I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 448 New Home

The two families drove Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao to their new home, and then greeted each other. Because they were waiting for the "auspicious time" to come, they didn't rush upstairs. The parents of the two families discussed in low voices about the future of the two, such as when they got engaged and when they got a certificate. not far away.

Both families are more inclined to get married as soon as they graduate from college. Anyway, the family conditions of the two families are not bad, and they can afford the money for the marriage.

Liu Huaxing’s family’s current conditions are pretty good. Leaving aside his own income, Liu Xuebin now earns 200,000 yuan a year as the factory manager, and his family has three apartments in a popular area in the city center. This condition is not bad for them. up. Of course, the conditions in Yang Xiaoxiao's family are better. So both parties have nothing to worry about in terms of material conditions.

In addition, the two have been dating for more than four years now, and their relationship foundation is also very solid. It is normal for them to get married after graduation.

However, Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao don't have so many rules. They are only together because they like each other, and they live together only because they want to be together more and not separate, that's all. It will be the same when you get married in the future, and you will know when the time comes.

"Did you bring everything? Did you check it properly?" Liu Huaxing asked Yang Xiaoxiao alone, touching the little girl's face.

"Yeah! I should have brought them all." Yang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "What's the difference? Go buy it. If you forget, go back and get it. It's very close anyway."

Their new home, their school, and their previous home are three points in a triangle, so no matter which point goes to any other point on these three points, it is about 20 minutes away, which is very convenient.

"It's finally the day, we're going to live together, huh? Little Strawberry." Liu Huaxing said with a smile, pressing the back of the little girl's head to let her put her forehead on her own. Yang Xiaoxiao smiled brightly at him, her little nose wrinkled up.

At this time, Yang Chengzhi shouted, "Come here, the auspicious time has come."

So, the two families set off firecrackers downstairs, sprinkled grapefruit water, and jumped into the brazier before entering the house.

Because they are just living together and moving instead of getting married, there are no guests for a banquet today, just the two families themselves. During the day, the parents helped pack the luggage they brought, put the clothes in the closet, laid out the quilts and sheets, and took the blankets outside to dry.

And Liu Huaxing installed the computer with Yang Xiaoxiao. Since both of them had laptops, they bought a new desktop computer and shared it after moving to the new home. The old computers used to be left to parents. On the one hand, they can play mahjong for them when they are bored, and on the other hand, they can also make videos when they miss them.

Of course, Liu Huaxing felt that if his parents really wanted them, they could just come here directly. Anyway, it only took about ten minutes to drive, and it was not much more troublesome than a video.

While helping them tidy up the room, their parents taught them some common sense in life, and then asked them to call back if they didn't understand anything. During the initial period, parents will often come to check on their condition, and let them live on their own when they are okay.

During this period of time, Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao have been moving all kinds of things to the new house. Basically, they have already taken everything that should be taken. Chopsticks, bowls, cups, etc. have already been replenished, and they are also stored in the refrigerator. Some simple ingredients, in terms of hygiene, two people often come to clean, so there is not much to do.

After the things were packed, the parents of the two families had lunch here together, leaving the younger couple to go back first. After all, it is the new home of two young people. Although the parents of the two families are very worried about their situation, the birds will always fly away when they grow up. What's more, the home is so close, and you can come and see it at any time, so even though it feels a little sad to see your children leave your side like this, the parents still leave first.

"Hey." When Yang Xiaoxiao and Liu Huaxing put down the toothbrush and cup in front of the sink in the bathroom together, the little girl smiled happily at him, "Xingxing, we are finally living together! You can use it for the next 24 hours Separated."

Liu Huaxing just kissed her on the forehead, then grabbed her shoulder and looked at her, and said with a soft smile: "From now on, the two of us will live together, and we have to deal with everything big and small by ourselves. Please take care of me, Little Strawberry?"

Yang Xiaoxiao also became serious, and bowed to him: "From now on, the two of us will take care of each other, and my clumsy hands may cause you a lot of trouble. Take care of me, Xing Xing."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and smiled, Yang Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped up, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Liu Huaxing hugged his slender waist, the two of them don't need to worry about being disturbed, this is their home.

"There's still something to do." Liu Huaxing reminded, but Yang Xiaoxiao didn't intend to stop at all: "I don't care..."

"Aren't you going to take a bath?" Liu Huaxing asked while tasting Yang Xiaoxiao's lips, and Yang Xiaoxiao snorted coquettishly, "Oh, don't worry!"

