I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 618 Foreign taste

Jin Wenjuan stood up to cooperate with Liu Huaxing at this time, which really surprised him, but it happened that after Jin Wenjuan joined, he could combine his two scripts and let Jin Wenjuan join this work as the heroine . In this way, he can achieve his revenge.

The reason why I need to promote my own artists into Hollywood is to convey a message to the outside world: Anyone who I want to promote will definitely be popular. I can do what you can do, but what I can do , you may not be able to do it.

Entering Hollywood is the dream of many domestic stars. There are so many people who do not hesitate to go far beyond the unspoken rules in order to appear in Hollywood blockbusters, but in the end it is often difficult to achieve their wish.

It's also not uncommon for those who would sacrifice their lives for a Hollywood blockbuster to end up in a few seconds of film. But for Liu Huaxing, he already has the foundation to enter Hollywood.

When he cooperated with director Sun Yaowei before, he has already gained a certain reputation in the Hollywood entertainment circle, and now he only needs a suitable partner.

Thinking of this, Liu Huaxing nodded secretly: No problem.

The conditions to achieve the goal are already in place, all that is missing is the right time and opportunity.

Here, after making a phone call with He Li and the others to understand the situation, Liu Huaxing continued to revise his manuscript.

In any case, this trip with the whole family will not change, and he will not let anything affect their trip, not even himself.

"Honey! Look, my father-in-law caught a big fish!" At this time, Yang Xiaoxiao called out to him from the window.

Liu Huaxing poked his head out of the window and looked at them. Yang Xiaoxiao held Liu Yuxi and waved to him, while Liu Xuebin raised the river fish about 30 centimeters long in his hand to him. Like a grass carp.

"I ate some today!" Liu Xuebin smiled proudly, "Let's make a grilled fish! This fresh fish must be delicious!"

As for Yang Chengzhi, he was dissatisfied because he didn't catch any fish at the moment, and he sat on the side in a muffled voice and fiddled with his fishing rod, as if he was looking for a place with good geomantic omen. Liu Huaxing smiled and waved to Yang Xiaoxiao, who blew a kiss.

Liu Huaxing checked the time, and he had been sitting in the car for an hour, so he came out of the car and prepared to take a walk.

"Little Strawberry, will you go for a walk with me? Little Peach, let me hug you." Liu Huaxing put his arm around Yang Xiaoxiao's slender waist and smiled.

"Yeah. Come on, Yuxi, go to Dad." Yang Xiaoxiao said, and handed Liu Yuxi into Liu Huaxing's arms.

Liu Huaxing hugged his daughter with one hand and his wife with the other, and took a walk by the river.

"Be careful of your feet? Don't get sprained." Liu Huaxing reminded, Yang Xiaoxiao leaned on his shoulder and said happily: "I'm not afraid, if sprained, let my husband carry me."

"Sounds like your usual trick." Liu Huaxing smiled, and kissed her temples.

"How come, I only used it twice... I'm so narrow-minded, I still remember it now." Yang Xiaoxiao pouted and argued, and Liu Huaxing reached out and scratched her chin lightly: "I mean, use it Well done, I like to carry you on my back, and I can touch your little butt by the way."

"Hey..." Yang Xiaoxiao happily took his arm, "Honey, the air here is good."

"Yes, sitting in the car is also very nice. I think we should come out to write manuscripts occasionally, which will help inspire inspiration." Liu Huaxing nodded in satisfaction, "Let's go back after a walk? We'll help later. Mom and Dad are ready for lunch."

But after they walked for a while, they saw their mother and grandma in the campsite next door.

Lu Jing and Wang Mei were chatting with the owner of the caravan next door with their grandma. The owners of this house were two 60-year-old retirees who came out to enjoy retirement together. After seeing the three of them, Lu Jing quickly waved her hand to say hello.

"Come here, Aunt Shen, here, these are my son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter." Lu Jing introduced with a smile.

"Hi, grandma." Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao greeted each other.

"Oh, what a beautiful girl!" The granny looked at Liu Yuxi and couldn't help sighing, "Just like her mother..."

The two families exchanged a few polite words, and then chatted with each other. The grandma and the old man chattered about their son and daughter-in-law, who were busy with work from morning to night, and had no time to accompany them throughout the year. They only had three days off for the National Day, so they had to go out for a trip by themselves.

