I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 663 Former Enemies

Latest website: Seeing Walter’s huge reaction, Ji Han shrugged and said:

"What, what's the problem?"

Walter smashed the table hard and cursed:

"Fuck! If I had known it was the Bermuda Triangle, I would have just told the boss to increase the money!"

Hearing this, Ji Han felt that Walter seemed to know something about Bermuda, so he stepped forward and asked:

"Is it possible that you know something about that place?"

Field came over as soon as he heard it. He didn't know anything about the Bermuda Triangle in detail.

Knowing that they were going to perform a mission together next, Walter didn't hide it, raised his head and said:

"Let me ask first, do you really want to go to that place?"

"Go back no matter what."

"I still advise you to think carefully."

As he spoke, he recalled his past events:

"That was when I was young. At that time, I had basically mastered the water power. In order to give myself a final test, I decided to travel around the world alone along the sea route.

I have seen all kinds of waves, waves, tornadoes and storms on the road, but the one that impressed me the most was the Bermuda Triangle.

The waves there are very weird. The waves have nothing to do with the sea breeze. The vortex under your feet and the waterspout above your head seem to have formed instantly, without any warning before.

As soon as you enter that sea area, you will feel as if you are on the verge of an abyss, as if something is stirring the water below.

To the extent that I felt at that time, I could already feel the changes in the water, but until now, I still can't understand the chill that I felt in the water at that time. "

Looking at Walter's expression, it seems that he is still frightened by the experience at that time.

Ji Han replied:

"You're not alone this time. We are fully armed. Besides, didn't you also wear one at that time?"

Walter smiled bitterly:

"I always say that I chose to take a detour because the place was so nerve-wracking."

"Okay, thank you for sharing the horror, but we still won't change our mind about going. By the way, do you two need any other equipment? You can write it in advance, and I will ask someone to prepare it for you."

Field joked:

"The good news is that no Sustainers are out hunting you this time."

Ji Han shrugged and said:

"This is not necessarily true. Although you are not on the opposite side this time, we can't say whether the Dracula family will come to cause trouble for us."

Upon hearing this name, both Field and Walter suddenly turned to look at Ji Han.

"You mean the Dracula family also got involved in this matter?"

Ji Han forgot that he had not told them about the Dracula family and nodded:

"Yes, our competitor is the Dracula family. You seem to know them?"

Field replied mindlessly:

"No wonder the boss is willing to cooperate with you, but he actually got into trouble with the Dracula family."

"Do you know that family?"

Field glanced at Walter, who then nodded, and then Field replied:

"A long time ago, probably not long after the establishment of the earliest Consciousness-only Society, we had a fight with the Dracula family. Although we don't want to admit it, we did lose that time.

Later, I don’t know how the boss negotiated with them. In the end, the Dracula family let us go. That Tia was the one who jumped over from the Dracula family, but we can also see that that guy is more like the Dracula family. Sent to monitor us.

I didn't expect to meet them again one day. It seems that the boss has not forgotten the original grudge. "

Ji Han didn't expect that the Consciousness Society would actually fight the Dracula family. No wonder Kiryu knew the situation and strength of the Dracula family so well, and repeatedly discouraged him not to take action easily.

Ji Han nodded thoughtfully:

"I really didn't expect you would tell me these internal things."

"Tch, I just want you to know who you are fighting against."

Ji Han remembered Kiryu's attitude towards the two of them, turned around and said coldly:

"I don't care what kind of family they are, just kill one of them."

Hearing Ji Han's words, the two of them remembered the bloody battle in the Demon Forest. Ji Han had killed so many opponents by himself, and they thought that this guy was more than just talking.

But this time, everyone was in the same camp as him for the time being, so when they heard Ji Han's words, they felt inexplicably relieved.

"Okay, just tell the guards what you need to prepare in advance. I will come here to inform you before departure."

With that, Ji Han left the cell. It wasn't until he returned to the zero team building that he remembered, is it really okay for those two grown men to be in the same cell?

After returning to the team building, Ji Han breathed a sigh of relief:

"I've settled the matter with Walter and Field, and they are willing to come out and help."

He also relayed to everyone the situation the two had sued him about.

Eggplant said in surprise:

"I didn't expect those two bastards to help, and they actually fought with the Dracula family. This is really the enemy of my enemy who is my friend."

Liu Dan reminded:

"We can't take it lightly. After all, those guys have no bottom line in what they do. We still can't fully trust them."

Ji Han replied:

"If everyone in the Consciousness-Only Society still loses, it means that the strength of the Dracula family is indeed difficult to estimate."

Song Qian raised her eyes and looked at the vibrating phone, frowned and said:

"So fast?"

"What's the matter? Song Qian."

"Morse and his subordinates are already at headquarters."

Chen Ke was also surprised and said:

"These guys must have arrived too fast. They must have stayed in other countries and rushed over after hearing our news."

Ji Han nodded and said:

"Anyway, since they are here, let's go to their place to understand the situation."

As he spoke, he turned back and waved to the four time guardians.

"Let's go and listen together."

After all, with the Time Guardian around, all the representatives of supernatural powers will give them more face.

Everyone went directly to the living room upstairs, where Captain Ding An had already picked up Moss and the others.

Seeing Ji Han and others arriving, Moss took the initiative to greet him and said in his accented Chinese: At this time, Zhang Si

"Mr. Ji Han, I heard that you needed our help, so we rushed over here without stopping."

Ji Han is no longer in the arrogant and domineering state he was in when he first met him.

Ji Han also stepped forward and greeted him politely:

"Thank you very much for your support. We also happened to find a clue to solve the disaster, but the place is not in the country, so I would like to ask you for advice."

Moss nodded and said:

"Mr. Ji Han, just tell me what you want to know. I will definitely tell you everything."

Ji Hanxin said the same thing, and Ishikawa Cheng seemed to have said the same thing.

"We want to know about the situation in the Bermuda Triangle. I wonder if Mr. Moss is willing to give us some advice?"

Sure enough, as Ji Han and others expected, when he heard the name of the Bermuda Triangle, the smile on Moss's face froze instantly.

————————Digression————Zhi Da Zhi Xiao

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