the living room, and after a while, the little girl came running in and wrapped her arms around Liu Huaxing's neck: "Xingxing!"

"Little Strawberry." Liu Huaxing reached out and touched her little face, "Are you full tonight?"

"I'm full. How about you?" Yang Xiaoxiao lowered her head and kissed him on the cheek and asked.

"I didn't eat too much, I would get fat if I ate too much for dinner." Liu Huaxing replied, and Yang Xiaoxiao murmured unhappily: "I lied to others to eat more, and then I said that I would get fat if I ate too much..."

"I didn't eat less, my appetite is normal." Liu Huaxing smiled, and Yang Xiaoxiao looked at the computer and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Let's deal with the music we used for performance, remove the noise, and mix the accompaniment of the two instruments." Liu Huaxing explained.

"You know this?" Yang Xiaoxiao was a little surprised, and asked with her head tilted against his face.

"You can do basic ones, but you can't do difficult ones." Liu Huaxing said with a smile.

"There is still a match tomorrow, so I don't want to rest well..." Yang Xiaoxiao muttered dissatisfiedly, and then hugged him tightly from behind, "Don't do this! Come and rest with me!"

"But on my side..." Liu Huaxing stopped after thinking for a while, and said with a smile, "Okay, take a rest."

Only then did Yang Xiaoxiao let out a chuckle, and pulled him to the side to sit down.

Thank you for the monthly ticket of my name not book friend Chord Song, and thank you for your reward

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