Occasionally, it feels good to take a break from busy schedules. It releases the pressure and allows them to persevere in this summer's make-up classes. After the monthly exam in August passed, their summer make-up classes were considered to be over. After the last two days of vacation, they officially entered the third year of senior high school and will attend classes according to the class hours of the third year of senior high school.

Arrive at school at 7:30 in the morning to start early self-study, class ends at 12 noon, afternoon self-study at 1:00 pm, class ends at 5:00 pm, evening self-study at 5:40, and school ends at 7:30. At the same time, make up classes according to the normal school hours on Saturdays, and there is no need to study late at night.

And this is only the first semester of the third year of high school. After the second semester of the third year of high school, I have to study by myself until 9:30 in the evening. In addition to the full-day make-up class on Saturday, I also have to make up a half-day on Sunday, and only have a half-day rest on Sunday afternoon.

This kind of intense and breathless learning process will be difficult to adapt for a while. And for Liu Huaxing, this also means that his life will become busier, because he has to prepare lunch and dinner lunch boxes for himself and Yang Xiaoxiao.

Fortunately, he had already experienced this in junior high school, and at that time he still made bento for five people. Now it is nothing to him to cook for Yang Xiaoxiao alone, and it will be much easier to bring meals.

At noon on the first day of school, it is very rare that more than a dozen people in the class have lunch together. Wang Jue and others who have a good relationship with Yang Xiaoxiao also chose to eat together in the classroom. After all, eating together is more lively and there is air conditioning in the classroom.

Most of the students did not choose to bring bento, but went out to eat or bought it to bring back to the classroom. But even at such an important moment, there are still many boys in the class who will choose to go to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet during the noon hour.

Taking advantage of this stall, everyone admired the bento that Liu Huaxing made for Yang Xiaoxiao.

"I made your favorite fish-flavored shredded pork, then fried cabbage, fried chicken chops and octopus sausages, and here is a thick fried egg, sweet?" Liu Huaxing touched Yang Xiaoxiao's head, " Okay, let's have a try?"

"I grew up eating your cooking, don't I know what it tastes like?" Yang Xiaoxiao smiled, bowed her head and started eating.

"This is actually..." Liu Huaxing smiled wryly. Yang Xiaoxiao has been eating his cooking for almost three years. Basically, Yang Xiaoxiao has tried all the dishes he can cook, and there is nothing new about it. On the contrary, it is Wang Jue. Helping girls are more interested.

Yang Xiaoxiao is also very free and easy. Seeing their longing expressions, she simply smiled and said, "Try whatever you want?"

"Hey, that's not too good. In this way, we can exchange ours with you." Zhou Lu smiled, and then exchanged her own beef balls for a portion of Yang Xiaoxiao's thick egg roast, "Hey, this is Sweet? So tender, like a cake..."

This group of girls celebrated their birthday with Yang Xiaoxiao before, so they also tasted Liu Huaxing's craftsmanship, so they are not surprised at the moment.

"Dong Yue, do you just eat this little?" He Huan asked worriedly looking at a piece of finger cake in Dong Yue's hand. Dong Yue smiled: "The calories are enough. Liu Huaxing recommended it to me. Because it has less staple food, it contains vegetables, meat and eggs. Compared with other foods, this is the most balanced composition."

"You have indeed lost a lot of weight recently, how much do you weigh?" Yang Xiaoxiao said with interest.

"Hey, it's already reduced to a hundred catties." Dong Yue smiled proudly, "I didn't expect to be able to persist."

Everyone chatted while eating, and slowly other students in the class joined in, and the class suddenly became lively. Liu Huaxing liked this kind of happy and harmonious situation of the whole class. Although a small group—the group headed by Yao Qianyun—disliked him and Yang Xiaoxiao, there was nothing these students could do except to avoid them. .

After eating, Yang Xiaoxiao continued to chat, so Liu Huaxing put away the bowl and took it to the sink for a brief rinse, planning to wash it carefully after returning home at night. However, at this time, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

The only person who can do this is Hao Qian, so Liu Huaxing said with a smile: "Oh, it's just in time, I just gave the money..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Huaxing turned his head to look, only to find Zeng Jing, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Liu Huaxing." Zeng Jing smiled, Liu Huaxing came back to his senses, and asked with some surprise: "Hey, what kind of wind blows you here? Who are you looking for?"

Although Liu Hua has a good relationship with the students in the class, there are so many people in a class, it is impossible for everyone to know each other well. In order to avoid his little strawberry being jealous, Liu Huaxing tends to be more restrained in dealing with the opposite sex.

Especially Zeng Jing, after all, she is considered a beauty, so Liu Huaxing is very measured when interacting with her. To put it bluntly, the two of them didn't know each other very well, at least not to the point where the other party wanted to come to their class to find him.

"I'm here to look for you." Zeng Jing smiled sweetly.

