I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 759: The Origin of Ability

When the other party panicked, Liu Huaxing was overjoyed. He looked at Song Yu in front of him, and sneered: After all, he is still an ordinary person, and his psychological defense is very fragile, and his flaws will be exposed after a little fright. However, Liu Huaxing also knew that if the other party was overly intimidated, the other party might escape directly, and this prison visit would not be able to continue.

"You don't have to pretend to me anymore, who ordered you...to be precise, encouraged you, I have already checked very clearly." Liu Huaxing said lightly, "The purpose of my coming here now is to let you see clearly The true face of this woman. You are just a poor person being used, and she took advantage of your dog-licking attributes."

Of course, what Liu Huaxing said was just playing tricks, but he was recording on his mobile phone. As long as he got an affirmative answer from Song Yu, this recording could be used to prove Zheng Yu's actions. So he turned to Yang Xiaoxiao, Yang Xiaoxiao handed the materials he had prepared in front of Liu Huaxing, and Liu Huaxing pasted one of them on the glass.

"Did you see this? This is an order placed by Zheng Yu at Jiangchuan Studio, and it took me a lot of effort to get it." Liu Huaxing said lightly, but Song Yu turned his head and snorted coldly: "Hmph, she said that you would try to blackmail her, and I won't listen to your rumors! I did all of this voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with her, and she didn't instruct me!"

"Oh? So you don't want to know what the perfect goddess in your mind has done in the past?" Liu Huaxing smiled.

"No matter what she does, she is a goddess to me!" Song Yu said stubbornly, and Liu Huaxing shrugged: "Then you must not mind watching this, I can swear on my family and wife, This thing is not forged. I can even send you the original disk of the data, all of which I got from Jiangchuan Studio."

Song Yu didn't reply, he seemed a little hesitant, but Liu Huaxing said with a smile: "Don't you want to know why your goddess is so perfect, but wants me to die? She must have told you that I have something to do with her and then take to threaten her or something. But did you ever think she made it up? If so, don't you want to see if I really deserve to die?"

Song Yu seemed shaken, and Liu Huaxing replied: "You are just an ordinary person. Although you are not good at dealing with people, you are not a vicious anti-social element. Since this is the case, have you ever thought about bumping into an innocent person?" The possibility of someone? If you really bumped into an innocent person, what would you do?"

Song Yu thought for a while, then stretched out his hand to him, and Liu Huaxing handed the materials to the window.

Song Yu took the materials and looked down carefully, but the more he looked at him, the more strange his expression became.

"I'm not a fan of hers, and I don't know who she had contacts with in the past. I just found the boss of Jiangchuan Studio and asked him to give me this data sheet." Liu Huaxing put his hands together and said, "But You are different, you are her die-hard fan, you must know her affairs very well? You know better than me who she had dealings with in the past, so..."

Liu Huaxing snorted coldly: "You should know better than me whether the above is true or not?"

Song Yu's hands were already trembling, he held the information sheet tightly and said to himself, "No, it's impossible...impossible!"

"Believe it or not." Liu Huaxing said with a smile, "I've already confirmed that she did it. I'm here to inform you today, just to see that you are being used by him."

"But..." Song Yu burst into sobs suddenly, "She is the only person who can talk to me every day... I feel lonely when I work in the company every day. Everyone just concentrates on their work and doesn't care about the people around them at all. A day's work Come down, apart from those clients, I don't even have a single friend to talk to. Only her...She is so perfect, but she is still willing to be with me like this..."

"She was just interacting with the barrage in the live broadcast room, and didn't chat with you specifically." Liu Huaxing sneered, "Do you know where your problem is? You are too cowardly to communicate with others without being separated from the screen." .”

