I! Dandy Celestial Dragon

Chapter 103 What is he planning?

Not only his fist stopped, but his whole body seemed to be frozen.

Hovering in the air, like a sculpture.

"Brother Quinn?" Jack below was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Quinn himself was puzzled: "What is controlling my body?"

Ledio quickly realized what was going on, and he whispered: "Doflamingo's String-String Fruit? Has Quinn's body been controlled? That guy, I thought I would have run away long ago. Count on loyalty"

"No, it should be said that he noticed it and helped me, a smart guy.

Quinn has never played against Doflamingo.

Prior to this, they were still a cooperative relationship, so they fell into doubts.

However, this doubt did not last long, because Dover's String-String Fruit bondage did not control the powerful Quinn for too long.

To put it bluntly, the strength of the two is not at the same level at all, otherwise Dover would not hide and be unwilling to come forward. 14

Ledio said, "Damn it, it won't last long. Dover is unwilling to show up. Even if he shows up, it won't help. There is only one way to win."

With a bang, Quinn's body fell to the ground.

He broke free from the shackles of the line and stood firmly on the ground.

"I don't know what the hell you are doing, but you are lucky." Quinn said to Ledio: "Next, you won't be so lucky!"

Quinn raised his mechanical left arm.

The mechanism on the robotic arm turned for a while, and the twelve barrels around the arm stretched out, and the entire robotic arm turned into a machine gun!

"Try a machine gun with Haki as ammunition! 300 rounds of Haki bullets per second, I see if you can stop it!"

With that, the robotic arm began to rotate.

And Ledio also noticed the Haki that was converging in the robotic arm.

"Using Haki as ammunition!? The robotic arm is really not easy, and with 300 rounds per second, it is impossible to avoid it..."

"Take it to death! The rain curtain!!!"

Quinn roared, followed by a burst of machine gun fire.

The black bullets condensed by Haki hit the front like a storm, and all the bullets gathered together like a dark aurora.

In the blink of an eye, the terrace where Ledio was standing still turned into a puddle of mud and collapsed.

"Did you kill it?" Jack said, "As expected of Big Brother Quinn."

But Quinn's face was not happy: "Idiot, don't just look with your eyes, use your Haki to perceive it! That guy, escaped."


Jack was taken aback for a moment, and was busy using Observation Haki to perceive it.

There was indeed no trace of Ledio in the ruins.

"Sure enough... how could that guy escape the rain curtain of Brother Quinn!?"

Quinn raised his head and looked at the canopy of the tall mangrove tree outside the auction venue through the roof that he had penetrated when he appeared on the scene.

"The guy in the way is here."

On the top of the tree canopy, Ledio looked at the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Good risk." He turned his head back: "Thank you, Momousagi. Your speed is faster than I thought."

Momousagi put his hands on his chest and closed his eyes with a reluctant expression on his face.

"Do you know that you almost became a pool of meat!?" Momousagi said sullenly.

Ledio smiled slightly: "Isn't it impossible.

Momousagi opened his eyes and walked to Ledio: "Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what the consequences will be if you provoke the madmen under Kaido?"

"Huh? Are you caring about me?

Momousagi Tsundere turned around and said, "If it wasn't for the marshal's order, I wouldn't bother to care about you!"

Ledio didn't seem worried at all: "I know you will be there."

"You know? Don't say it as if you know everything! Ledio, although you usually have no one with Zhang Domineering, I didn't expect you to make fun of your life!"

"Joke about my life? I'm not that stupid. You just have to watch it, watch it with me here, and you will understand."

Ledio's face was full of confidence, but Momousagi was a little confused.

What exactly is the Celestial Dragons in front of me planning?

Could he even count his life as part of the plan without changing his face?

Above the ground, Quinn and Jack can basically lock the two breaths on the top of the mangrove canopy.

"Ledio is indeed on there, but there is another strong aura Jack said.

Quinn frowned, and he was a little impatient with the three missed attacks.

He raised his mechanical left arm to the sturdy trunk of the mangrove, and said, "Then I will get them down! These two guys are rain curtains!"

With that, Quinn’s robotic arm once again fired a dense Haki bullet barrage.

But at the same moment, a burst of cold air suddenly hit

"Ice Wall!"

Just listening to a 720 high drink, a huge ice wall from nowhere was directly blocked between Quinn's barrage and the mangrove tree.

Haki's bullet hit the ice wall. Although it left countless bumps and bumps on the ice wall, none of the bullets passed through the ice wall!

"That is!" Jack was shocked.

Quinn also squinted his eyes and said, "It can actually block my Haki bullets. That's not ordinary ice. There is only one person who can make this kind of thing. Don't hide, come out, Aokiji!

Before Quinn's words fell, a tall and thin figure walked out slowly on the other end of the ice wall.

No one else, this person is Aokiji.

Aokiji scratched the curly hair on the back of his head, looking sleepy.

"It's really troublesome, it seems like a very powerful guy. Then, Mr. Pirate, can you please be here and raise your hand to surrender?"

Across the thick ice wall, Aokiji looked at Quinn with sleepy eyes, and even yawned.

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