"Okay..." Liu Huaxing shrugged and finally gave up resisting, and came to the room with Yang Xiaoxiao in his arms.

They enjoyed a period of time together unscrupulously, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when they came back to their senses.

"It's time to make dinner." Liu Huaxing patted Yang Xiaoxiao's buttocks and said, Yang Xiaoxiao leaned into his arms with a satisfied smile and responded, but she didn't intend to get up. Anyway, it's my own home, I can do whatever I want.

"Did you hear what I said? Little Strawberry?" Liu Huaxing asked again, and Yang Xiaoxiao said coquettishly, "Eat takeaway tonight! Isn't there a Wallace next door to our house? It's good to eat Wallace tonight." gone."

"But... alright." Liu Huaxing thought about it for a while, and he didn't bother to move because he was really comfortable right now.

"Take a good rest today, and start a normal life tomorrow." Yang Xiaoxiao rubbed her head on his face and smiled.

"Hmm..." Although Liu Huaxing didn't want to admit it, sometimes he really needed to indulge, forget about work, study, and serious things, relax to his heart's content, and enjoy the leisure time wantonly.

Anyway, this is their home, and they have the final say on how to live. This feeling of freedom makes people feel a little ecstatic, not to mention enjoying this free time with the one they love.

"Xingxing..." Yang Xiaoxiao snorted coquettishly in his arms, her little feet rubbing against his lap.

"I'm here, little strawberry." Liu Huaxing kissed her on the forehead, Yang Xiaoxiao snorted triumphantly, then raised her head and kissed him on the cheek, "Xingxing, are you hungry?"

"One thing, after all, strenuous exercise consumes a lot of energy." Liu Huaxing wrapped her soft hair around her index finger.

"Then lie down for a while and we'll get up." Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, then slipped into his arms. Liu Huaxing took advantage of the situation and hugged her tightly, and sighed: "You can't do this every day? You need to have some self-control."

"The first day..." Yang Xiaoxiao said coquettishly, "I will live a good life in the future."

"Well, that's good." Liu Huaxing patted the back of her head and smiled.

At about five o'clock, the two finally got up and cleaned up the scene.

"Xing Xing, can you go out and buy Wallace alone? I want to take a shower and sweat a lot." Yang Xiaoxiao asked with her hair pulled.

"Well, why don't you be good at home alone? I'll be back right away." Liu Huaxing reminded, Yang Xiaoxiao pulled her hair up, leaned over and kissed him on the face, and said with a smile, "Well, I washed it very well waiting for you to go home."

Liu Huaxing then went out to buy some fried skewers, two bowls of hot and sour noodles and a salad, and then returned home.

When she got home, Yang Xiaoxiao was sitting in front of the dressing table drying her hair.

"Why did you wash it so quickly? I even said I came back to take a peek." Liu Huaxing moved behind Yang Xiaoxiao and kissed her on the cheek. Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled: "Because the weather is hot, I finished washing it soon. What did you buy?"

"Salad, fried skewers, and beef noodles." Liu Huaxing said, patting her small head lightly, "Hurry up? Otherwise, the hot and sour noodles will be cold soon, and the fried skewers will be unpalatable when they are cold."

"Ang, I'll be fine soon." Yang Xiaoxiao responded happily, and put down the hair dryer after perfunctory blowing for a while.

The two came to the table and sat down, looked at the table in front of them, and fell silent.

"Isn't it a little perfunctory?" Liu Huaxing raised his brows and asked, "The first meal of cohabitation, I'll go out and buy it."

"Hey..." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled mischievously, "The formal calculation will start tomorrow, and I will be perfunctory today."

"Because I ate delicious little strawberries in the afternoon, so forget it." Liu Huaxing nodded and said, and Yang Xiaoxiao stepped on him under the table with a smile, "Okay, eat it quickly, while it's hot."

However, it is relatively easy to eat takeaway. After eating, just throw away the lunch box and it is over, and there is no need to wash the dishes. The two cleaned up the mess after the afternoon's madness, and it was getting dark now.

"Let's go, go for a walk with me." Liu Huaxing waved to Yang Xiaoxiao, Yang Xiaoxiao pouted, "I don't want to go... I'm full. Besides, it's so troublesome to go out, and I have to change clothes, and the weather outside is so bad." It's so hot..."

"Don't want to go." Liu Huaxing said sternly, "Walking after meals can help digestion, not to mention that we have to familiarize ourselves with the nearby roads when we first live in, such as supermarkets, shops, and restaurants. It's just more convenient. Also, our garbage bags are full today, and we have to go downstairs to throw them away. So, be good, or you will be spanked?"

