I Created the Myth of the Old Ruler

Nine hundred and fifty-two. Ending

The light and shadow of the movie shone on her face, reflecting a slightly indifferent expression.

"It's not bad. At least it allows me to see here instead of turning around and leaving in the middle."

Lu Tan commented.

"That's good."

Amber responded. She didn't say much to Lu Tian, ​​but just sat next to him and watched the movie quietly.

Many times, people don't need too many words between each other. Two people are doing their own things, making subtle noises, and confirming each other's existence, which is reassuring enough.

For each individual, life is always a lonely adventure, and everyone is a passer-by.

But there will always be some people who can accompany you longer.

"I'm moving forward."

Amber suddenly said.

Lu Tran looked at her. The girl didn't look over here, she just stared straight at the movie screen.

It's like, if you look back, it's hard to say goodbye.


Lu Tiao responded.

Amber stood up and moved slowly in the direction of leaving. She took two steps and suddenly paused again. Some kind of hesitation entangled her, but in the end, she clenched her fists and left without looking back.

Lu Tan breathed a sigh of relief.

"This movie is pretty good."

In the opposite direction from where Amber left, a lively voice sounded.

Lu Tiao turned his head and saw Baobao squatting on a chair, watching a movie in an unsightly posture. Her eyes were shining like a child full of expectation.

"You are the only one who knows how to watch movies like this."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you can watch good content, it's absolutely fine to watch it while lying down, lying on your stomach, or even while falling asleep."

Leopard said disdainfully.

"How do you watch it when you're asleep?"

Lu Tan asked subconsciously.

"Of course I'm watching it in a dream. Aren't we in a dream now?"

Leopard said matter-of-factly.


Lu Tan nodded.

"However, next time I have to ask for a role with an important role, such as a girl with the ultimate weapon, a humanoid computer with an angel heart, etc. She is beautiful, strong and miserable."

Leopard said as if he was eating a peach again.

"There are quite a lot of requirements."

Lu Tian thought for a while and agreed.

"I will try my best."


Leopard said, climbed off the chair and stood up.

"Then I'll leave first. There are several others waiting for you later."

She waved her hand in a cool gesture.

"You ended up finishing the movie."

The voice came from beside Lu Tian. Feng Yu pushed her loose hair behind her ears. She turned her head and looked at Lu Tian.

"This is the only thing I can do."

Lu Tan chuckled lightly and answered.

"I really want to continue traveling, but it seems that the end of the journey is here."

Feng Yu sighed.

"It's the end and it's the starting point."

Lu Tan corrected.

"That's right, but I have to go alone next."

Feng Yu said and smiled again.

"I wonder if I will meet someone like you again in the rest of my journey."

"Then I think it's better not to meet him."

Lu Tan laughed to himself.

"That's really... lonely."

Feng Yu sighed.

She stared at the movie screen, calmed down her emotions, and finally looked at Lu Tian.

"The movie is very good, and I really want to keep watching it, but all movies have to have an ending after all, so that's it."

She said, the picture of the movie became dim, and the whole cinema fell into silence. The couple who were still rubbing their hands could not help but be attracted by the plot and stopped what they were doing.

After a short period of depressing drama, the scene became bright again. Feng Yu beside Lu Tiao had disappeared, replaced by a petite girl.

"So what is the use of my character?"

Qin Tiantian protested slightly dissatisfied.

"Settle the atmosphere?"

Lu Tan also said uncertainly.

"Don't I have some hidden identity, like a blind and foolish god, or is the whole world just a dream of mine?"

Qin Tiantian asked.

"Wouldn't that be too boring?"

Lu Tan replied seriously.

"Every character doesn't have to be so bitter and hateful. At least everyone can feel relieved when they see you, right?"

"In other words, I'm a trap used in horror movies to make the audience take it lightly, right?"

The queen of Qin Tian realized later.

"Where did you learn this knowledge?"

Lu Tiao frowned.

"Forget it, next time you come to see me, you must give me an identity that is particularly powerful, full of twists and turns, ups and downs, exciting, and soul-stirring!"

Qin Tiantian emphasized.

"It's a bit difficult."

Lu Tiao touched his chin.

"I believe you can do it, after all, you are the director!"

Qin Tiantian patted Lu Tiao's shoulder and nodded as if he was reassured.

Lu Tan wanted to say something more, but she had disappeared.

"It's almost the end."


Two voices, one from the left and one from the right, sounded from both sides of Lu Tiao.

He looked and saw that it was Shia and Drizzt.

"It's time for the starring role to appear."

Lu Tan said.

"Yeah, it's a pity that I couldn't show off my power in the end and have some highlight scenes."

Drizzt scratched his head.

"You don't have to highlight it all the time. I think it's just right now."

Shia commented.

"Thank you both for your hard work."

Lu Tan looked to his left and then to his right.

"I'm quite happy to be able to star in this movie."

Drizzt rubbed his nose.

"Yeah, I thought it was pretty ordinary at first, but I didn't expect it to be surprisingly good."

Shia also sighed and looked at Lu Tan again.

"If there is an opportunity in the future, he must cooperate with us again. Well, he should think about it again."

"Why did I just think about it again? I thought I acted very well."

Drizzt protested.

"It's all good, it's all good."

Lu Tan reassured that the movie was about to come to an end, and the climax of everything had been passed. The protagonists worked hard and defeated all the enemies. Next, under the reflection of the sunset, the protagonist team drove into the distance.

A very happy ending.

"Then it's time for us to leave."

Shia said.

"I believe that one day, we will definitely meet again somewhere in this world."

Drizzt patted Lu Tiao on the shoulder.


The last ray of sunset disappeared into the horizon, and Lu Jian saw the screen plunge into darkness, and the cast was about to rise.

He saw the people he met along the way, all standing in front of the movie screen.

Some of them were happy, some were sad, some laughed, and some cried, but they were all in front of the movie curtain and did not go to the audience.

They looked at Lu Tiao as if they were saying goodbye.

"The end has come."

Lu Tan said.

The entire cinema fell into silent darkness, like a silent sleep.

Immediately, the closing lights came on.

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