But Liu Huaxing listened from the sidelines, unable to do anything but express regret, this is how the world works. If he didn't rely on file reading, he might be doing the same now.

After chatting here for a while, the two fathers also called to urge them to go back. Although it was only past ten o'clock, they had to prepare a little bit of lunch by themselves, so they had to go back early, so they said goodbye to the old couple.

Back at the edge of the camp, the family began to wash rice, boil water and wash vegetables, take out the meat and chicken gizzards in the refrigerator to defrost, kill and remove the scales from the grass carp they caught, and then prepare all the side dishes.

"Do you want coriander? Qian'er likes to eat coriander, give me more." Lu Jing poured coriander into the baking tray, "Xiaoxiao likes to eat Qianzhang and yuba, so give me more. Chili..." Speaking of this, Lu Jing looked He looked at Liu Huaxing, but only hesitated for a second before replying: "Give me more, everyone likes spicy food, especially Xiaoxiao. Eat more later, Xiaoxiao."

"Okay! Thank you, mother-in-law." Yang Xiaoxiao said with a happy smile, and Liu Huaxing pointed to herself: "If you agree, no one will care about my opinion?"

"Hey, it's okay." Lu Jing said disapprovingly, "You can just have a drink later if you feel spicy."

"Qian'er!" At this time Liu Xuebin yelled, "Woke up for lunch, are you still asleep!?"

"Get up, I'm playing with my phone on the bed! I'll get up soon!" Hao Qian replied in the RV.

Yang Xiaoxiao winked at Liu Huaxing and told him to wake Hao Qian up.

Liu Huaxing came to the car and took a look. Hao Qian just got off the bed at this moment and stretched herself: "Mmmm! I slept so comfortably!"

"Are you happy on vacation?" Liu Huaxing teased, Hao Qian stretched her arms and smiled: "Happy! I hope this will continue."

"I will bring you with me every time I come out." Liu Huaxing smiled, "But I hope you have your own RV."

"Oh, yes, otherwise it's not good to keep you and your wife having a second child." Hao Qian sighed, then rubbed her belly and said, "The smell of grilled fish is coming, I'm so hungry... let's go eat !"

At noon, the family sat by the bonfire, and there were two big pots in front of them. One pot was filled with delicious grilled fish, and the other pot was filled with beef, chicken gizzards, crispy sausages, bacon and other grilled meats. The aroma of cumin It's tangy.

"Come on, come on, I need two glasses..." Although Yang Chengzhi was a little frustrated that he didn't catch any fish, he forgot about it when it was time to drink. He poured a glass of wine for Liu Xuebin, and then turned to Yang Chengzhi. Xiaoxiao asked, "Have a drink with me?"

"Drink! Of course I want to drink, even if I don't accompany you." Yang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Such a dish suitable for drinking..."

"Yeah, after all, when you're pregnant, you have to secretly eat a barbecue and have a drink." Liu Huaxing said angrily.

At that time, Yang Xiaoxiao tried her best to wink at him, but the parents had already heard this sentence clearly, Wang Mei frowned and asked: "What? When I was pregnant, I secretly ate barbecue and drank beer!? When!"

"No, it was at that time... I was just pregnant, I haven't found out yet!" Yang Xiaoxiao hurriedly babbled, and then hurriedly changed the subject, "Come on, dad, father-in-law, I'll accompany you two to have a drink..."

Saying that, Yang Xiaoxiao gave Liu Huaxing a hard look, and Liu Huaxing leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

Taking advantage of the sumptuous lunch at noon, their family also had a few drinks. Yang Chengzhi and Liu Xuebin drank a little too much, so they went to sleep in the car after eating, and the rest of the family planned to enjoy After the sunshine, Liu Huaxing went back to the RV to revise the script.

At this time, Coconut quietly crawled to his side and lay down on the table.

"Are you here to accompany me?" Liu Huaxing stretched out his index finger and scratched its head and smiled.

Coconut narrowed its eyes lazily, and its tail wriggled behind it, but Chengzi was not so kind. It was sniffing around beside Yang Xiaoxiao and Lu Jing, exploring this new world. Playing with mobile phone.