"Goo..." Yang Xiaoxiao puffed up her cheeks and grunted reluctantly, but she still went to change clothes.

Putting on her underwear and changing into a loose T-shirt, Yang Xiaoxiao put on her flip-flops, grabbed the mosquitoes and sprayed them on Liu Huaxing, and then sprayed some herself: "There are a lot of mosquitoes outside, don't Got bitten."

"Okay, let's go." Liu Huaxing patted Yang Xiaoxiao's butt, and then went downstairs with her.

After the two threw out the trash, they first came to the door to greet the guard. After all, the two of them will live here from now on, and they are familiar with the security guard at the door, so that they will not be treated as strangers when they go in and out of the house. Then Liu Huaxing took Yang Xiaoxiao's hand and started walking around. They have actually visited the places around the community, so this time they have to go a little farther.

"Hey, Xing Xing, there is Ah Liang's steamed shrimp here." Yang Xiaoxiao pointed to a shop on the side of the road and said, "We can come here for supper in the future. I heard that their steamed shrimp is delicious. There are many branches here.”

"Huh?" Liu Huaxing looked at Yang Xiaoxiao with a smile, and the little girl's attention was all around her.

"Hey, this area is really good, it has everything." Yang Xiaoxiao murmured while holding his arm, "Supermarket, station..."

"En." Liu Huaxing nodded perfunctorily, and reached out to touch the curve of the little girl's beautiful buttocks. Yang Xiaoxiao turned her head and smiled and glared at him: "Why? Playing hooligans on the street."

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's so beautiful that I couldn't help it." Liu Huaxing had an innocent expression on his face.

"Hmph, I'll fine you to buy me an ice cream." Yang Xiaoxiao said while wrapping his arms in her arms.

"There seems to be an ice cream wholesale shop around here. Let's go and have a look and buy more?" Liu Huaxing said with a smile.

The two wandered around for about an hour before embarking on their way home with the harvest.

After returning home, the two of them put the ice cream they bought in the refrigerator, and Yang Xiaoxiao stared at Liu Huaxing resentfully, pouting and muttering: "I just took a shower before I went out, and now I have to take a shower again .”

"Isn't it good? Then I will have a chance to peek again." Liu Huaxing replied with a smile.

"Stinky rascal." Yang Xiaoxiao wrinkled her nose and made a grimace at him, then took his hand and pursed her lips with a smile: "What are you peeking at? Let's take a bath together. It just so happens that you haven't taken a shower today, have you?" ?”

"Hmm..." Liu Huaxing tapped the tip of her nose, nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's a good idea."

"Hey..." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled happily, and then dragged him into the bathroom. After taking a bath, the two of them naturally took advantage of the sweet atmosphere and lingered for a while before lying on the bed and watching a movie. Of course, by computer.

Liu Huaxing chose a 27-inch LCD monitor for the new desktop computer. After all, young people will not watch TV very much in the future, so there is no TV installed in their bedrooms at all. The TV in the living room is more for decorative purposes. When you turn on the TV during the Chinese New Year or when guests come, it will not look too deserted.

"I'm so happy today..." Yang Xiaoxiao leaned in Liu Huaxing's arms, biting her fingers and said with a smile.

"Obviously I didn't do anything." Liu Huaxing pinched her nose and said angrily, Yang Xiaoxiao looked back at him and smiled, then kissed him on the face, "I'm happy when I do what I love Ah. I also bought a lot of ice cream."

"I originally planned to move here on the first day and cook something hearty for the two of us..." Liu Huaxing said, shrugging his shoulders and sighing, "But it seems that we can only postpone it until tomorrow. but……"

Speaking of this, Liu Huaxing gently scratched Yang Xiaoxiao's chin: "You are hungry tonight, can I make you a supper?"

"You'll feed me next?" Yang Xiaoxiao bit her lower lip, raised her eyebrows at him and said with a smirk.

"Haven't you eaten enough today?" Liu Huaxing pinched her nose and teased, Yang Xiaoxiao snorted coquettishly, made a grimace and replied, "Then I'll eat it for you..."

"Okay, I just haven't eaten enough today." Liu Huaxing nodded solemnly.

"Damn it, rascal!" Yang Xiaoxiao said angrily, "I want dumplings! The fried ones!"

"There are no dumplings at home." Liu Huaxing held her hand and smiled, "Go buy some flour tomorrow, and make some yourself."

Thank you Tang/M for the two monthly tickets

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