I Can't Hide It Anymore In 1999, No Matter What, I Will Take Action

Chapter 204: Stopping In Front Of The Door, Feeling Apprehensive

Chapter 204: Stopping in front of the door, feeling apprehensive

"How on earth did they do it?"

Da Jinya looked at Professor Wu in astonishment, wanting to get an answer from the knowledgeable Professor Wu.

But obviously, this matter has gone beyond Professor Wu's cognition.

At this moment, he was also looking at Zhang Qilin and others with a puzzled expression.

This team hardly used any conventional means that they were familiar with.

But it has truly achieved it, surpassing conventional means to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time.

But there are too many puzzling things hidden in it. For example, how did Zhang Qilin open the stone door?

How did they come to the conclusion that this was the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang before this, and how did they get confirmation~?

At this moment, the scene became silent, and all the archaeological team members were immersed in this shock, and they were still a little unable to recover.

Compared to the archaeological team, the 543 exploration team was much calmer. Except for Pan Zi, everyone else had basically gotten used to it.

Pan Zi approached Wu Sangou and asked in a low voice:

"How did Qilin do it? This stone door can be opened at a moment's notice?"

Wu Sangou nodded meaningfully:

"This is the unique skill of Faqiu Tianguan, which involves exploring acupoints with two fingers.

Don't say you're surprised, I'm still curious.

It’s a pity that this kind of unique skill cannot be mastered by ordinary people..."

Pan Zi looked at Zhang Qilin with a bit more curiosity. This man who was usually taciturn had shocked him many times in a short period of time.

"This is actually the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang..."

After a while, Professor Wu's voice finally came.

However, there was still a bit of disbelief and an excited trembling in his tone.

"This is a major discovery. The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, which has not been found for two thousand years, is actually located in Lishan Mountain.

Professor Wu looked a little excited. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most important event in his archaeological career.

Once you explore the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang with your own hands, you will definitely be remembered in history!

At the same time, Professor Wu excitedly held Hu Bayi’s hand:

"Comrade Xiaowei, the 543 exploration team is really a strange person.

If it weren't for you, maybe we would still be trapped outside the tomb, unable to explore in depth.

Well now, it won’t be in vain. The Qin Shihuang era with many historical blanks can finally be revealed..."

As he spoke, Professor Wu was about to take the lead towards the tomb, but was stopped by Hu Bayi:

"Professor, you can't go in now..."

Professor Wu looked at Hu Bayi in surprise:

"Comrade Xiaowei, why is this? This is the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and any discovery inside is enough to shock the current archaeological world!"

Speaking of this, Professor Wu's expression became even more excited.

But Hu Bayi remains calm about this:

"Professor Wu, precisely because this is the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin, we cannot set foot there easily.

How can it be so easy to explore the imperial tomb of an emperor through the ages?

We need to go back and ask the chief for instructions before making a decision..."

With that said, Hu Bayi turned around and led the members of the exploration team to leave the cave.

This made the members of the archaeological team a little unable to bear it.

Now that the door to the ancient tomb has been opened, they suddenly want to go back and ask for instructions.

Looking at an ancient tomb filled with countless secrets but unable to explore it, they naturally felt a little anxious.

"Professor and the others want to go back and ask the chief for instructions. We don't have to. Why don't we go in first and take a look?"

Da Jinya said excitedly, his eyes still exuding a little greedy light.

Da Jinya actually doesn't care about filling in the history with scientific research.

But what are the burial objects of an eternal emperor? You don’t need to think about it to know that they must be priceless and extremely precious.

After all, it is an orthodox archaeological team. It is definitely unrealistic to take it away, but even if it is just to take a look, at least it will satisfy the good interests deep in Da Jinya's heart.

Aning also rarely agreed with Da Jinya at this time:

"I agree, we have wasted too much time these days.

Now that we finally have the opportunity to enter the ancient tomb, why are we still waiting?"

The rest of the archaeological team members responded one after another, but Professor Wu found that Chen Wenjin was the only one who did not speak.

"Wen Jin, what do you think?"

