I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 452 Fuxi and Nuwa Pictures

Latest website: Captain Gu Shui was also stunned when he saw the giant snake on Ellie's screen.

Even Liu Bai also frowned, and Gu Shui said in surprise:

"Let me strangle you, it's so big! Are you really okay?"

"Don't worry, Captain Gu Shui, we have already gone deeper. You should be careful up there."

After the reminder, Song Qian hung up the communicator, and the four of them began to explore deeper along the corridor.

Captain Yan Mu searched around and found nothing that could be entertained, so he returned to the building in the center of the city.

"Gu Shui, were they the ones sending messages just now? How was it? Is there anything interesting down there that I can get my hands on?"

Gu Shui hurriedly waved his hand and said:

"There's nothing, just a few mummies down there."

"Damn, what a bad luck."

Song Qian and the others went down the tunnel on the right. Although they were squatting down, the angle of the turn was not large, and it was estimated that the area below would not be small.

The first section is still the same as above, showing signs of being opened recently, but after walking down for a while, simple murals begin to appear on the walls.

It can be seen that the depth of the corridor where the four people are at this time should still retain the previous appearance of this corridor.

Eggplant shined his flashlight on it and found that what was drawn on the wall were pairs of intertwined lines.

Walking in the center, it feels like the lines on both sides are alive, constantly entangled with each other.

Eggplant joked:

"The flowing lines make it look like a hair salon."

Chen Ke looked closely at the wall and found that the lines were not always connected, but were segmented, and the thickness was not completely uniform.

Chen Ke stared at one of them and looked forward, only to find that the lines became thicker as they went forward, and there were other details painted on the front end.

"No, these are not ordinary lines, come here and take a look!"

Following Chen Ke's reminder, Song Qian and the other three also gathered together.

Looking towards where Chen Ke was pointing, he saw two people drawn on the front part of the line.

The lines are connecting the two people and become the lower parts of their bodies. It turns out that the two people are monsters with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake.

The two embraced each other, and the snake's body was entangled with each other. It was exactly the lines that everyone saw just now.

Take a closer look at the upper bodies of the two people. Although the painting is very rough, you can still tell that they are a man and a woman by whether they have beards or not.

Seeing this, Song Qian immediately recognized it and said in surprise:

"This is the "Picture of Fuxi and Nuwa"! You actually drew so many?"

Chen Ke nodded and said:

"Yes, it seems that people here have some kind of admiration for this picture, but don't tell me, this picture really has something to do with the copy we talked about before."

Ethan asked:

"I'm sorry, what's the meaning of the "Picture of Fuxi and Nuwa" you're talking about? In my opinion, it's just two snakes entangled."

Chen Ke asked rhetorically:

"Ethan, do you know Fuxi and Nuwa in our mythology system?"

"Well, I know that they are all legendary gods. I still know about Nuwa's creation of humans and Nuwa's patching of the sky. As for Fuxi, I know about Fuxi's gossip."…

Song Qian added:

"Fuxi is the ancestor of humanities and the earliest king recorded in ancient books. He unified all the tribes in China and created the dragon totem. But at the same time, when it comes to Nuwa, in addition to the fact that both of them have human heads and snake bodies, they are more widely circulated The theory is that the two are both brother and sister and husband and wife.”

Ethan also just found out and said in surprise:

"Isn't that incest?"

Eggplant replied:

"Gods and humans cannot be compared, and compared with the exaggerated incest in your Western mythology and Nordic mythology, I can only say that Fuxi and Nuwa do not advocate it."

Ethan scratched his head and said:

"But I still don't quite understand the meaning of this painting appearing here."

Chen Ke explained:

"Because this painting is considered by domestic and foreign scientific organizations to be a hint of the DNA double helix, which means that this painting reveals the origin of life."

"But intercourse is the origin of life."

Song Qian understood what Chen Ke wanted to express and explained:

"Because Fuxi and Nuwa were not born from intercourse. According to the "Book of Mountains and Seas: Eastern Classic of the Sea": 'Hua Xu walked in the footsteps of a great man, and Fuxi was born in Leize.' Legend has it that Hua Xu stepped on the footprints of a giant, Then she became pregnant, and after twelve years of pregnancy, she gave birth to Fuxi."

"What about Nuwa? Since they are brother and sister, how was Nuwa born?"

Chen Ke continued:

"Here's the problem. Ancient books only record that Fuxi was born by Huaxu's footsteps, but it doesn't clearly say how he gave birth to Nuwa.

In fact, later generations said that Fuxi and Nuwa were brother and sister, mainly based on the common ground that they both have human heads and snake bodies and their ages.

But think about it, Hua Xu stepped on the footprints to give birth to Fuxi. Could it be that when she gave birth to Nuwa, she had to wait twelve years to find the big footprints again? This doesn't seem to make sense, so the birth of Nuwa is actually not conclusive. "

Ethan also thought along Chen Ke's train of thought.

At this time, Chen Ke's painting style changed and he said:

"You don't know about Eastern myths, but you know about Western ones, right? In the legend of Adam and Eve, how did Eve

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Coming? "

Ethan certainly knows this:

"Eve was made by God taking a rib from Adam. Hey, wait a minute, you are saying that the birth of Nuwa is similar?"

Chen Ke shook his head and said:

"This is just some speculation, but if you remove some of the mythical factors at the time, taking a part of one person to create another person is very similar to cloning, and it is also a genetically modified abnormal clone.

Fuxi and Nuwa have the same human head and snake body, and Nuwa's life experience has never been recorded, which naturally makes people wonder.

Now if you go back and look at this DNA-like "Picture of Fuxi and Nuwa", there will be another explanation for the origin of human beings. "

Ethan raised his flashlight and looked at the road ahead. The paintings on both sides of the corridor were still "Pictures of Fuxi and Nuwa", and replied:

"There's really a lot of painting here. When you say that, I feel like I'm walking in the gene pool."

Song Qian said:

"The extant "Fuxi and Nuwa" was unearthed near here, and maybe it really has something to do with this place."

Chen Ke sighed:

"I hope this is just my imagination, otherwise those clones will have another explanation."

Ethan was stunned for a moment before he reacted:

"Clone? Oh oh oh, you mean the story of the Pisces Jade Pendant that you told me on the way? Indeed, if your guess is correct, then the so-called Pisces Jade Pendant may also be some kind of magical artifact that replicates genes."

Eggplant grinned and interrupted:

"Okay, three of you, you have already sent chills down my spine. Can we continue walking now?"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^


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