This girl's style has changed a bit compared to the first year of high school. Before that, Zeng Jing followed a pure and sweet style. At that time, she was dressed plainly, with a refreshing ponytail, very energetic. But now she seems to have changed to a sexy and charming style. Dressing, dressing up and those big red lips make her feel like imitating Yang Xiaoxiao.

Yang Xiaoxiao's charm is innate, her every frown and smile has a charming taste, while Zeng Jing is acting out, so she is a little blunt. Liu Huaxing didn't know why she did this, it was really a bit of imitation.

"Looking for me? What's the matter?" Liu Huaxing asked curiously. Zeng Jing thought for a while and replied: "Actually, I want to ask you to help me think of a program. This year's 129 Gala will be my last show." chance."

Senior high school students are actually not allowed to go to the 129 Gala to prepare for the college entrance examination, but they can organize programs. After all, artistic expertise is also part of the recommendation. As long as it is useful for the admission rate, the school will not stop it.

In fact, this year Liu Huaxing was not planning to participate in the show with Yang Xiaoxiao, because he didn't have so much time to rehearse in the third year of high school, so he had to take care of his academic performance first. In the end, Zeng Jing unexpectedly came to him three months in advance, just to let him arrange a show for her.

Of course, it is undeniable that Liu Huaxing's programs in the past two years have indeed been very successful.

Not only is it highly acclaimed in the school every time, but also the copyright of the song is bought by the entertainment company. Moreover, Liu Huaxing's "Su Mu Zhe" has become a popular song, and people are humming it everywhere in the street. Zeng Jing is seeing it.

"This...Actually, I didn't prepare a show this year." Liu Huaxing said politely, intending to reject her.

"Then can you help me think of one alone? You are so talented, it must be no problem to prepare a show, right? Write a song, or prepare a dance, and I will be able to perform it well!" Zeng Jing excited Said, "Please Liu Huaxing, this year is the last year, if I don't get into the Beichang Academy of Drama, I will..."

"Then maybe you should try something else? There are two situations in this world, one is 'what I like to do' and the other is 'what I am good at'. When 'what I like to do' When it doesn't work, you might as well try 'what I'm good at'." Liu Huaxing persuaded, and the implication was already obvious: I don't want to prepare a separate program for you.

Of course, actually preparing a show is not a big deal, since he came back ten years later, he has enough songs to write, but he and Zeng Jing don't have that kind of relationship, and there is no need to help her.

After all, this kind of thing involves the butterfly effect, which is why he keeps the copyright of the song in his own hands, so that he can return the song to its "original singer" in the future to avoid any terrible effects. After all, a song may be a crucial and famous work for a certain singer, and if it is taken away, it is equivalent to a person's life being ruined.

So Liu Huaxing didn't want to write a song for Zeng Jing alone. If this song is counted on him, then the fame will still be his in the end, and it will not help Zeng Jing, so what Zeng Jing means is to ask him to write a song for she.

"Of course! I won't let you help for nothing..." Zeng Jing said, suddenly a little shy, "As long as it is what I can give you, just ask, I will definitely satisfy you..."

"..." Liu Huaxing fell into silence, his heart was calm and he even wanted to laugh. Compared with Yang Xiaoxiao, Zeng Jing's appearance is not to mention how clumsy, it has no charm at all, and it completely conflicts with the charming aura she performed.

She was obviously in a charming style, but with such a pure reaction, it gave people the feeling that the bull's head was wrong, and this proved once again that Zeng Jing was not suitable for the showbiz, she didn't have that talent. Even if Liu Huaxing sends her into the entertainment circle now, it's impossible for her to make a name for herself in the end. In the end, she will be reduced to a third- and fourth-tier actor by using unspoken rules in various ways.

Seeing Liu Huaxing's numb expression as if she didn't know what she meant, Zeng Jing also became a little anxious.

You know, every year she hopes to be discovered by a scout or an entertainment company through the 129th Gala, but Liu Huaxing "robbed" the show's position in the first year, and finally changed classes in the second year. The mediocre program was not noticed at all, but it was Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao who produced high-quality programs time and time again to be noticed.

This made Zeng Jing red-eyed with jealousy, and with the arrival of her third year of high school, this was her last chance, so she made such a bad move.

One must know that the Beichang Academy of Drama needs a high score to get into the serious entrance examination, and an interview is still required to enter the performing arts department. Considering Zeng Jing's current studies and talents, it is simply a dream to enter the performing arts department of Beijing Film University.

Talent is something that cannot be forced.

"What I mean is... I can give you my first time!" Zeng Jing stared at Liu Huaxing who seemed to be ignorant of the world, and simply made it clear: "Of course, I will never tell Xiaoxiao about these things. Classmates! It's our secret..."

"Sorry, I refuse." Liu Huaxing shook his head with a smile, turned around and prepared to go back to the classroom with a clean bowl, "Let's leave your first time to someone you like."

Thanks to Pharaoh for the aging monthly ticket

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