I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 317 Canyon Black Stone

Taking advantage of this period of time, Ji Han rode the severed spider king to patrol the forest again to make sure that nothing was missed.

Sitting on the back of the Severed Spider King, watching the spiders coming and going, I no longer felt any fear at this time.

Those spiders no longer seemed to have any murderous intention towards Ji Han. It seemed that they were quite obedient to the decapitated Spider King.

As the sky gets darker, the fog in the forest becomes slightly lighter.

According to the scene in the pre-Qin nine-star mirror, if the main force was completely plunged into darkness, the canyon would appear.

In order to figure out the reason for the emergence of the canyon, Ji Han did not wait at the beginning of the forest. Instead, he relied on the Broken Head Spider King to weave a web on the big tree near Dead Man's Head Mountain.

It is convenient for you to clearly see the situation of Rentoushan from a high place.

Darkness completely enveloped the entire forest, and the golden butterflies on the cliff folded their wings and hibernated on the surrounding cliffs. Ji Han gradually fell into darkness.

But Dead Man's Head Mountain has not changed much.

Ji Hanxin said that it seemed that not only would it be dark, but the moonlight might also be needed to help the canyon appear.

Sure enough, the moonlight soon shone on the human head stone on the top of the mountain. Although the canyon still did not appear, Ji Han noticed that the black shadow of the human head stone on the top of the mountain seemed to have changed.

Although the moonlight illuminated a small area on the human head stone, Ji Han could clearly see that the stone was clearly moving.

Isn't it? Could it be said that this mountain is really alive? Next, the mountain god appears and opens the canyon?

Ji Han knew it was impossible, because in the pre-Qin Nine Star Mirror, the canyon quickly appeared.

In order not to miss any detail in the darkness, Ji Han shot the lighting arrows he had prepared in advance into the sky.

There was a "pop" in the air, and white light illuminated a large area of ​​the mountain wall. With the guidance of the white light, Ji Han could see clearly that the human head stone on the top of the mountain was not alive, but just moving.

I don’t know if there is any mechanism designed above or if there is some monster. At this time, the human head stone was illuminated by the moonlight and was rolling towards the back of the mountain.

After rolling for about twenty seconds, the stone completely disappeared from Ji Han's eyes.

While Ji Han was still staring at the top of the mountain, the stone wall in front of him began to look unreal.

Before Ji Han could take a closer look, the stone wall during the day had disappeared before his eyes, leaving only a wide canyon in front of him.

It turns out that the secrets are all in the human head stone at the top of the mountain. Did I say that the sacred pillar is also in that stone?

If I were really like that, there would be no need for me to risk going in.

Thinking about it, Ji Han took out the divine pillar detector he found from Song Qian.

Unfortunately, the direction shown by the detector is still forward and downward, and it is definitely not in the rock.

Controlling the severed spider king at his feet, Ji Han dropped from the tree and walked toward the canyon.

Standing at the mouth of the valley, looking into the depths of darkness, from here as a whole, this sudden canyon seems no different.

There is no gravel on the ground, and the stone walls on both sides rise vertically, just like any other canyon.

However, after Ji Han went to the mountain wall and the ground to check carefully, he still noticed something strange:

First of all, there are obvious traces of excavation on the stone walls on both sides. It was probably excavated by those who recorded the construction date in the cave outside.

There was not a single plant on the dirt road below, and the entire canyon looked like a man-made mountain road.

Ji Han threw the lighting rods to both sides of the road while driving the severed spider dynasty deep into the canyon.

For the first period, the surrounding scenery did not change much, but after moving about a hundred meters inward, Ji Han discovered that caves as tall as a person began to appear on both sides of the stone wall.

When Ji Han went over to check, he found that there were stone statues placed in the caves on both sides.

As soon as he saw that thing, Ji Han frowned in his heart, because he had seen many statues resurrected. Could these things be the same?

However, when I got closer, I realized that the carvings of those stone statues were very crude, and they could only barely carve out human shapes on the stone pillars.

According to the patterns on the rock, it seems to be a statue of a soldier, but even the sword on his side has patterns carved on the stone pillars.

Although Ji Han does not have as good an appreciation of cultural relics as Chen Ke, he can still tell that this is a relatively simple stone carving. There is no possibility of resurrection of this kind of stone pillar.

Just when Ji Han turned around and was about to go deeper, he realized that there seemed to be something behind the stone sculpture.

I looked down with a flashlight and found that there were just a few pure black stones.

Holding it in his hand, the familiar rough feeling hit him again. After looking at it carefully, Ji Han confirmed the origin of the stone.

There is no mistake, this is the stone from Black Rock Mountain.

Is there also a Black Rock Mountain in this place? It is thousands of miles away from Changbai Mountain and Kunlun Mountain.

Ji Han carefully inspected the two stones from Black Rock Mountain, and after spreading some soil on them, he found that there seemed to be traces of carvings on them.

Not knowing what was going on with the black stone in his hand, Ji Han could only retain his doubts and continue to look deeper into the canyon.

The number of caves on both sides of the stone walls began to increase. Without exception, all caves, regardless of size, contained a simple carved soldier. strong sacrifice reading sacrifice

The sizes of some of the caves and the stone soldiers are relatively consistent, but many of the caves are very large, and there are still stone soldiers of the same size, which makes them look very unmatched.

Moreover, Ji Han also discovered that other caves also had piles of broken black stones, and in most of them, detailed carvings could be found.

Ji Han boldly guessed that those stone soldiers might have been placed there later, and the first things placed in the cave might be those stone carvings from Black Stone Mountain.

Maybe I don’t know why later, maybe the people here also noticed the ominousness brought by the black stone, or something happened to them, so they destroyed the previous black stone carvings.

Finally, they placed their own carved stone soldiers to ward off evil spirits and the like. At this time Zhang Si

Moreover, Ji Han also discovered that the caves he saw later were different from the ones he saw at the beginning. He could clearly feel the biting cold wind blowing out of the caves.

Although he certainly didn't have time to explore all the caves, since it was related to Black Rock Mountain, Ji Han still wanted to explore them. Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

So he got off the Spider King, held a flashlight, found a cave that was also piled with black gravel, and walked in.

Taking out the Zhenyue Sword and braving the strange cold wind, Ji Han observed the surroundings while cautiously digging deeper. Judging from the marks on the wall, the cave here may have been dug manually.

But what Ji Han didn't expect was that the cave was not very deep, only twenty or thirty meters in total.

At the end of the cave is a circular pit about five meters in diameter.

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