I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 98 International Alien Alliance

Eggplant laughed when he heard this and said:

"How many people are here? Anyway, if you encounter Ji Han, you will either be killed or captured alive."

Ji Han also thought of the Consciousness Only Society and asked:

"How could the Consciousness Consciousness know about our destruction of the divine pillar?"

Song Qian then told everyone the truth about the spy in the alien escort team.

And she guessed that the space fluctuations caused by the disappearance of the power of the divine pillar would be discovered by people from the Consciousness Only Society.

Ji Hanxin said it was just a game, and there was no one left in the gang to send spies to each other. But thinking about how I played Warcraft Alliance and Horde back then, I seem to understand.

The group of four drove quickly back to the home of Qiezi’s good friend Anari.

Seeing that the four of them were a little embarrassed, Anari thought they had gone hunting and kept reminding them that hunting was prohibited in this place. Fortunately, Eggplant explained the situation clearly.

In the evening, all four of them took a hot bath and sat in the courtyard around a bonfire.

While drinking goat's milk wine and eating roasted leg of lamb, we discussed what to do after returning.

Ji Han swallowed the mutton and said:

"Since the mirror corner is in danger of being taken away, I suggest that we merge it with the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror here first, so that even if something happens to the mirror corner, it will not affect the subsequent pursuit progress."

Xin said that although he might not go immediately, he still recorded the information in case something unexpected happened in the middle.

We still don’t know what methods the people from the Consciousness Only Society will use, so everyone thinks it’s okay to be cautious.

Song Qian took out the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror from her bag, and Ji Han carefully compared the copper corners with the broken marks on the bronze mirror one by one.

When it touches the position of "Lian Zhenxing", the fracture at the corner of the mirror can just match the position of the bronze mirror.

Chen Ke carefully took photos and records nearby.

As soon as the mirror corners were installed, the front of the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror immediately lit up.

The gray clouds parted, revealing a forest. There was a large crescent-shaped lake in the forest, surrounded by woods.

Then the camera suddenly enters the lake and travels a certain distance through the water.

I saw a lifeless and dark ancient house at the bottom of the lake. After passing the ancient house, I actually broke away from the lake and came to a bottomless underground crack. There were countless wooden bridges between the cracks. On the side, people are coming and going, bustling, just like a magnificent underground city.

The image in the pre-Qin nine-star mirror ended here, and the corner of the mirror fell to the ground again.

None of the four people spoke, still recalling the images just now.

After a long pause, Eggplant said:

"It seems to be an ancient city, but the location of this ancient city is too obscure. It is a forest, a lake, and there are big cracks. I guess the specific location is a certain forest."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"And it seems that we are going to go into the water. This video looks intermittent. The lake in the woods, the house in the water, the city in the rift valley, every scene seems to be disconnected."

Chen Ke also agreed:

"It's indeed quite messy, but I will find the location. Just wait for my good news."

The Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror was still given to Song Qian for safekeeping, and the two mirror corners were in Ji Han's hands.

Watching Chen Ke record the video, Eggplant worriedly said:

"Chen Ke, if your video was stolen, wouldn't Wei Shi know the location directly?"

Chen Ke explained:

"Brother Qie, don't worry. After I go back and watch it a few more times, I will be able to remember every detail in my mind. I will delete the video when the time comes. I won't leave any chance to the people of the Consciousness-Weight Society."

Everyone rested on the grassland for three full days and paid back the roasted whole lamb and roasted lamb legs that they owed each other. Then they finally regained their strength and drove back to Jingzhou City.

The four of them divided their work according to their respective tasks, and Ji Han took Jingjiao back to prevent people from the Consciousness Only Society from sneak attacks.

Ji Hanxin said that he hoped that people from the Consciousness-Weight Society would come and do some money-making tasks.

Qingzi knows a lot of friends, and he is responsible for exploring the black market for information about the Knowledge-only Society to see if he can learn about their related actions. We can't always be passive.

Chen Ke quickly found the location of the next divine pillar suggested by the Pre-Qin Nine-Star Mirror, but he had to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Everyone unanimously decided that Chen Ke could go to JZ City Hospital and stay with Ji Mo while searching for clues.

In this case, it would be difficult for the spies in the alien escort team to obtain any information.

Although Ji Han was a little jealous, he agreed when he thought his sister was with him, and he was relatively relieved about Chen Ke.

Song Qian is responsible for going back and reporting the details of this mission to the captain to see if she can get some help from the captain.

As expected, as soon as Ji Han returned to school, he was intercepted by his roommates again.

"Chief, although soft rice is youth rice, this is not how to eat it."

"Chief, you need to know. We only have exhausted cows and no plowed land. We can't go there again and again."

Listening to the kind and slightly mocking advice from all the roommates, Ji Han didn't want to explain anymore, thinking that no matter how busy Song Qian was next time, he would tie her up to explain clearly for him.

Song Qian returned to the headquarters of the Alien Guards and reported the situation in detail to the captain alone.

"Although this mission was thrilling, with everyone's help, the power of the first divine pillar was finally released, and it was not discovered by anyone from the Consciousness Only Society."

The captain's face was as sinking as water, and he comforted:

"Thank you for your hard work. It's not easy to complete this mission. But don't expect that the energy of the divine pillar will be released without being discovered by others."

"Captain, what do you mean?"

"The International Alien Alliance contacted me on the day you released the divine pillar."

"International Alien Alliance? How did they know?"

The International Alien Alliance is the international affairs headquarters of the alien organizations of various countries.

Its responsibilities are to coordinate international alien affairs and the work of the alien guards of various countries to prevent incidents that affect the international alien world.

However, just like a certain country, the International Alien Alliance is mostly a decoration, and they don't have much contact with the Alien Guard. How did they know about the God Pillar this time?

The captain explained:

"It cannot be confirmed yet, but they have detected the energy of the alien world around the world. Maybe the power fluctuations released by you from the God Pillar were detected by them, so they sent an international team to find out the situation."

Song Qian was puzzled:

"If there is something strange in the space, just ask us. Why send a team to investigate? I think they must know something."

The captain did not refute, and replied:

"It is possible, but after all, these people are under the banner of maintaining peace. Their team will arrive at the Guard Headquarters tomorrow. The matter of the God Pillar should not be known to international forces. I have already covered for you. You can say that you killed a large monster in the alien world, which caused energy fluctuations."

"Yes, Captain."

Having said that, Song Qian knew that this lie could not be made up by herself.

So that night, she called Ji Han and others and explained the situation.

When the roommates heard Ji Han say "I'll go tomorrow", they couldn't help but worry about the health of the roommate.

If he eats free meals so frequently, he will die of exhaustion sooner or later.

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