For this kind of life, Liu Huaxing thinks it's not bad. But it's a pity that he still has too many trivial things to do. In the afternoon, He Li told him that he had already contacted a foreign director who wanted to contact him.

Because of the time difference, they have limited time to communicate, so they can only choose this time.

Fortunately, Liu Huaxing did not pass the IELTS in vain back then. Although he was a little rusty, his daily communication was still no problem.

Although the director who contacted him is not a big director like Spielberg, he is still a little famous. He has made some blockbuster action movies in the past, but he has been making bad movies without a good script these years.

Liu Huaxing had a brief chat with the other party about the adaptation of the script, and then said that he would hand over the English translation to him within a week for him to read, and then discuss cooperation after he had read it.

The adaptation direction of the script is actually very simple. What is the most popular action movie abroad in recent years? In fact, the sameness is very regular. Apart from the superhero movies of Marvel and DC, it is nothing more than series of works such as "The Expendables" and "Fast and Furious". And these series have something in common: tough guy style, hot plot, and superstars.

Therefore, compared with domestic tastes, foreign tastes are easier to grasp. Just find a few male protagonists with lumpy flesh, design some fierce gun battles and hand-to-hand combat plots, fight from beginning to end, and then intersperse some American humor.

However, Liu Huaxing also obtained a lot of information from the other party. For example, "The Dragon" series is actually quite popular abroad, because Liu Huaxing is very good at designing action scenes and gun battles, so even if "The Dragon" is a domestic wolf-style movie, there are some in foreign countries. Die-hard fan, love the violence in this series.

Of course, due to the influence of various harmonious factors in China, "Yulong" is easier to play abroad.

The advantage of the movie script is that it is relatively short. Liu Huaxing’s script is only a few hundred thousand words in total. On the premise of saving the thinking process by reading files, it can be completely revised in two days, and it takes another three or four to complete the revision. It takes only one day to translate the English version and submit it to the co-director over there, and then we can start preparing for the shooting.

"Honey, we're here to accompany you." At this time, Yang Xiaoxiao came to the car with Liu Yuxi in her arms. Cheng Zi happily moved to his side and gave him a head bump. Liu Huaxing rubbed its dog's head and said angrily: "Enough playing, remember me?"

"Husband, what you said sounds like you are pointing at Sang and scolding Huai..." Yang Xiaoxiao muttered with her lips pouted.

"No, not at all." Liu Huaxing replied with a smile, Yang Xiaoxiao hugged Liu Yuxi and sat down beside him, then kissed him on the cheek: "Okay, I will make it up to you."

"Where's Yuxi? Come on, kiss Dad." Liu Huaxing pointed to his face.

Although Liu Yuxi didn't quite understand, Yang Xiaoxiao hugged her and hit Liu Huaxing on the face. Only then did Liu Huaxing nod in satisfaction: "That's about the same...Come on, come over to Dad and give me a hug."

As soon as Liu Yuxi was in his arms, she put her arms around his neck, and looked curiously at the coconut in front of her.

"Oh, our little baby's hair has grown so long." Liu Huaxing smiled while touching Xiao Yuxi's head.

Originally, Liu Yuxi had black hair when she was born, but now her hair can be tied into a ponytail on the back, plus her mother's oval face and beautiful big eyes, she looks like a fairy, she is already a little beauty up.

"This child's face is the same as her mother's, she's still so young." At this time, Hao Qian grabbed her phone and got back into the car, "Other children still have fleshy faces at this age, but our little Liuliu is already You have a melon face."

"How beautiful, isn't it?" Liu Huaxing looked down at Liu Yuxi and smiled, "Baby?"

"Daddy." Liu Yuxi turned to look at him, and then called out, her big clear eyes were as beautiful as her mother's.

"Hey... just stay next to Dad, okay? Write the manuscript here with Dad." Liu Huaxing put her in his arms.

"Okay, we're all here to accompany you." Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, "Isn't that all right?"

"What about them? Are you not outside?" Liu Huaxing put his arms around her shoulders and asked, Hao Qian replied instead of her: "Go back to the car to take care of Dad and uncle, they both drank too much. And the sun is never outside now It's a bit cold here."

"Okay." Liu Huaxing smiled, "Then I'll enjoy the feeling of hugging left and right."

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