I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 429 The Pillar of Divine Fire that reaches the sky

Latest website: Although Hunter cut his throat in displeasure, he still walked to Ji Han's side.

Looking at the blood on the ground and the hole in his temple, Hunter knew that this kid was dead. Thinking of the various ways he had planned to torture him and his sister before, Hunter felt even more depressed.

It was a pretty good round, and he was killed with one shot. It was such a waste of resources.

Unexpectedly, when he dug down Ji Han's pocket, he found that there was a hole in his pocket and there was nothing in it.

"No way?"

As he spoke, Hunter touched under Ji Han's body, but after touching his legs and crotch, Hunter still didn't touch the divine pillar.

"Shit! Is this haunted? I just saw him putting it in his pocket."

Little did he know that Ji Han had already stuffed the sacred pillar into the treasure bag of his underwear along the hole in his pocket.

I had no choice but to turn around and call the subordinate at the door:

"Come here and search carefully to see if this guy has hidden the sacred pillar somewhere on his body? Take off his clothes and see if it is stuffed in the back."

The younger brother hurriedly came over and groped up and down Ji Han's body. The leader of the younger brothers asked:

"Mr. Hunter, what should we do with his sister? Should we send someone to ambush?"

Hunter waved his hand impatiently and said:

"There is absolutely no need for that. The entire underground floor is covered with nerves. Any outsider who completely steps in will be controlled by the nerves and his body will be torn into a puddle of flesh. Once the nerve trap is triggered, the explosives buried in the factory will also detonate. It is absolutely enough. Those who go to the rescue drink a pot for the otherworldly escorts.”

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at Ji Han's remains again and said:

"I kept my promise and didn't take the initiative to kill your sister. But when the time comes for the people from the otherworldly escort team to rescue her, I don't know whether they will kill her. It doesn't matter. The brother and sister can go on the road together. Well."

As Hunter was talking, he subconsciously looked at the tablet in his hand, only to find that there was a black shadow flashing through the surveillance camera in the first basement.

"Huh? Did I see it wrong?"

After staring at the screen carefully for two seconds, but there was no movement, I concluded that I was wrong.

In the abandoned factory, Gu Shui and the captain had just crossed the last camera and now came to a safe corner.

The captain pointed to the innermost part of the corridor, indicating that this was the last floor of the basement, and Ji Mo must be in there.

Gu Shui also stopped to take a breath, after all, being shadowed for such a long time was indeed a bit too much.

Strong sacrifice reads sacrifice. Seeing that the ground was covered with strange and squirming red lines, the captain and Gu Shui looked at each other and knew there was something wrong with these things, so they tried to avoid them along the way.

Gu Shui took a deep breath and led the captain through the long corridor to a huge cell door made of thick glass.

Through the glass, the two of them saw that it was Ji Mo who was imprisoned inside, but there was no gap in the cell door, and even the two Yinghua people could not enter.

The captain waved his hand to signal Gu Shui to restore himself, and then Gu Shui released the captain's shadow.

Almost as soon as it was lifted, the blood-red nerves around him floated over at the same time.

The captain didn't care about that, and completely shattered the glass cell door in front of him with one palm of his hand.

Gu Shui also took the opportunity and Captain Shui entered the dungeon.

Ji Mo, who was worried about his brother, heard a loud noise, looked up and saw that it was the captain, and couldn't help but be overjoyed, and hurriedly reminded:

"Don't touch those red lines!"

At the same time, Hunter, who was looking at the tablet computer, was also startled by the loud noise. Before he could start, those nerves were already rushing towards the captain and Ji Mo.

As soon as Gu Shui stepped into the cell door, he cast Shadow Transformation on Ji Mo, allowing her to avoid the suicide attacks of those who manipulated her nerves.

The chains on the body also fell off as the body transformed.

In order to attract so many blood-red nerves around Ji Mo, the captain did not avoid them and allowed those blood-red nerves to wrap around him.

Seeing that Ji Mo was rescued, the captain stepped on his right foot, and the blood-red nerve threads wrapped around his body burned into pieces of ashes like dead branches.

Seeing that the surrounding blood-red nerves had completely dissipated, Gu Shui, who had almost been unable to hold on any longer, immediately lifted his shadow.

If Gu Shui relied on his shadow power to fight the opponent, it wouldn't matter if he fought for another day and night. But now that he had completely shadowed his body and maintained it for such a long time, it was indeed a bit excessive.

Hunter was dumbfounded while holding the tablet:

"This? How is it possible? When did they do it? Damn it, you all die together!"

As the nerve threads left there broke, the explosives in the abandoned factory were also activated at the same time.

Just as he noticed something strange, the corridor outside exploded.

"There are bombs! That pervert planted a lot of bombs here!"

"It doesn't matter if I'm here."

I don't know whether it was out of self-blame for not protecting Ji Mo last time, or out of confidence in his own abilities, but the captain still stood in front of him.

Echo protected Ji Mo and struck hard on the ground in front of him with his palm. A wall of fire instantly erupted from the ground, blocking the three of them.

With the power no less than that of an explosive explosion, the explosion damage in the tunnel was blocked in one direction.

But the explosions outside continued, and even the masonry above them began to shatter.

Knowing that a wall of fire would be unstoppable, the captain stamped one foot and shouted loudly. The ground around his feet began to break, but the broken lines gradually formed a circle, surrounding Ji Mo, Gu Shui and himself. .

Immediately afterwards, a large number of flames burst out from the ground outside the circle, rising straight into the sky against the collapsing rubble.

Although the abandoned factory collapsed amid the explosion, no bricks or rubble fell into this hollow pillar of fire.

Song Qian and Chen Ke knew something was wrong when they heard the explosion coming from the factory. When they saw this pillar of divine fire, they even broke out in a cold sweat for the three people inside.

Only Minister Caggins waved his hand and said:

"Don't worry, looking at this power, your commander must be able to handle it with ease."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire abandoned factory was completely reduced to ruins. Amidst the smoke and dust, the pillar of fire gradually dimmed.

At this time 17B*XW* Zhang Si. Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the captain holding the knocked down Ji Mo, followed by Gu Shui, and the three of them walked out of the smoke.

Seeing Ji Mo weakly waving to everyone in the captain's arms, Song Qian immediately told Eggplant the information.

"Ji Mo has been rescued!"

Control the big one and control the owl. Eggplant was even more excited and said to Jihan through the headset:

"Hey, Ji Han, did you hear that? Ji Mo was rescued."


At this time, a subordinate who was groping for Ji Han's chest suddenly said "Hmm":

"No, his heart seems to be beating!"

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