I Can’t Play This Game Anymore

Chapter 784 Past Events in California

Latest website: Steven has never had the idea of ​​continuing the family line, so he has been alone so far.

Because everything he has in his hands is earned by himself, and he does not want to pass it on to anyone, nor does he want to share it with anyone. If possible, he only hopes that this carefree life can continue forever.

But now he finally has a chance. He knows people in the same circle as him very well.

They may be more afraid of death than themselves, and most of them involve the failure of some body function.

So when he told these people that he could provide them with stable organ replacement, almost everyone became interested.

Especially those rich people who are almost unable to hold on anymore and have not found a suitable organ.

In order to prove that what he said was true, after Steven obtained the sperm that the rich man had saved in advance, he immediately found a surrogate woman.

With the acceleration of that strange stone, the time of pregnancy and delivery was greatly accelerated.

Although it is definitely difficult for the surrogate mother to bear the eventual dystocia, but who cares? What I want is the child.

After the second acceleration of time, the child's organs also matured rapidly.

In order to ensure that what happened here would not spread, Steven hired a doctor from the black market to perform the surgery at a high price.

The surgery and results were perfect, and the rich man's health began to gradually improve.

Steven thus "became famous" in this small circle.

He spent almost no money on the construction of the entire building.

Not only are the rich supporting it, but even those at the top have given the green light all the way.

If it is your child who provides you with organs, this may sound a bit bloody.

But if I say that as long as I provide your sperm, I can save your body that is on the verge of collapse and extend its life again, I am afraid no one will refuse.

The building was built, and wealthy people in need from the small circle flocked in from all over the world.

However, in order to ensure safety, Steven still made some choices among them. After all, once what happened here was exposed, it would be something that would be remembered forever.

Those old people buy healthy organs that can extend their lives, while many rich people just book healthy organs in advance just in case.

Anyway, for them, they just submit a sum of money and come for regular physical examinations. For the continuation of life and health insurance, these contributions are simply not worth mentioning.

In order to make the entire system run more perfectly, Steven also began to improve his private area.

Arrange various facilities around to prevent space teleportation to ensure that no one will discover this place.

By bribing and serving those high-level officials in California, they asked them to sell this land to themselves, and through the relationships accumulated by their own alien organizations, they prevented this place from being investigated again.

In addition to the doctors in the black market, hiring a mercenary team is to prevent attacks from monsters in the other world, and to be careful of other forces coveting your own industry.

Because he had time to prepare, Steven was not prepared to let those children grow up quickly and then push them directly onto the operating table.

It can be seen from the previous surgery that although this rapidly growing body is healthy, it is still somewhat weak in strength.

So Steven decided to simply keep them, take them to grow quickly when needed, and then push them to the operating table like livestock.

He even came up with the lie that "you are the illegitimate children of wealthy parents, and I will take you when the time comes."

On the one hand, of course, it is for the convenience of management, so that these children can wait here obediently; on the other hand, it is to satisfy their own abnormal psychology.

They even provide them with the best food and accommodation, after all, these are their cash cows.

As a person who despises the low-level animal characteristics of biological reproduction from the bottom of his heart, his greatest pleasure is to watch those children who are eager for love and waiting for their parents to pick them up and end up lying on the operating table in fear.

Although others certainly couldn't understand it, this magic-like deception brought him great pleasure.

At this moment, looking at the cage that the mercenaries pulled back from the heavy rain, Steven remembered that he was still alive.

It's ridiculous to think about it. Not long after I organized this thing, I also had a heart problem.

Since there was stock anyway, Steven was not in a hurry for surgery, and a strong heart needed to be exercised, so Steven fortunately asked the mercenaries to pull his child out to do various high-intensity training.

Make sure that the final transplant is a strong and powerful heart.

But that kid is really powerful. He discovered the truth here through his own observations in daily training. Fortunately, the mercenaries found out early and locked him up. Otherwise, if other kids knew about it, it would be more troublesome to manage.

From then on, the mercenaries could only lock the child in the dungeon, and let the child do some activities in chains every day to strengthen his heart vitality. Occasionally, when it was dark, they would take him out for some air.

Hey, that kid really does look like me, but after all, it’s just a use item.

Just as Steven was recalling these past events, a mercenary pushed in the door.

"Sir, I've been tortured for a day and that guy still doesn't say anything."

Steven frowned:

"Hmph, get him some food. Don't kill him. We have plenty of time to spend with him. We must make sure there is no other force behind him."


Seeing the mercenaries exit, Steven also became a little irritable.

Fortunately, I tried to be as airtight as possible on this matter, but someone still leaked the news.

Moreover, it was actually the young housekeeper who was undercover beside him, but he had not done any of these things at that time.

If he hadn't expected that some of their senior executives were also members of his, and had sent his information to him in advance, he might have actually exposed what was going on here.

He was truly a lone wolf. He had to kill seven or eight mercenaries before catching him.

According to the information revealed by their senior management, he was only here to investigate evidence of his previous human trafficking crimes, but to be on the safe side, it was necessary to confirm that there was no one else behind this guy.

Just when Steven wanted to go down and interrogate the guy in person, a gorgeously dressed blond beauty walked in directly. The diamond necklace around her neck also showed her extraordinary status.

After blowing out the smoke, he asked bluntly:

"Steven, do you have any children there? I'm talking about the kind of young girls."

Steven was obviously dissatisfied, but he still pretended to smile and replied:

"Ms. Opatra, I have to remind you that that tree will suck human blood, so no matter what kind of girl is attached to it, it will eventually die."

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