Speaking of this, Liu Huaxing waved his hand impatiently: "Anyway, that's the end of the story. Whether you believe the information on these materials or not, the only thing I'm curious about now is how she told you. Did she tell You, do I have her black material in my hand to threaten her to submit, or should I block her? Did she say that she is so miserable that she can't survive if I don't die? "

"She..." Song Yu clenched his fists and crumpled the information on his hands, "She said that you covet her beauty, and you want to rule her out, otherwise you will block her. She gave in to you in desperation, but was rejected by you." You took the video and threatened her further, not only wanting to spoil her personally, but also wanting her to serve your cronies, if you don’t agree, then expose those videos... She said she couldn’t hold on any longer and wanted to die."

"Then you immediately believed it." Liu Huaxing smiled and put his arms around Yang Xiaoxiao's shoulders, "Did you see this one? This is my wife. With such a beautiful wife, why do you think I will go and hit her crookedly?" idea?"

"Don't you rich people like to play exciting games?" Song Yu said hysterically, scratching his head.

"I'm different from ordinary rich people." Liu Huaxing replied, "I opened a home for stray animals, rescued thousands of stray animals and helped them find their owners, and established the Xingxiao Foundation to help those People who are seriously ill or have difficulties in life. These are all done by myself, and because of a woman's one-sided statement, without any verification, you go after such a person and try to kill him. This is what you do .”

Song Yu looked in pain, Liu Huaxing smiled and said: "You think I will forgive you? I just let you understand what you did. You took me away from my family for half a year, and I missed my wife for half a year And my daughter’s birthday, missed my son learning to talk and walk, and missed dinner with my family because you took a woman’s word for it. You’ll live with guilt for the rest of your life.”

After Liu Huaxing finished speaking in a cold voice, he left Song Yu, stood up and left with Yang Xiaoxiao. Song Yu scratched his head and roared in pain, but this didn't make Liu Huaxing feel that he was too cruel.

When he came outside the prison, Liu Huaxing turned on his mobile phone to check the recording, confirmed that it was correct, and everything was ready.

"Damn it, that stinky woman dared to touch my husband..." Yang Xiaoxiao squeezed her little fist and cursed, then turned to Liu Huaxing: "Husband, do you want to find some people to take her turn? No, no, I think it's better to find someone to ruin her face, to see if she doesn't have that pretty face, who else would like her! How about it, husband?"

"I plan to leave this matter to Lili." Liu Huaxing said lightly.

Just like what was discussed before, Liu Huaxing came to the company with these materials.

Until these evidences were in front of her eyes, He Li couldn't believe that her favorite female artist was such a person, and she couldn't believe that she, an old fritter who had been in the entertainment industry for nearly ten years, was actually raped by a little girl. manipulated.

"So, what are you going to do with her?" Liu Huaxing looked at He Li with folded arms and asked, He Li turned to Liu Huaxing and asked in disbelief: "Brother Xing, are you asking me? This matter should be logically Is it up to you to decide?"

"Based on my character, I guess I will drive her out of the company and then ban her permanently." Liu Huaxing shrugged, "But I know that will cause trouble for you, after all, you are running the company now. So I I decided to let you deal with her, if you think it is for the benefit of the company to let her continue to work in the company, then I agree."

"This..." He Li frowned, folded her arms and pondered for a while and said, "I have to think about it."

"Don't be stressed, I trust you." Liu Huaxing gave He Li a hug and smiled, "You know me, and I don't want to cause any trouble now, I just want to live a peaceful life with my family."

"Hmm..." He Li nodded, and then heaved a long sigh.

Liu Huaxing handed over all the evidence and materials to He Li, and left with Yang Xiaoxiao.

"Husband, what if Sister Li lets her go?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked unconvinced, holding his arm.

"Forget it, I believe that even if Lili lets her go, she will make sure that she won't bother me in the future." Liu Huaxing pressed Yang Xiaoxiao's little head and smiled, "You know, I'm getting older now , I don’t have that kind of fighting spirit anymore. I just want peace and live a quiet life with my family. As the saying goes, when the time comes, there will always be someone who will take a step back.”

This is what Liu Huaxing said in his heart. It may be difficult for people of Yang Xiaoxiao's age or younger to understand, but for him, who has lived for more than forty years, a peaceful life is the best. He has lived a life of calculating others and being calculated by others for too many years, and he is getting a little tired of it. As long as he is still involved in it, it will be difficult to get out.

