Teas such as black tea and green tea, vegetables such as scallions and onions, whole grains such as corn, unsaturated fatty acids rich in nuts and olive oil, and proteins such as fish, shrimp and lean meat are all good for the heart, so Liu Huaxing Based on these, I have compiled a set of "heart-strengthening set meals" to be made at noon today.

First stir-fry shrimp with corn and pine nuts, then steamed sea bass, scrambled eggs with onions, stewed beef with potatoes, and then make spicy fish-flavored shredded pork and mapo tofu according to Yang Xiaoxiao's taste. This meal is complete.

"This kid, the craftsmanship is pretty good." After tasting Liu Huaxing's craftsmanship, the grandfather also smiled with great interest.

"It's no wonder that you can catch up with our little strawberry. With this cooking skill, there are girls rushing to be husbands everywhere." Grandma also joked, and Liu Huaxing could only smile wryly in his heart: It's not necessary in this age. Now, most girls pay more attention to looks or the number of digits on the back of their bank cards than to a man's cooking skills.

Liu Huaxing continued at this time: "How is grandpa doing? Is there any disease?"

"The old man's heart is not very good." Grandma explained, "I went to the hospital for an examination last year, and the doctor said that he had high blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids were a little too high, and the burden on his heart was too heavy. He prescribed medicine to make him feel uncomfortable. But the key is to adjust the diet, and this old man won't listen. He would rather take medicine than eat meat. Isn't this detoxification while taking poison? No matter how you say it, he won't listen, alas..."

"Oh, am I eating?" Grandpa frowned, "Look, if you have such good cooking skills as our grandson-in-law, then I'd be happy to eat these every day, wouldn't I?"

"Oh, blame me for my poor cooking skills?" Grandma asked angrily, and grandpa shook his head again and again: "No, no, I just said it casually. The key is that it is delicious, right? As long as it is delicious, is it fat?" I don't care..."

"Then grandma, I will teach you some simple and delicious dishes in the future?" Liu Huaxing smiled, and then pretended to mention casually, "But you still have to be careful about heart disease. Do you know where the medicines at home are kept?" ?”

"It's in the drawer under the TV outside. I don't remember where it is." Grandma said nonchalantly, "By the way, this steamed sea bass is really delicious. The soy sauce, raw green onions and fish together have an indescribable flavor." tasty."

"Hmm..." Liu Huaxing thought for a while, then stood up suddenly, ran to the cabinet under the TV under the surprised eyes of Yang Xiaoxiao's family and searched, and soon found a bottle of "XX Fen" Medicine used to treat heart disease caused by conditions such as high blood pressure. After memorizing the location of the medicine, Liu Huaxing read the file and came back, pretending nothing happened, and continued to eat.

But the location of the medicine has been memorized, so if grandpa gets sick next time, he can find the medicine as soon as possible.

The family continued to eat together, chatting about Yang Xiaoxiao's life on the university campus while eating, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and the two elderly people were also very happy. And after the meal, Liu Huaxing poured a pot of green fork for everyone, and then he was ready to talk about "business".

"I mainly want restaurants to develop in the field of 'takeaway', because smart phones are slowly becoming popular, so it is good for the future to take into account this market, otherwise, the business may suffer after the takeaway software becomes popular. , why not take advantage of the current fame..." Liu Huaxing explained.

But he was actually just delaying time, and of course the takeaway was a serious matter.

Liu Huaxing kept an eye on the time while chatting, and it was a quarter past two, less than ten minutes before grandpa had a heart attack. Liu Huaxing also began to feel nervous, but he tried his best to remain as calm as possible, and continued to discuss the details of the "delivery group" with Yang Chengzhi: "I mean, you can set up a group for food delivery in the store alone. Three people rotate..."

At 2:22, Liu Huaxing looked at the time, and his heart began to beat faster. But most people can't see his nervousness, but one person can definitely find it. Yang Xiaoxiao took his arm and asked, "Xing Xing, you seem a little nervous."

"Ah, it's a big deal after all." Liu Huaxing said with a smile, "How did you find out?"

"You've been shaking your legs." Yang Xiaoxiao patted his legs and muttered, "You seldom shake your legs, only when you are very nervous." Then, Yang Xiaoxiao smiled: "Why? ? Do you think I don't know you well enough?"

"No, it's my fault." Liu Huaxing touched Yang Xiaoxiao's head and smiled, but at this moment he looked down at the time, and it was already 2:25! It's past the time when Grandpa had a heart attack, but at this moment, Grandpa is still smiling and chatting with Yang Chengzhi about whether he should let Liu Huaxing manage "Late Rice" or something like that.

Could it be that those lunch meals worked? Liu Huaxing thought to himself curiously.

But in fact, he thinks this possibility is not very big, because diet therapy is a very long process, and it needs to be maintained over time to be effective. It is impossible to relieve heart disease with just one meal, and it is not a panacea.

Maybe it's because their family came to see their grandparents today, so the two old people were happy, so they didn't get sick? But no matter what, at least the time passed and it was still safe and sound.

After chatting for a while, my grandfather said that he would talk to other "bosses" about it.