Facing Professor Wu’s inquiry, Chen Wenjin said somewhat complicatedly:

"Professor, I don't know what to say, but I think we should wait patiently.

The 543 exploration team is so scrupulous about the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. Maybe we really shouldn’t be the first to enter the Mausoleum.

Everyone has seen their methods. Although their words are a bit unpleasant, their abilities are indeed superior to ours.

Even they know how to be cautious, why should we take the risk?


Having said this, Chen Wenjin stopped talking, but Professor Wu already understood what he was thinking.

The fact is that as Chen Wenjin said, the strength of the 543 exploration team is far superior to that of the archaeological team.

Even Professor Wu has a clear self-awareness. Although he has rich professional knowledge, in terms of this practical ability, the 543 Exploration Team is stronger.

Take Wu Sangou, whose identity is controversial, for example. Although he may have been a local master before, he has to admit that his clever methods are the most lacking ability of the archaeological team at present.

Only a Luoyang shovel can dig out the exquisite Zimu Cave. Looking at the entire archaeological team, no one can do this.

It is true that many archaeological projects require digging holes.

However, this kind of hole theft often requires the archaeological team to use professional equipment and spend a lot of manpower to accomplish it.

After all, archaeological projects are developed with state support. Unlike tomb robbers, they do not need standardized rules and regulations.

Therefore, the methods and methods of precipitation are also more effective and direct.

0......Please give me flowers......

This is enough to make a huge difference.

But now at the entrance of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, the 543 exploration team did not choose to enter and explore.

There must be a reason for this, and Professor Wu had to take this into consideration, otherwise he would be risking the entire archaeological team.

"Comrades, please be patient. We have been waiting for this for a long time.

Everyone also returns to the camp first so that they can make some repairs along the way. It won't be too late to go to the tomb after everything is ready.

Professor Wu said it politely, but the decision has already been made, which is to return to the camp with the 543 exploration team and suspend the exploration of the tomb.

Da Jinya looked back with some reluctance.

Of course he wanted to go in first and take a look, but he also had to be wary of the hidden weapons that might be inside the tomb.

In terms of talking skills, gold teeth can fight Yangru.

But in the profession of preventing hidden weapons of government agencies, the big gold tooth is not enough.

The other archaeological team members were also unwilling to accept it, just like people who have been hungry for several days. A big meal has been placed in front of them, but they are not allowed to eat it.

But there was no way, Professor Wu had already issued the order, and they asked themselves, they knew very well how much they weighed, and even the 543 exploration team didn't go in, so why were they pretending to be such a big-tailed wolf, so they had better wait!

"Originally, we were the archaeological team, but now we are working for the 543 exploration team. Alas...

"There is no way, my skills are inferior to others!"

"Just wait a little longer."

On the way back to the camp from the Robber Cave, the members of the archaeological team were all discussing the matter in low voices.

Although these sounds are small, they can still reach Professor Wu's ears from time to time.

Although he obviously heard it, Professor Hao did not express his position.

Professor Wu thinks it is normal for the team members to have this kind of emotion. After all, even he is unwilling to do so.

But as the commander-in-chief of this mission, Professor Wu had to be more cautious.

The 543 exploration team is obviously worried about something...

What scares them all must be more dangerous for you in archeology.

What's more, this is the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, the emperor of the ages. Unlike other ancient tombs, this place must be full of dangers.

Professor Wu had to be responsible for everyone on the archaeological team.

Along the way, the team members were discussing in low voices, only Chen Wenjin and Aning did not speak.

Chen Wenjin walked beside Professor Wu, seemingly thinking about something.

Aning, on the other hand, has been looking at the copper coin bracelet on his wrist.

I recall in my mind that the copper coin bracelet began to vibrate inexplicably...

There was more curiosity and doubt in Aning's eyes.

When the archaeological team returned to the camp, Hu Bayi was already sitting in front of the radio and sent a telegram to the Kunlun Mountain Security Area.

This telegram was also conveyed to the Kunlun Security Area as soon as possible. The telegraph operator copied it and handed it over to the clerk. It was sent to Chu Jian's office... Wan...

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