It is precisely because of this that Liu Huaxing found various successors and agents for himself, including entertainment companies, homes for stray animals, and the scripts of the "Royal Dragon" series. The one who didn't make him bored was Yang Xiaoxiao, so now he just wants to continue his ordinary life with Yang Xiaoxiao and open his small restaurant.

After returning from the entertainment company, Liu Huaxing has started rehabilitation training for two weeks now, and it is still early, Yang Xiaoxiao insisted on taking him back to the hospital for a follow-up visit. she.

"Your husband's pineal gland is abnormal." The doctor said while grabbing the CT photo of Liu Huaxing's head.

Yang Xiaoxiao immediately became nervous, and clenched Liu Huaxing's hand: "Is...is it the aftereffect of the last car accident?"

"Well, it's not." The doctor shook his head and said, "Your husband's injury from the car accident last time has completely healed, and the pineal gland is not an injury, but it's a little different from ordinary people. The average person is much more numerous and active.”

"What does this mean?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, and the doctor patiently explained: "The pineal gland is a gland in the human brain. It...simply puts you in a position to feel the change of time. It produces melatonin at night to make you sleepy, and it decreases during the day. There’s a scientific theory that the pineal gland is a receptor for time signals in humans.”

Then, the doctor danced and said: "There is a theory, the system you use to explain reality is not chosen by yourself. Numbers, language, colors, shapes, all of these are your misinterpretation of the surrounding information, an attempt to The distortion imposed on you by the 'stuff' that controls your consciousness, it tries to force you to receive this information in a linear fashion, to see the choice as something irreversible, thereby controlling all your choices, but in reality it is What it does is eliminate your options so that you can only have one choice when faced with one thing. And it is..."

"Time." Liu Huaxing frowned, lost in thought.

"Huh? Your husband seems to have some understanding of this theory." The doctor raised his brows and smiled, "That's right, it is time that controls our choices, because our reception of time can only be linear from the past to the future." This restricts our choices and makes our lives a single path. This is how time controls the way we interpret reality. But what if someone could jump freely on this timeline? Then he With unlimited choices to make, reality is richer information for him."

At this time, Liu Huaxing understood the origin of his abilities. Maybe it was because his pineal gland was different from ordinary people, which made his way of receiving time change. Of course, his ability is probably not the full version, because he can only jump from the present to the past, not the future.

"Of course, these are off topic." Seeing Yang Xiaoxiao's threatening expression, the doctor cleared his throat and said, "The abnormality of the pineal gland may cause your husband to have the illusion of time, or irregular sleep... ..."

"No, he's resting well, and there's nothing abnormal about him." Yang Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "Do you need an operation?"

"Currently, there are no known diseases of the pineal gland, so..." The doctor shook his head.

"Then what do you mean by these words!?" Yang Xiaoxiao patted the table angrily and asked, the doctor shuddered and replied, "I, am I worried that your husband may have some new disease in human history?"

"Fuck, crow's mouth!" Yang Xiaoxiao said angrily, Liu Huaxing quickly patted her on the head to calm her down, and then smiled at the doctor: "Sorry, she is more sensitive about my safety, don't you mind .In short, there is nothing unusual about my body, right? Are there any other abnormalities?"

"No, no, your body is recovering well, no different from that of ordinary office workers. If you continue to maintain it, your body will definitely recover healthier." The doctor adjusted his glasses and said, "However, I still recommend that you Come over every other month for a physical examination, and if you experience any discomfort or hallucinations, please be sure to inform me..."

"Well, I see." Liu Huaxing said with a smile, "Then let's take our leave first."

After coming out of the doctor's office, Liu Huaxing tapped on the top of Yang Xiaoxiao's head: "That's rude."

"But he said that..." Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips unconvinced and muttered aggrievedly.

"They also mentioned all kinds of possibilities." Liu Huaxing scratched her nose, "Okay, okay, let's go home first."

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