"Then Dad, I'm going back today, and I have to change shifts with Sister Lin later." Yang Chengzhi explained.

"Hey, all right, I'll see you..." Grandpa stood up and said, but it seemed that he stood too violently. The old man suddenly looked very painful. He covered his chest and bent down slowly. Seeing this, Yang Chengzhi hurried to help him. He: "Hey! Dad, are you okay!?"

Liu Huaxing quickly checked the time, it was 2:47. So he closed his eyes and read the file again, and then went back to the time of 2:37. He was still chatting with his grandfather about the signature takeaway staff, and he stood up as an excuse to go to the bathroom.

After coming to the toilet, Liu Huaxing dialed the 120 number: "Hello, is it 120? We have a heart attack patient here who needs ambulance. The location is Room 304, Building 6, *** Street. The road here It’s relatively narrow, please come from Donger Road on *** Street, the building on the left is right after entering the back door, please hurry up!”

After the call, Liu Huaxing returned to the living room and continued to chat with Yang Chengzhi and his grandfather.

But his heart became more and more anxious and nervous at the moment, Yang Xiaoxiao frowned at this moment and said: "Xing Xing, what's wrong with you? Is it a stomachache? I know you are not used to having a tuba outside, but this is my grandpa's house , is it okay?"

"No..." Liu Huaxing smiled wryly, and rubbed the little girl's head: "Don't worry about me."

Time passed slowly, and it came to the moment when grandpa got up to send them out again. The old man held his chest in pain and bent down, while Yang Chengzhi went up to support them. Grandma asked nervously, "What's the matter, old man? Did he have a heart attack?"

"Quick, medicine, medicine!" Wang Mei said anxiously, "Where did you put it?!"

"I'll go find it!" Liu Huaxing sped up quickly, went to the living room and rummaged in the drawer under the TV, and immediately found the medicine for heart disease, then came to grandpa, poured out two pills, " Come, Grandpa!"

Grandpa swallowed the medicine with a painful expression, and then took a sip of water, but his expression was still very painful. Wang Mei and Yang Chengzhi helped him to sit down, while Liu Huaxing grabbed his phone and said, "I'll call an ambulance. Xiaoxiao, you and your mother are here to help take care of grandpa, rub his chest, and see if there are any other medicines at home!"

After speaking, Liu Huaxing went to the balcony outside and pretended to make a phone call, and then checked the situation outside.

Because he called the ambulance ten minutes earlier and told the hospital the short cut, the ambulance arrived within fifteen minutes this time, which means that five minutes after the onset of the grandfather's illness, the ambulance personnel arrived at the scene and carried out the emergency treatment on the grandfather. First aid, then put on a stretcher and taken to an ambulance. Liu Huaxing drove along with Yang Chengzhi, Wang Mei and Yang Xiaoxiao.

"Hey, tell Sister Lin to ask her to find someone else to replace her. My father-in-law has a heart attack..." While Wang Mei was driving, Yang Chengzhi called the restaurant to ask for leave from the co-pilot.

Seeing Yang Xiaoxiao's uneasy and bewildered expression, Liu Huaxing patted her head and comforted her, "It's okay, little strawberry."

"Hmm..." Yang Xiaoxiao nodded lightly, then leaned on his shoulder and continued biting her nails uneasily. Everyone didn't say much along the way, but this time my grandfather didn't declare his death on the way to the hospital, but arrived at the hospital smoothly.

After half an hour of rescue, the grandfather was out of danger and regained consciousness. The cause of the heart attack was high blood pressure, so he was out of danger soon after infusion of the medicine solution to lower the blood pressure.

"The family members of the patient in bed 23 can go in and see the patient." The nurse came out and urged.

"Hurry up!" Wang Mei urged, and the family entered the ward together. Grandpa was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

"Fortunately, the doctor was sent to the doctor in time, and it may be too late if it is ten or twenty minutes later." The doctor smiled at Yang Chengzhi, and Yang Chengzhi nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, fortunately, the ambulance arrived quickly, and it arrived in five minutes. Otherwise, the consequences are really..."

The doctor looked down at the various indicators of the grandfather on the medical record: "The blood pressure is too high, and the blood lipids and blood sugar are also high. In the future, we must strictly control our diet, eat less greasy and heavy food, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Mainly conditioning, three Gao relieved the burden on the heart and naturally reduced the burden. There is nothing else, I will prescribe some antihypertensive drugs later, stay in the hospital for observation for two days, and then I can be discharged."

"Ah..." Grandma breathed a sigh of relief, slapped grandpa on the leg and reprimanded: "I heard you, old man!? I told you not to eat too greasy, so I will not listen! I know you are Pretend to sleep!"

The expression on Grandpa's face suddenly became unnatural. He opened his eyes and sighed, "Oh, I pretended to be asleep because I was afraid of your nagging..."

Liu Huaxing doesn't know how the butterfly effect works, but it seems that from the "diet therapy" at noon, to taking the medicine in time, to the early arrival of the ambulance, this series of butterfly effects finally allowed him to complete this trip. "Change fate against the sky" and saved the life of Yang Xiaoxiao's grandfather.

"That's great." Liu Huaxing patted Yang Xiaoxiao's head and smiled.

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